Translator Ralph T.H. Griffith
HYMN LXVI. Soma Pavamana.
1. FOR holy lore of every sort, flow onward thou whom all men love.
A Friend to be besought by friends.
2. O’er all thou rulest with these Two which, Soma Pavamana, stand,
Turned, as thy stations, hitherward.
3. Wise Soma Pavamana, thou encompassest on every side
Thy stations as the seasons come.
4. Flow onward, generating food, for precious boons of every kind,
A Friend for friends, to be our help.
5. Upon the lofty ridge of heaven thy bright rays with their essences,
Soma, spread purifying power.
6. O Soma, these Seven Rivers flow, as being thine, to give command:
The Streams of milk run forth to thee.
7. Flow onward, Soma in a stream, effused to gladden Indra’s heart,
Bringing imperishable fame.
8. Driving thee in Vivasvan’s course, the Seven Sisters with their hymns
Made melody round thee the Sage.
9. The virgins deck thee o’er fresh streams to drive thee to the sieve when thou,
A singer, bathest in the wood.
10. The streams of Pavamana, thine, Sage, Mighty One, have pouredthem forth.
Like coursers eager for renown.
11. They have been poured upon the fleece towards the meath-distilling vat:
The holy songs have sounded forth.
12. Like milch-kine coming home, the drops of Soma juice have reached the lake,
Have reached the place of sacrifice.
13. O Indu, to our great delight the running waters flow to us,
When thou wilt robe thyself in milk.
14. In this thy friendship, and with thee to help us, fain to sacrifice,
Indu, we crave thy friendly love.
15. Flow on, O Soma, for the great Viewer of men, for gain of Idne
Enter thou into Indra’s throat.
16. Best art thou, Soma, of the great, Strongest of strong ones, Indu: thou
As Warrior ever hast prevailed.
17. Mightier even than the strong, more valiant even than the brave,
More libpral than the bountiful,
18. Soma, as Sura, bring us food, win offspring of our bodies: we
Elect thee for our friendship, we elect thee for companionship.
19. Agni, thou pourest life; send down upon us food and vigorous strength;
Drive thou misfortune far away,
20. Agni is Pavamana, Sage, Chief Priest of all the Races Five:
To him whose wealth is great we pray.
21. Skilled in thy task, O Agni, pour splendour with hero strength on us,
Granting me wealth that nourishes.
22. Beyond his enemies away to sweet praise Pavamana flows,
Like Surya visible to all.
23. Adorned by living men, set forth for entertainment, rich in food,
Far-sighted Indu is a Steed.
24. He, Pavamana, hath produced the lofty Law, the brilliant light,
Destroying darkness black of hue.
25. From tawny Pavamana, the Destroyer, radiant streams have sprung,
Quick streams from him whose gleams are swift.
26. Best rider of the chariot, praised with fairest praise mid beauteous ones,
Gold-gleaming with the Marut host,
27. May Pavamana, best to win the booty, penetrate with rays,
Giving the singer hero strength.
28. Over the fleecy sieve hath flowed the drop effused: to Indra comes
Indu while he is purified
29. This Soma, through the pressing-stones, is sporting on the oxhide, and
Summoning Indra to the draught.
30. O Pavamana, bless us, so that we may live, with that bright milk
Of thine which hath been brought from heaven.
HYMN LXVII. Soma and Others.
1. THOU, Soma, hast a running stream, joyous, most strong at sacrifice:
Flow bounteously bestowing wealth.
2. Effused as cheerer of the men, flowing best gladdener, thou art
A Prince to Indra with thy juice.
3. Poured forth by pressing-stones, do thou with loud roar send us in a stream
Most excellent illustrious might.
4. Indu, urged forward, floweth through the fleecy cloth: the Tawny One
With his loud roar hath brought as strength.
5. Indu, thou flowest through the fleece, bringing felicities and fame,
And, Soma, spoil and wealth in kine.
6. Hither, O Indu, bring us wealth in steeds and cattle hundredfold:
Bring wealth, O Soma, thousandfold.
7. In purifying, through the sieve the rapid drops of’Soma juice
Come nigh to Indra in their course.
8. For Indra floweth excellent Indu, the noblest Soma juice
The Living for the Living One.
