HYMN CXI. Soma Pavamana.
1. WITH this his golden splendour purifying him, he with his own allies subdues all enemies, as Sara with his own allies.
Cleansing himself with stream of juice he shines forth yellow-hued and red, when with the praisers he encompasses all forms, with praisers having seven mouths.
2. That treasure of the Panis thou discoveredst; thou with thy mothers deckest thee in thine abode, with songs of worship in thine home.
As ’twere from far, the hymn is heard, where holy songs resound in joy. He with the ruddy-hued, threefold hath won life-power, he, glittering, hath won life-power.
3. He moves intelligent, directed to the East. The very beauteous car rivals the beams of light, the beautiful celestial car.
Hymns, lauding manly valour, came, inciting Indra to success, that ye may be unconquered, both thy bolt and thou, both be unconquered in the war.
HYMN CXII. Soma Pavamana.
1. WE all have various thoughts and plans, and diverse are the ways of men.
The Brahman seeks the worshipper, wright seeks the cracked, and leech the maimed. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
2. The smith with ripe and seasoned plants, with feathers of the birds of air,
With stones, and with enkindled flames, seeks him who hath a store of gold. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
3. A bard am I, my dad’s a leech, mammy lays corn upon the stones.
Striving for wealth, with varied plans, we follow our desires like kine. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
4 The horse would draw an easy car, gay hosts attract the laugh and jest.
The male desires his mate’s approach, the frog is eager for the flood, Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
HYMN CXIII. Soma Pavamana.
1. LET Vrtra-slaying Indra drink Soma by Saryanavan’s side,
Storing up vigour in his heart, prepared to do heroic deeds. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
2. Lord of the Quarters, flow thou on, boon Soma, from Arjika land,
Effused with ardour and with faith, and the true hymn of sacrifice. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
3. Hither hath Surya’s Daughter brought the wild Steer whom Parjanya nursed.
Gandharvas have seized bold of him, and in the Soma laid the juice. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
4. Splendid by Law! declaring Law, truthspeaking, truthful in thy works,
Enouncing faith, King Soma! thou, O Soma, whom thy maker decks. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
5. Together flow the meeting streams of him the Great and truly Strong.
The juices of the juicy meet. Made pure by prayer, O Golden-hued, flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
6. O Pavamana, where the priest, as he recites the rhythmic prayer,
Lords it o’er Soma with the stone, with Soma bringing forth delight, flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
7. O Pavarnana, place me in that deathless, undecaying world
Wherein the light of heaven is set, and everlasting lustre shines. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
8. Make me immortal in that realm where dwells the King, Vivasvan’s Son,
Where is the secret shrine of heaven, where are those waters young and fresh. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
9. Make me immortal in that realm where they move even as they list,
In the third sphere of inmost heaven where lucid worlds are full of light. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
10. Make me immortal in that realm of eager wish and strong desire,
The region of the radiant Moon, where food and full delight are found. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake:
11. Make me immortal in that realm where happiness and transports, where
Joys and felicities combine, and longing wishes are fulfilled. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
HYMN CXIV. Soma Pavamana.
1. THE man who waIketh as the Laws of Indu Pavamana bid,-
Men call him rich in children, him, O Soma, who hath met thy thought. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
2. Kasyapa, Rsi, lifting up thy voice with hymn-composers’ lauds,
Pav reverence to King Soma born the Sovran Ruler of the plants. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
3. Seven regions have their several Suns; the ministering priests are seven;
Seven are the Aditya Deities,-with these, O Soma, guard thou us. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.
4. Guard us with this oblation which, King Soma, hath been dressed for thee.
Let not malignity conquer us, let nothing evil do us harm. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra’s sake.