1. Come hither, Indra, with thy Bays, come thou to Kanva’s eulogy.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.
2. May the stone draw thee as it speaks, the Soma-stone with ringing voice.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.
3. The stones’ rim shakes the Soma here like a wolf worrying a sheep.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.
4. The Kanvas call thee hitherward for succour and to win the spoil.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.
5. I set for thee, as for the Strong, the first draught of the juices shed.
6. Come with abundant blessings, come with perfect care to succour us.
7. Come, Lord of lofty thought, who hast infinite wealth and countless aids.
8. Adorable mid Gods, the Priest good to mankind shall bring thee near.
9. As wings the falcon, so thy Bays rushing in joy shall carry thee.
10. Come from the enemy to us, to svaha and the Soma-draught.
11. Come hither with thine car inclined to hear, take pleasure in our lauds.
12 .Lord of well-nourished Horses, come with well-fed Steeds alike in hue.
13. Come hither from the mountains, come from regions of the sea of air.
14. Disclose to us O Hero, wealth in thousands both of kine and steeds.
15. Bring riches hitherward to us in hundreds, thousands, myriads.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.
16. The thousand steeds, the mightiest troop, which we and Indra have received
From Vasurocis as a gift,
17. The brown that match the wind in speed, and bright bay coursers fleet of foot,
Like Suns, resplendent are they all.
18. Mid the Pargvata’s rich gifts, swift steeds whose wheels run rapidly,
I seemed to stand amid a wood.
HYMN XXXV. Asvins.
1. WITH Agni and with Indra, Visnu. Varuna, with the Adityas, Rudras, Vasus, closely leagued;
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, drink the Soma juice.
2. With all the Holy Thoughts, all being Mighty Ones! in close alliance wil the Mountains, Heaven, and Earth;
Accordant. of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, drink the Soma juice.
3. With all the Deities, three times eleven, here, in close alliance with the Maruts, Bhrgus, Floods;
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, drink the Soma juice.
4. Accept the sacrifice, attend to this my call: come nigh, O ye Twain Gods, to all libations here.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, bring us strengthening food.
5. Accept our praise-song as a youth accepts a maid. Come nigh, O ye Twain Gods, to all libations here.
Accordant, of one mind with Sarya and with Dawn O Asvins, bring us strengthening food.
6. Accept the songs we sing, accept the solemn rite. Conie nigh, O ye Twain Gods, to all libations here.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, bring us strengthening food.
7. Ye fly as starlings fly unto the forest trees; like buffaloes ye seek the Soma we have shed.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, come thrice, O Asvins, to our home.
8. Ye fly like swans, like those who travel on their way; like buffaloes ye seek the Soma we have shed.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, come thrice, O Asvins, to our home.
9. Ye fly to our oblation like a pair of hawks; like buffaloes ye seek the Soma we have shed.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, come thrice, O Asvins, to our home.
10. Come hitherward and drink and satisfy yourselves, bestow upon us progeny and affluence.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, grant us vigorous strength.
11. Conquer your foes, protect us, praise your worshippers; bestow upon us progeny and affluence.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, grant us vigolms strength.
12. Slay enemies, animate men whom ye befriend; bestow upon us progeny and aff luence.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, O Asvins, grant us vigorous strength.
13. With Mitra, Varuna, Dharma, and the Maruts in your company approach unto your praiser’s call.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, and with the Adityas, Asvins! come.
14. With Visnu and the Angirases attending you, and with the Maruts come unto your praiser’s call.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, and with the Adityas, Asvins! come.
15. With Rbhus and With Vajas. O ye Mighty Ones, leagued with the Maruts come ye to your praiser’s call.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, and with the Adityas, Asvins! come.
16. Give spirit to our prayer and animate our thoughts; slay ye the Raksasas and drive away disease.
Accordant, of One mind with Surya and with Dawn, -the presser’s Soma, Asvins drink.