9. The glittering maids send Sura forth they with their song have sung aloud
To Pavamana dropping meath.
10. May Pusan, drawn by goats, be our protector, and on all his paths
Bestow on us our share of maids.
11. This Soma flows like gladdening oil for him who wears the braided locks:
He shall give us our share of maids.
12. This Soma juice, O glowing God, flows like pure oil, effused for thee:
He shall give us our share of maids.
13. Flow onward, Soma, in thy stream, begetter of the sages’ speech:
Wealth-giver among Gods art thou.
14. The Falcon dips within the jars: he wrap.him in his robe and goes
Loud roaring to the vats of wood.
15. Soma, thy juice hath been effused and poured into the pitcher: like
A rapid hawk it rushes on.
16. For Indra flow most rich in sweets, O Soma, bringing him delight.
17. They were sent forth to feast the Gods, like chariots that display their strength.
18. Brilliant, best givers of delight, these juices have sent Vayu forth.
19. Bruised by the press-stones and extolled, Soma, thou goest to the sieve,
Giving the worshipper hero strength.
20. This juice bruised by the pressing-stones and lauded passes through the sieve,
Slayer of demons, through the fleece.
21. O Pavamana, drive away the danger, whether near at hand
Or far remote, that finds me here.
22. This day may Pavamana cleanse us with his purifying power,
Most active purifying Priest.
23. O Agni, with the cleansing light diffused through all thy fiery glow,
Purify thou this prayer of ours.
24. Cleanse us with thine own cleansing power, O Agni, that is bright with flame,
And by libations poured to thee.
25. Savitar, God, by both of these, libation, purifying power,
Purify me on every side.
26. Cleanse us, God Savitar, with Three, O Soma, with sublimest forms,
Agni, with forms of power and might.
27. May the Gods’ company make me clean, and Vasus make rue pure by song.
Purify me, ye General Gods; O Jatavedas, make me pure.
28. Fill thyself full of juice, flow forth, O Soma, thou with all thy stalks,
The best oblation to the Gods.
29. We with our homage have approached the Friend who seeks our wondering praise,
Young, strengthener of the solemn rite.
30. Lost is Alayya’s axe. O Soma, God do thou send it back hither in thy flow
Even, Soma, God, if ’twere a mole.
31. The man who reads the essence stored by saints, the Pavamani hymns,
Tastes food completely purified, made sweet by Matarisvan’s touch.
32. Whoever reads the essence stored by saints, the Pavamani hymns,
Sarasvati draws forth for him water and butter, milk and meath.
HYMN LXVIII. Soma Pavamana.
1. THE drops of Soma juice like cows who yield their milk have flowed forth, rich in meath, unto the Shining One,
And, seated on the grass, raising their voice, assumed the milk, the covering robe wherewith the udders stream.
2. He bellows with a roar arourd the highest twigs: the Tawny One is sweetened as he breaks them up.
Then passing through the sieve into the ample room, the God throws off the dregs according to his wish.
3. The gladdening drink that measured out the meeting Twins fills full with milk the Eternal Ever-waxing Pair.
Bringing to light the Two great Regions limitless, moving above them he gained sheen that never fades.
4. Wandering through, the Parents, strengthening the floods, the Sage makes his place swell with his own native might.
The stalk is mixed with grain: he comes led by the men together with the sisters, and preserves the Head.
5. With energetic intellect the Sage is born, deposited as germ of Law, far from the Twins.
They being young at first showed visibly distinct the Creature that is half-concealed and half-exposed.
6. The sages knew the form of him the Gladdener, what time the Falcon brought the plant from far away.
Him who assures success they beautified in streams, the stalk who yearned therefor, mighty and meet for praise.
7. Together with the Rsis, with their prayers and hymns ten women deck thee, Soma, friendly when effused.
Led by the men, with invocations of the Gods, through the fleece, thou hast given us strength to win the spoil.
8. Songs resonant with praise have celebrated him. Soma, Friend, springing forth with his fair company.
Even him who rich in meath, with undulating stream, Winnner of Wealth, Immortal, sends his voice from heaven,
9. He sends it into all the region forth from heaven. Soma, while he is filtcred, settles in the jars.
With milk and waters is he decked when pressed with stones: Indu, when purified, shall find sweet rest and room.
