HYMN LVII. Soma Pavamana.
1. THY streams that never fail or waste flow forth like showers of rain from heaven,
To bring a thousand stores of strength.
2. He flows beholding on his way all wellbeloved sacred lore,
Green-tinted, brandishing his, arms.
3. He, when the people deck him like a docile king of elephants.
Sits as a falcon in the, wood.
4. So bring thou hitherward to us, Indu, while thou art purified,
All treasures both of heaven and earth.
HYMN LVIII. Soma Pavamana.
1. SWIFT runs this giver of delight, even the stream of flowing juice:
Swift runs this giver of delight.
2. The Morning knows all precious things, the Goddess knows her grace to man:
Swift runs this giver of delight.
3. We have accepted thousands from Dhvasra’s and Purusanti’s hands:
Swift runs this giver of delight.
4. From whom we have accepted thus thousands and three times ten beside:
Swift runs this giver of delight.
HYMN LIX. Soma Pavamana.
1. FLOW onward, Soma, winning kine, and steeds, and all that gives delight:
Bring hither wealth with progeny.
2. Flow onward from the waters, flow, inviolable, from the plants:
Flow onward from the pressing-boards.
3. Soma, as Pavamana, pass over all trouble and distress:
Sit on the sacred grass, a Sage.
4. Thou, Pavamana, foundest light; thou at thy birth becamest great:
O Indu, thou art over all.
HYMN LX. Soma Pavamana.
1. SING forth and laud with sacred song most active Pavamana, laud
Indu who sees with thousand eyes.
2. Thee who hast thousand eyes to see, bearer of thousand burthens, they
Have filtered through the fleecy cloth.
3. He, Pavamana, hath streamed through the fleece then: he runs into the jars,
Finding his way to Indra’s heart.
4. That Indra may be bounteous, flow, most active Soma, for our weal:
Bring genial seed with progeny.
HYMN LXI. Soma Pavamana.
1. FLOW onward, Indu, with this food for him who in thy wild delight
Battered the nine-and-ninety down,
2. Smote swiftly forts, and gambara, then Yadu and that Turvaga,
For pious Divodasa’s sake.
3. Finder of horses, pour on us horses and
wealth in kine and gold,
And, Indu, food in boundless store.
4. We seek to win thy friendly love, even Pavamana’s flowing o’er
The limit of the cleansing sieve.
5. With those same waves which in their stream oyerflow the purifying sieve,
Soma; be gracious unto us.
6. O Soma, being purified, bring us from all sides,-for thou canst,-
Riches and food with hero sons.
7. Him here, the Child whom streams have borne, the ten swift fingers beautify
With the Adityas is he seen.
8. With Indra and with Vayu he, effused, flows onward with,the beams
Of Surya to the cleansing sieve.
9. Flow rich in sweets and lovely for our Bhaga, Vayu, Pusan flow
For Mitra and for Varuna.
10. High is thy juice’s birth: though set in heaven, on earth it hath obtained
Strong sheltering power and great renown.
11. Striving to win, with him we gain all wealth from the ungodly man,
Yea, all the glories of mankind.
12. Finder of room and freedom, flow for Indra whom we must adore,
For Varuna and the Marut host.
13. The Gods have come to Indu well-descended, beautified with milk,
The active crusher of the foe.
14. Even as mother cows their calf, so let our praise-songs strengthen him,
Yea, him who winneth Indra’s heart.
15. Soma, pour blessings on our kine, pour forth the food that streams with milk
Increase the sea that merits laud.
16. From heaven hath Pavamana made, as ’twere, the marvellous thunder, and
The lofty light of all mankind.
17. The gladdening and auspicious juice of thee, of Pavamana, King!
Flows o’er the woollen straining-cloth.
18. Thy juice, O Pavamana, sends its rays abroad like splendid skill,
Like lustre, all heaven’s light, to see.
19. Flow onward with that juice of thine most excellent, that brings delight,
Slaying the wicked, dear to Gods.
20. Killing the foeman and his hate, and winning booty every day,
Gainer art thou of steeds and kine.
21. Red-hued, be blended with the milk that seems to yield its lovely breast,
Falcon-like resting in thine home.
22. Flow onward thou who strengthenedst Indra to slaughter Vrtra who
Compassed and stayed the mighty floods.
23. Soma who rainest gifts, may we win riches with our hero sons:
Strengthen, as thou art cleansed, our hymns.
24. Aided by thee, and through thy grace, may we be slayers when we war:
Watch, Soma, at our solemn rites.
25. Chasing our foemen, driving off the godless, Soma flowcth on,
Going to Indra’s special place.
26. O Pavamana, hither bring great riches, and destroy our foes:
O Indu, grant heroic fame.
27. A hundred obstacles have ne’er checked
thee when fain to give thy boons,
When, being cleansed, thou combatest.
28. Indu, flow on, a mighty juice; glorify us among the folk:
Drive all our enemies away.
29. Indu, in this thy friendship most lofty and glorious may we
Subdue all those who war with us.
30. Those awful weapons that thou hast, sharpened at point to strike men down-
Guard us therewith from every foe.
HYMN LXII. Soma Pavamana.
1. THESE rapid Soma-drops have been poured through the purifying sieve
To bring us all felicities.
2. Dispelling manifold mishap, giving the courser’s progeny,
Yea, and the warrior steed, success.
3. Bringing prosperity to kine, they make perpetual Ila flow
To us for noble eulogy.
4. Strong, mountain-born, the stalk hath been
pressed in the streams for rapturous joy:
Hawk-like he settles in his home.
5. Fair is the God-loved juice; the plant is washed in waters, pressed by men
The milch-kine sweeten it with milk.
6. As drivers deck a courser, so have they adorned the meath’s juice for
Ambrosia, for the festival.
