31-32. EFFECTS OF ADVERSE MOON’S DASA. If the Moon is evil, in her Dasa there will be fear in family, misunderstanding with one’s family members, difficulties, loss of wealth, enmity with royal assembly, sleep, indolence, evils through women and grief.
33-34. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE MARS DASA. During the Dasa of favourable Mars, one will gain through kings, fire, thieves, enemies, snakes, poison, weapons, confinements, fictitious articles, lands, goats, buffaloes, copper, gold, prostitutes, gambling, intoxicants, pungent articles/juices, wealth and grains.
35-36 EFFECTS OF ADVERSE MARS DASA. During the Dasa of evil Mars, there will be enmity with friends, wife, children and brothers, sufferances from thirst, swooning, bloody defects, loss of limbs and wounds. There will be attachment to others’ wives and irreligious acts, followed by aversion to elders and to truth. Bilious excesses will trouble the subject.
37-39. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE MERCURY DASA. In the Dasa of favourable Mercury, there will be gains via friends, children, wealth, king, businessmen, priests, gambling etc. The native will acquire horses, lands, gold, fame, ambassadorship, limitless happiness, fortunes, high intelligence, fame, success in religious activities, fond of amusement, destruction of foes and enthusiasm in mathematics and drawings.
40. EFFECTS OF ADVERSE MERCURY S DASA. If Mercury is evil, in the concerned Dasa the native will be tormented by imbalances of the three temperaments (viz. bile, phlegm and wind), hard disposition, imprisonment, mental grief and excitement.
41-43. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE JUPITER’S DASA. If Jupiter is favourable, the native in that Dasa will gain through ministers (or advisers), kings, dances and states manship. He will gain honours, virtues, courage, wide friend ship, life partner, gold, quadrupeds, conveyances, auspicious acts, destruction of enemies, royal acquiantance and will obtain wealth through public, king, businessmen and elders.
44. EFFECTS OF ADVERSE JUPITER’S DASA. If Jupiter be inauspicious one will in such Dasa have physical defects, excessive grief, lameness, diseases of the stomach and ears, loss of semen and marrow and fear from kings.
45-46. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE VENUS DASA. If Venus is auspicious one will in the Dasa be successful and will gain lands, residences, bed comforts, wife, garlands, robes, good food, fame, happiness and treasure. He will have liking for music, will develop acqaintance with females, will gain through kings and lands, will derive wisdom, desired happiness and friends and gains through articles used for sexual enjoyments.
47. EFFECTS OF UNFAVORABLE VENUS DASA. If Venus is inauspicious the native will in the Dasa have litigations with virtuous people, will have troubles from conveyances, furniture, females and kings and will develop intimacy with unsocial elements.
48-49. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE SATURN’S DASA. If Saturn is favourable in his Dasa the native will gain camels, asses etc., association with unchaste, or old ladies, gain through pulses, sesamum and grains eaten by poor people, leadership over villages and iron etc. His people will acquire a permanent position.
50-51. EFFECTS OF ADVERSE SATURN’S DASA. If Saturn is adverse, there will be loss of conveyances, excitement, enmity, separation from wife and other family members, loss in battles, liking for intoxicants and gambling, windy diseases, loss of meritorious acts, confinement, lassitude, affliction to limbs and enmity with children and servants.
52. The good and bad effects for the Dasas have been explained above in a general manner. Narrated below are the effects arising out of special considerations.
53. SUN’S DASA. There are five kinds of placements, which enable us to derive five different types of Sun’s Dasa. These positions are: exaltation, fall, Moolatrikona, Angle and enemy’s Sign.
54-59. The Sun in Ascendant gives kingdom during his Dasa; while posited in other Kendras ruled by inimical planets there will be disorders of hip, throat and eyes. Debilitated Sun in his Dasa causes destruction of eyes, fever and head disorders, confinement, leprosy and other disorders. If the Sun is exalted, there will be gain of kingdom with royal insignia in such Dasa. Apart, there will be acquisition of elephants, steeds etc.
The Dasa of the Sun placed in his Moolatrikona will indicate destruction of all kinds of miseries and leadership of large provinces. In the Dasa of the Sun placed in inimical Sign, one will incur affliction of eyes, hump-back, disorders caused by fire, facial diseases and humiliation due to misconduct. The 8th House placement of the Sun will cause in his Dasa affliction to the entire body and wanderings in various countries.
60-65. MOON’S DASA. The Moon’s Dasa is generally differentiated in six categories, viz. exalted, debilitated, friendly Sign, inimical Sign and diminishing and increasing Moon’s Dasas. The different dignities of the Moon give following results in the Dasa concerned: exaltedkingdom, debilitated death, inimical Sign confinement, friendly Sign association with own men, decreasing Moon fever and disorders of abdomen, head and eyes.
If the Moon is full and is endowed with strength, in such Dasa the native will be surrounded by thousands of superior females. If she be relegated to the 8th House, the native in such Dasa will be humiliated by his own men, will live through machinery, grass, firewood, cowdung, bamboo, medicinal plants, fruits and water. He will acquire only deteriorated food and rags and even a king will have to resort to servitude.
66-68. OTHER PLACEMENT OF PLANETS. Those exalted in the Ascendant confer rulership of a province in their Dasas, while those in exaltation in other Angles will bestow, wealth, conveyances and rulership of a country. If a planet is in the 6th, the native will be subjected to evils, misfortunes etc. In the Dasa of a planet placed in the 8th, death will be inflicted.
There will only be confinement in the Dasa of a combust planet. The Dasa of a retrograde planet will cause wanderings, like that of a wheel, evils and enmity. This applies only to malefics in retrogression, but not to benefics.