10. Even thus poured forth How on thy way, O Soma, vouchsafing us most manifold lively vigour.
We will invoke benevolent Earth and Heaven. Give us, ye Gods, riches with noble heroes.
HYMN LXIX. Soma Pavamana.
1. LAID like an arrow on the bow the hymn hath been loosed like a young calf to the udder of its dam.
As one who cometh first with full stream she is milked the Soma is impelled to this man’s holy rites.
2. The thought is deeply fixed; the savoury juice is shed; the tongue with joyous sound is stirring in the mouth;
And Pavamana, like the shout of combatants, the drop rising in sweet juice, is flowing through the fleece.
3. He flows about the sheep-skin, longing for a bride: he looses Aditi’s Daughters for the worshipper.
The sacred drink hath come, gold-tinted, well-restrained: like a strong Bull he shines, whetting his manly might.
4. The Bull is bellowing; the Cows are coming nigh: the Goddesses approach the God’s own resting-place.
Onward hath Soma passed through the sheep’s fair bright fleece, and hath, as ’twere, endued a garment newly washed.
5. The golden-hued, Immortal, newly bathed, puts on a brightly shining vesture that is never harmed.
He made the ridge of heaven to be his radiant robe, by sprinkling of the bowls from moisture of the sky.
6. Even as the beams of Surya, urging men to speed, that cheer and send to sleep, together rush they forth,
These swift outpourings in long course of holy rites: no form save only Indra shows itself so pure.
7. As down the steep slope of a river to the vale, drawn from the Steer the swift strong draughts have found a way.
Well be it with the men and cattle in our home. May powers, O Soma, may the people stay with us.
8. Pour out upon us wealth in goods, in gold, in steeds, in cattle and in corn, and great heroic strength.
Ye, Soma, are my Fathers, lifted up on high as heads of heaven and makers of the strength of life.
9. These Pavamanas here, these drops of Soma, to Indra have sped forth like cars to booty.
Effused, they pass the cleansing fleece, while, gold-hued, they cast their covering off to pour the rain down.
10. O Indu, flow thou on for lofty Indra, flow blameless, very gracious, foe-destroyer.
Bring splendid treasures to the man who lauds thee. O Heaven and Earth, with all the Gods protect. us.
HYMN LXX. Soma Pavamana.
1. THE three times seven Milch-kine in the eastern heaven have for this Soma poured the genuine milky draught.
Four other beauteous Creatures hath he made for his adornment, when he waxed in strength through holy rites.
2. Longing for lovely Amrta, by his wisdom he divided, each apart from other, earth and heaven.
He gladly wrapped himself in the most lucid floods, when through their glory they found the God’s resting-place.
3. May those his brilliant rays he ever free from death, inviolate, for both classes of created things,-
Rays wherewith powers of men and Gods are purified. Yea, even for this have sageswelcomed him as King.
4. He, while he is adorned by the ten skilful ones, that he too in the Midmost Mothers may create,
While he is watching o’er the lovely Amrta’s ways, looks on both races as Beholder of mankind.
5. He, while he is adorned to stream forth mighty strength, rejoices in his place between the earth and heaven.
The Steer dispels the evil-hearted with his might, aiming at offerings as an archer at the game.
6. Beholding, as it were, Two Mother Cows, the Steer goes roaring on his way even as the Maruts roar.
Knowing Eternal Law, the earliest light of heaven, he, passing wise, was chosen out to tell it forth.
7. The fearful Bull is bellowing with violent might, far-sighted, sharpening his yellowcoloured horns.
Soma assumes his seat in the well-fashioned place: the cowhide and the sheepskin are his ornament.
8. Bright, making pure his body free from spot and stain, on the sheep’s back the Golden-coloured hath flowed down.
Acceptable to Mitra, Vayu, Varuna, he is prepared as threefold meal by skilful men.
9. Flow on for the God’s banquet, Soma, as a Steer, and enter Indra’s heart, the Soma’s reservoir.
Bear us beyond misfortune ere we be oppres. sed. the man who knows the land directs the man who asks.
10. Urged like a car-steed flow to strength, O Soma: Indu, flow onward to the throat of Indra.
Skilled, bear us past, as in a boat o’er water: as battling Hero save us from the foeman.