7. Thou, Indu, with thy streams that drop sweet juices, which were poured for
Hast settled in the cleansing sieve.
8. So flow thou onward through the fleece, for Indra flow, to be his drink,
Finding thine home in vats of wood.
9. As giving room and freedom, as most sweet, pour butter forth and milk,
O Indu, for the Angirases.
10. Most active and benevolent, this Pavamana, sent to us
For lofty friendship, meditates.
11. Queller of curses, mighty, with strong sway, this Pavamana shall
Bring treasures to the worshipper.
12. Pour thou upon us thousandfold possessions, both of kine and steeds,
Exceeding glorious, much-desired.
13. Wandering far, with wise designs, the juice here present is effused,
Made beautiful by living men.
14. For Indra flows the gladdening drink, the measurer of the region, Sage,
With countless wealth and endless help.
15. Born on the inountain, lauded here, Indu for Indra is set down,
As in her sheltering nest a bird.
16. Pressed by the men, as ’twere to war hath Soma Pavamana sped,
To test with might within the vats.
17. That he may move, they yoke him to the three-backed triple-seated car
By the Seven Rsis’ holy songs.
18. Drive ye that Tawny Courser, O ye pressers, on his way to war,
Swift Steed who carries off the spoil.
19. Pouring all glories hither, he, effused and entering the jar,
Stands like a hero mid the kine.
20. Indu, the living men milk out the juice to make the rapturous draught:
Gods for the Gods milk out the meath.
21. Pour for the Gods into the sieve our Soma very rich in sweets,
Him whom the Gods most gladly hear.
22. Into his stream who gladdens best these Soma juices have been poured,
Lauded with songs for lofty fame.
23. Thou flowest to enjoy the milk, and bringest valour, being cleansed:
Winning the spoil flow hitherward.
24. And, hymned by Jamadagnis, let all nourishment that kine supply,
And general praises, flow to us.
25. Soma, as leader of the song flow onward with thy wondrous aids,
For holy lore of every kind.
26. Do thou as leader of the song, stirring the waters of the sea,
Flow onward, thou who movest all.
27. O Soma, O thou Sage, these worlds stand ready to attest thy might:
For thy behoof the rivers flow.
28. Like showers of rain that fall from heaven thy streams perpetually flow
To the bright fleece spread under them.
29. For potent Indra purify Indu effectual and strong,
Enjoyment-giver, Mighty Lord.
30. Soma, true, Pavamana, Sage, is seated in the cleansing sieve,
Giving his praiser hero strength.
HYMN LXIII. Soma Pavanana.
1. POUR hitherward, O Soma, wealth in thousands and heroic strength,
And keep renown secure for us.
2. Thou makest food and vigour swell for Indra, best of gladdeners!
Within the cups thou seatest thee.
3. For Indra and for Visnu poured, Soma hath flowed into the jar:
May Vayu find it rich in sweets.
4. These Somas swift and brown of hue, in stream of solemn sacrifice
Have flowed through twisted obstacles,
5. Performing every noble work, active, augmenting Indra’s strength,
Driving away the godless ones.
6. Brown Soma-drops, effused that seek Indra, to their appropriate place
Flow through the region hitherward.
7. Flow onward with that stream of thine wherewith thou gavest Surya light,
Urging on waters good to men.
8. He, Pavamana, high o’er man yoked the Sun’s courser Etasa
To travel through the realm of air.
9. And those ten Coursers, tawny-hued, he harnessed that the Sun might come
Indu, he said, is Indra’s self.
10. Hence, singers, pour the gladdeningjuice to Vayu and to Indra, pour
The drops upon the fleecy cloth.
11. O Soma Pavamana, find wealth for us not to be assailed,
Wealth which the foeman may not win.
12. Send riches hither with thy stream in thousands, both of steeds and kine,
Send spoil of war and high renown.
13. Soma the God, expressed with stones, like Surya, floweth on his way,
Pouring the juice within the jar.
14. These brilliant drops have poured for us, in stream of solemn sacrifice,
Worshipful laws and strength in kine.
15. Over the cleansing sieve have flowed the Somas, blent with curdled milk,
Effused for Indra Thunder-armed.
16. Soma, do thou most rich in sweets, a gladdening drink most dear to Gods,
Flow to the sieve to bring us wealth.
17. For Indra, living men adorn the Tawny Courser in the streams, Indu, the giver of delight.
18. Pour for us, Soma, wealth in gold, in horses and heroic sons,
Bring hither strength in herds of kine.
19. For Indra pour ye on the fleece him very sweet to taste, who longs.
For battle as it were in war.
20. The singers, seeking help, adorn the Sage who must be decked with songs:
Loud bellowing the Steer comes on,
21. The singers with their thoughts and hymns have, in the stream of sacrifice,
Caused Soma, active Steer, to roar.
22. God, working with mankind, flow on; to Indra go thy gladdening juice:
To Vayu mount as Law commands
23. O Soma, Pavamana, thou pourest out wealth that brings renown:
Enter the lake, as one we love.
24. Soma thou flowest chasing foes and bringing wisdom and delight:
Drive off the folk who love not Gods.
25. The Pavamanas have been poured, the brilliant drops of Soma juice,
For holy lore of every kind.
26. The Pavamanas have been shed, the beautiful swift Soma-drops,
Driving all enemies afar.
27. From, heaven, from out the firmament, hath Pavamana been effused
Upon the summit of the earth.
28. O Soma, Indu, very wise, drive, being purified, with thy stream
All foes, all Raksasas away.
29. Driving the Raksasas afar, O Soma, bellowing, pour for us
Most excellent and splendid strength.
30. Soma, do thou secure for us the treasures of the earih and heaven,
Indu, all boons to be desired.