17. Strengthen the Ruling Power, strengthen the men of war; slay ye the Raksasas and drive away disease.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, the presser’s Soma, Asvins drink.
18. Give strength unto the milch-kine, give the people strength, slay ye the Raksasas and drive away disease.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, the presser’s Soma, Asvins drink.
19. As ye heard Atri’s earliest eulogy, so hear Syavasva, Soma-presser, ye who reel in joy.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, drink juice, O Asvins, three days old.
20. Further like running streams Syavasva’s eulogies who presses out the Soma, ye who reel in joy.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, drink juice, O Asvins, three days old.
21. Seize, as ye grasp the reins, Syavasva’s solemn rites who presses out the Soma, ye who reel in joy.
Accordant, of one mind with Surya and with Dawn, drink juice, O Asvins, three days old.
22. Drive down your chariot hitherward drink ye the Soma’s savoury juice.
Approach, ye Asvins, come to us: I call you, eager for your aid. Grant treasures to the worshipper.
23. When sacrifice which tells our reverence hath begun. Heroes! to drink the gushing juice,
Approach, ye Asvins, come to us: I call you, eager for your aid. Grant treasures to the worshipper.
24 Sate you with consecrated drink, with juice effused, ye Deities.
Approach, ye Asvins, come to us: I call you, eager for your aid. Grant treasures to the worshipper.
1. THOU helpest him whose grass is trimmed, who sheds the juice, O Satakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
The share which they have fixed for thee, thou, Indra, Victor o’er all hosts and space, begirt with Maruts, Lord of Heroes, winner of the floods.
2. Maghavan, help thy worshipper: let him help thee. O Satakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
The share which they have fixed for thee, etc.
3. Thou aidest Gods with food, and that with might aidg thee,
O Satakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
4. Creator of the heaven, creator of the earth, O Satakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
5. Father of cattle, father of all steeds art thou. O Satakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
6. Stone-hurler, glorify the Atris’ hymn of praise. O Satakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
7. Hear thou Syavagva while he pours to thee, as erst thou heardest Atri when he wrought his holy rites.
Indra, thou only gavest Trasadasyu aid in the fierce fight with heroes, strengthening his prayers.
1. THIS prayer, and those who shed the juice, in wars with Vrtra thou holpest, Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy succours.
O Vrtra-slayer, from libation poured at noon, drink of the Soma juice, thou blameless Thunderer.
2. Thou mighty Conqueror of hostile armaments, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.
3. Sole Ruler, thou art Sovran of this world of life, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.
4. Thou only sunderest these two consistent worlds, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.
5. Thou art the Lord supreme o’er rest and energy, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.
6. Thou helpest one to power, and one thou hast not helped, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving aid.
7. Hear thou Syavasva while he sings to thee, as erst thou heardest Atri when he wrought his holy rites.
Indra, thou only gavest Trasadasyu aid in the fierce fight with heroes, strengthening his powers.
I. YE Twain are Priests of sacrifice, wmners in war and holy works:
Indra and Agni, mark this well.
2. Ye bounteous riders on the car, ye Vrtra-slayers unsubdued:
Indra and Agni, mark this well.
3. The men with pressing-stones have pressed this meath of yours which gives delight:
Indra, and Agni, mark this well.
4. Accept our sacrifice for weal, sharers of praise! the Soma shed:
Indra and Agni, Heroes, come.
5. Be pleased with these libations which attract you to our sacred gifts
Indra and Agni, Heroes, come.
6. Accept this eulogy of mine whose model is the Gayatri:
Indra and Agni, Heroes, Come.
7. Come with the early-faring Gods, ye who are Lords of genuine wealth:
Indra-Agni, to the Soma-draught
8. Hear ye the call of Atris, hear Syavasva as he sheds the juice:
Indra-Agni to the Soma-draught
9. Thus have I called you to our aid as sages called on you of old:
Indra-Agni to the Soma draught!
10. Indra’s and Agni’s grace I claim, Sarasvati’s associates
To whom this psalm of praise is sung.