41. Diva Bala and Ratri Bala. A planet, that has Diva Bala, or Ratri Bala, is capable of conferring lands, elephants etc. Such a native defeats his enemies with courage and achieves kingdom and wealth.
42. Effects of Lord of Year etc. The Lords of the year, month, week and Hora improve two-fold in their Dasas happiness, wealth and fame. That is the Lord of the month gives two-fold results, as against year Lord, the week Lord two-fold of month Lord and the Hora Lord two-fold of week Lord.
43. Effects of Paksha Bala. A planet with Paksha Bala destroys enemies and confers diamonds, robes, conveyances, wife, gold, land and fame.
44. Effects of a Planet with all Sources of Strengths. Should a planet have all kinds of strengths stated so far and be bright with unobscured rays, it confers kingdom exceeding the desires of the native.
45. Benefic Planets with all-round Strength. If at birth benefic planets possess all-round strength, the native will have good habits, be truthful, upright, beautiful, splendourous and be an expert in all deeds, respectful towards the wise and Gods and will be blessed with scents, garlands, robes, ornaments etc.
46. Malefics with all-round Strength. Should malefics be with such all-round strength at birth, the native will be a miser, will do bad acts, be selfish, jealous of virtuous people, intent on promoting quarrels, wicked, torturous, dirty, ungrateful, slanderous and ugly.
47-50. Planetary Stages and Effects thereof. It is boyhood, if a planet is in its own House, or friendly House. In Mulatrikona Rāśi, it is in youth and in adolescence in exaltation. It is said to be in old stage, if it occupies an inimical House. A planet in debilitation is in extrimis. The corresponding effects are felt in the respective planetary Dashas, i.e. periods. The results for such stages are, respectively, happiness, virtue, kingdom, sickness with debts and death, or expenses.
51-52. Effects of Planets in Odd and Even Rāśis. A planet in odd Rāśi with strength makes the native courageous and a warrior. If it is weak in odd Rāśi, the native is cruel and dull-witted. A planet in even Rāśi gives soft nature, fear for quarrels, love for water, flowers and clothes, good fortune, health and protection of own men.
Thus ends the 5th Ch. Miscellaneous Matters in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali
Ch. 6. (Yoga) Karakas
1. Karaka Planets. Planets posited in own House, Mulatrikona, or exaltation and simultaneously in Angles become mutual Karakas, or significators. Such kind of Yoga Karakas (co-workers) are counted only in regard to Lagna’s Angles. This view is held by Acharya Hari.
2. For example Saturn in Libra, while Cancer Ascendant containing Jupiter and the Moon and Mars with the Sun in Aries become mutual Karakas.
3. Planets posited in exaltation, friendly Rāśi, own Rāśi, or Amsa also become Karakas. The Sun in the 10th, as above, becomes greatly significant. This is Chanakya’s opinion.
4. Planets though not in Vargas, like own House, become Karakas, if they are in Lagna, 4th, 10th, or even the 11th. But this view is not acceptable to great sages.
5-6. Effects of Karakas. Even though a person may be born in base strata, he will become chief, if he has Karaka Grahas. One born in royal family without doubt becomes a king in such a case. While analyzing the Yogas, such Karakatwas are along important and effects should be declared only on that basis.
Thus ends the 6th Ch. entitled Karakadhyaya in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali
Ch. 7. Planetary Indications
1. Lord of Week-Day etc. The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn rule the week-days etc. Whichever planet becomes the Lord of the first week-day in the month of Aswina in the year of Aswina, will become the Lord of month and year.
2-3. The fourth planet counted from the Lord of the first year rules the second year. Similar counting of fourth Lords for the subsequent years should be made to know the Lords thereof. There are 24 Horas (planetary hours) in each day (from one Sun-rise to the next). The first Hora is ruled by the Lord of the week day, while the subsequent ones are ruled by the Lords of the sixth week-days thereof. Thirty (Savana) days make one (Savana) month. To know the Lord of the week-day in particular month, the months past should be multiplied by 30, increased by one and divided by 7. The remainder represents the Lord of the week-day counted from the earlier week-day Lord.
4. A Savana month has 30 days and each month, viz. Chaitra, Vaisakha etc., commences with the first day of Bright half and ends with the 30th Thiti (Amavasya).
5-6. Bhava Effects. The good effects relating to a Bhava can be better reaped, if an enterprise relating to that Bhava is started in an Ascendant ruled by the Lord of that Bhava, or, when the Lord thereof is in an Upachaya House, or on the week-day, Hora, year, or month ruled by that Bhava Lord. The good effects will be 25% by year Lord, 50% by
month Lord, 75% by Lord of week and 100% by Hora Lord.
7-13. Planet’s Rulerships. The Sun rules snakes, wool, hills, gold, weapons, poison, fire, medicines, kings, Aryas (foreigners in general), river banks, forest, wood and Mantras. The Moon indicates poets, flowers, eatables, beads, silver, conch, salt, water, arrow, robes, ornaments, females, Ghī, sesamum, oil and sleep. Mars rules blood, copper, Army, red cloth. Mercury minerals, earth, king, destruction, swooning, bile and thieves.
Mercury rules Veda, writing, sculpture, medicines, expertise, ministership, speech, jokes, birds, couples, fame, Vanaspathi (a large forest tree, which bears fruit apparently without any blossoms) and gold. Jupiter rules auspiciousness, virtue, physical stoutness, prowess, preceptorship, deputation, city, state (province), gold, bed, conveyance, position, grains, residence and sons. Venus rules diamonds, ornaments, marriage, scents, friends, wreaths, females, cow dung, diagnosis (apart from meaning diagnosis also indicates end, purity, rope to tying up a calf etc.), education, sexual enjoyment and gold.
Saturn is Karaka for lead, zinc, black metals, inferior grains, dead relatives, fools, servants, mean women, salable goods, poor people and self-restraint (apart from meaning self-restraint also means investing with sacred thread, which is in vogue to give “second birth” to Brahmins).
14-15. Planetary Places. The Sun rules Kalinga (a Coromandel district), the Moon Yavana (Greek, Mohamedan, or European countries), Venus plain river banks, Jupiter Sindhu (Indus), Mercury Magadha (southern part of Bihar), Saturn Saurashtra (Gujarat), Mars Ujjain and the nodes Dravida country (five tribes: Dravida, Karnataka, Gūrjara, Maharashtra and Tailanga). Thus ends the 7th Ch. entitled Karakadhyaya in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.