1. HASTE forward to us from afar, or, Vrtra-slayer, from anear,
To meet the offering to the meath.
2. Strong are the Soma-draughts; come nigh: the juices fill thee with delight:
Drink boldly even as thou art wont’.
3. Joy, Indra, in the strengthening food et it content thy wish and thought,
And be delightful to thine heart.
4. Come to us thou who hast no foe: we call thee down to hymns of praise,
In heaven’s sublimest realm of light.
5. This Soma here expressed with stones and dressed with milk for thy carouse,
Indra, is offered up to thee.
6. Graciously, Indra, hear my call. Come and obtain the draught, and sate
Thyself with juices blent with milk.
7. The Soma, Indra, which is shed in chalices and vats for thee,
Drink thou, for thou art Lord thereof.
8. The Soma seen within themats, as in the flood the Moon is seen,
Drink thou, for thou art Lord thereof.
9. That which the Hawk brought in his claw, inviolate, through the air to thee,
Drink thou, for thou art Lord thereof.
HYMN LXXII. Visvedevas.
1. WE choose unto ourselves that high protection of the Mighty Gods
That it may help and succour us.
2. May they be ever our allies, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman,
Far-seeing Gods who prosper us.
3. Ye furtherers of holy Law, transport us safe o’er many woes,
As over water-floods in ships.
4. Dear wealth be Aryaman to us, Varuna dear wealth meet for praise:
Dear wealth we choose unto ourselves.
5. For Sovrans of dear wealth are ye, Adityas, not of sinner’s wealth,
Ye sapient Gods who slay the foe.
6. We in our homes, ye Baunteous Ones, and while we journey on the road,
Invoke you, Gods, to prosper us.
7. Regard us, Indra, Visnu, here, ye Asvins and the Marut host,
Us who are kith and kin to you.
8. Ye Bounteous Ones, from time of old we here set forth our brotherhood,
Our kinship in. the Mother’s womb.
9. Then come with Indra for your chief, as early day, ye Bounteous Gods
Yea, 1 address you now for this.
1. AGNI, your dearest Guest, I laud, him who is loving as a friend,
Who brings us riches like a car.
2. Whom as a far-foreseeing Sage the Gods have, from the olden time,
Established among mortal men.
3. Do thou, Most Youthful God, protect the men who offer, hear their songs,
And of thyself preserve their seed.
4. What is the praise wherewith, O God, Afigiras, Agni, Son of Strength,
We, after thine own wish and thought,
5. May serve thee, O thou Child of Power, and with what sacrifice’s plan?
What prayer shall I now speak to thee?
6. Our God, make all of us to dwell in happy habitations, and
Reward our songs with spoil and wealth.
7. Lord of the house, what plenty fills the songs which thou inspirest now,
Thou whose hymn helps to win the kine?
8. Hirn Wise and Strong they glorify, the foremost Champion in the fray,
And mighty in his dwelling-place.
9 Agni, he dwells in rest and peace who smites and no one smites again:
With hero sons he prospers well
1. To this mine invocation, O ye Asvins, ye Nasatyas, come,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
2. This laud of mine, ye Asvins Twain, and this mine invitation hear,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
3. Here Krsna is invoking you, O Asvins, Lords of ample wealth.
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
4. List, Heroes, to the singer’s call, the call of Krsna lauding you,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
5. Chiefs, to the sage who sings your praise grant an inviolable home,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
6. Come to the worshipper’s abode, Asvins, who here is lauding you,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
7. Yoke to the firmly jointed car the ass which draws you, Lords of wealth.
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
8. Come hither, Asvins, on your car of triple form with triple seat,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
9 O Asvins, O Nasatyas, now accept with favouring grace my songs,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.
HYMN LXXV. Asvins.
1. YE Twain are wondrous strong, well-skilled in arts that heal, both bringers of delight, ye both won Daksa’s praise.
Visvaka calls on you as such to save his life. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.
2. How shall he praise you now who is distraught in mind? Ye Twain give wisdom for the gainof what is good.
Visvaka calls on you as such to save his life. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.
3. Already have ye Twain, possessors of great wealth, prospered Visnapu thus for gain of what is good.
Visvaka calls on you as such to save his life. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.
4. And that Impetuous Hero, winner of the spoil, though he is far away, we call to succour us,
Whose gracious favour, like a father’s, is most sweet. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.
5. About the holy Law toils Savitar the God the horn of holy Law hath he spread far and wide.
The holy Law hath quelled even mighty men of war. Break ye not off our ftiendship, come and act me free.
1. SPLENDID, O Asvins, is your praise. Come fountain-like, to pour the stream.
Of the sweet juice effused-dear is it, Chiefs, in heaven-drink like two wild bulls at a pool.
2. Drink the libation rich in sweets, O Asvins Twain: sit. Heroes, on the sacred grass.
Do ye with joyful heart in the abode of man preserve his life by means of wealth.
3. The Priyamedhas bid you come with all the succours that are yours.
Come to his house whose holy grass is trimmed, to dear sacrifice at the morning rites.
4. Drink ye the Soma rich in meath, ye Asvins Twain: sit gladly on the sacred grass.
So, waxen mighty, to our eulogy from heaven come ye as wild-bulls to the pool.
5. Come to us, O ye Asvins, now with steeds of many a varied hue,
Ye Lords of splendour, wondrous, borne on paths of gold, drink Soma, ye who strengthen Law.
6. For we the priestly singers, fain tohymn your praise, invoke you for the gain of strength.
So, wondrous, fair, and famed for great deeds come to us, through our hymn, Asvins, when ye hear.
1. As cows low to their calves in stalls, so with our songs we glorify
This Indra, even your Wondrous God who checks attack, who joys in the delicious juice.
2. Celestial, bounteous Giver, girt about with might, rich, mountain-like, in precious things,
Him swift we seek. for foodful booty rich in kine, brought hundredfold and thousandfold.
3. Indra, the strong and lofty hills are powerless to bar thy way.
None stay that act of thine when thou wouldst fain give wealth to one like me who sings thy praise.
4. A Warrior thou by strength, wisdom, and wondrous deed, in might excellest all that is.
Hither may this our hymn attract thee to our help, the hymn which Gotamas have made.
5. For in thy might thou stretchest out beyond the boundaries of heaven.
The earthly region, Indra, comprehends thee not. After thy Godhead hast thou waxed.
6. When, Maghavan, thou honourest the worshipper, no one is there to stay thy wealth.
Most liberal Giver thou, do thou inspire our song of praise, that we may win the spoil.
1. To Indra sing the lofty hymn, Maruts that slays the Vrtras best.
Whereby the Holy Ones created for the God the light divine that ever wakes.
2. Indra who quells the curse blew curses far away, and then in splendour came to us.
Indra, refulgent with thy Marut host! the Gods strove eagerly to win thy love.
3. Sing to your lofty Indra, sing, Maruts, a holy hymn of praise.
Let Satakratu, Vrtra-slayer, kill the foe with hundred-knotted thunderbolt.
4. Aim and fetch boldly forth, O thou whose heart is bold: great glory will be thine thereby.
In rapid torrent let the mother waters spread. Slay Vrtra, win the light of heaven.
5. When thou, unequalled Maghavan, wast born to smite the Vrtras dead,
Thou spreadest out the spacious earth and didst support and prop the heavens.
6. Theri was the sacrifice produced for thee, the laud, and song of joy,
Thou in thy might surpassest all, all that now is and yet shall be.
7. Raw kine thou filledst with ripe milk. Thou madest Surya rise to heaven.,
Heat him as milk is heated with pure Sama hymns, great joy to him who loves the song.
1. MAY Indra, who in every fight must be invoked, be near to us.
May the most mighty Vrtra-slayer, meet for praise, come to libations and to hymns.
2. Thou art the best of all in sending bounteous gifts, true art thou, lordly in thine act.
We claim alliance with the very Glorious One, yea, with the Mighty Son of Strength.
3. Prayers unsurpassed are offered up to thee the Lover of the Song.
Indra, Lord of Bay Steeds, accept these fitting hymns, hymns which we have thought out for thee.
4. For thou, O Maghavan, art truthful, ne’er subdued and bringest many a Vrtra low.
As such, O Mightiest Lord, Wielder of Thunder, send wealth hither to the worshipper.
5. O Indra, thou art far-renowned, impetuous, O Lord of Strength.
Alone thou slayest with the guardian of mankind resistless never-conquered foes.
6. As such we seek thee now, O Asura, thee most wise, craving thy bounty as our share.
Thy sheltering defence is like a mighty cloak. So may thy glories reach to us.