1. SWAYING about, the Active Ones came nigh to Indra at his birth,
And shared his great heroic might.
2. Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra is thy birth:
Thou, Mighty One, art strong indeed.
3. Thou art the Vrtra-slayer, thou, Indra, hast spread the firmament:
Thou hast with might upheld the heavens.
4. Thou, Indra, bearest in thine arms the lightning that accords with thee,
Whetting thy thunderbolt with might.
5 Thou, Indra, art preeminent over all creatures in thy might:
Thou hast pervaded every place.
HYMN CLIV. New Life.
1. FOR some is Soma purified, some sit by sacrificial oil:
To those for whom the meath flows forth, even to those let him depart.
2. Invincible through Fervour, those whom Fervour hath advanced to heaven,
Who showed great Fervour in their lives, -even to those let him depart.
3. The heroes who contend in war and boldly cast their lives away,
Or who give guerdon thousandfold, -even to those let him depart.
4. Yea, the first followers of Law, Law’s pure and holy strengtheners,
The Fathers, Yama! Fervour-moved,even to those let him depart.
5. Skilled in a thousand ways and means, the sages who protect the Sun,
The Rsis, Yama! Fervour-moved,-even to those let him depart.
HYMN CLV. Various.
1. ARAYI, one-eyed limping hag, fly, ever-screeching, to the hill.
We frighten thee away with these, the heroes of Sirimbitha.
2. Scared from this place and that is she, destroyer of each germ unborn.
Go, sharp-horned Brahmanaspti and drive Arayi far away.
3. Yon log that floats without a man to guide it on the river’s edge,-
Seize it, thou thing with hideous jaws, and go thou far away thereon.
4. When, foul with secret stain and spot, ye hastened onward to the breast,
All Indra’s enemies were slain and passed away like froth and foam.
5. These men have led about the cow, have duly carried Agni round,
And raised their glory tg the Gods. Who will attack them with success?
1. LET songs of ours speed Agni forth like a fleet courser in the race,
And we will win each prize through him.
2. Agni the dart whereby we gain kine for ourselves with help from thee,-
That send us for the gain of wealth.
3. O Agni, bring us wealth secure, vast wealth in horses and in kine:
Oil thou the socket, turn the wheel.
4. O Agni, thou hast made the Sun, Eternal Star, to
Bestowing light on living men.
5. Thou, Agni, art the people’s light, best, dearest, seated in thy shrine:
Watch for the singer, give him life.
HYMN CLVII. Visvedevas.
1. WE will, with Indra and all Gods to aid us, bring these existing worlds into subjection.
2. Our sacrifice, our bodies, and our offspr. let Indra form together with Adityas.
3. With the Adityas, with the band of Maruts, may Indra be Protector of our bodies.
4. As when the Gods came, after they had slaughtered the Asuras, keeping safe their Godlike nature,
5. Brought the Sun hitherward with mighty powers, and looked about them on their vigorous Godhead.
1. MAY Surya guard us out of heaven, and Vata from the firmament,
And Agni from terrestrial spots.
2. Thou Savitar whose flame deserves hundred libations, be thou pleased:
From failing lightning keep us safe.
3. May Savitar the God, and may Parvata also give us sight;
May the Creator give us sight.
4. Give sight unto our eye, give thou our bodies sight that they may see:
May we survey, discern this world.
5. Thus, Surya, may we look on thee, on thee most lovely to behold,
See clearly with the eyes of men.
HYMN CLIX. Saci Paulomi.
1. YON Sun hath mounted up, and this my happy fate hate mounted high.
I knowing this, as conqueror have won my husband for mine own.
2. I am the banner and the head, a mighty arbitress am I:
I am victorious, and my Lord shall be submissive to my will.
3. My Sons are slayers of the foe, my Daughter is a ruling Queen:
I am victorious: o’er my Lord my song of triumph is supreme.
4. Oblation, that which Indra gave and thus grew glorious and most high,-
This have I offered, O ye Gods, and rid me of each rival wife.
5. Destroyer of the rival wife, Sole Spouse, victorious, conqueror,
The others’ glory have I seized as ’twere the wealth of weaker Dames.
6. I have subdued as conqueror these rivals, these my fellow-wives,
That I may hold imperial sway over this Hero and the folk.
HYMN CLX. Indra.
1. TASTE this strong draught enriched with offered viands: with all thy chariot here unyoke thy Coursers.
Let not those other sacrificers stay thee, Indra: these juices shed for thee are ready.
2. Thine is the juice effused, thine are the juices yet to be pressed: our resonant songs invite thee.
O Indra, pleased to-day with this libation, come, thou who knowest all and drink the Soma.
3. Whoso, devoted to the God, effuses Soma for him with yearning heart and spirit,-
Never doth Indra give away his cattle: for him he makes the lovely Soma famous.
4. He looks with Ioving favour on the mortal who, like a rich man, pours for him the Soma.
Maghavan in his bended arm supports him: he slays, unasked, the men who hate devotion.
5. We call on thee to come to us, desirous of goods and spoil, of cattle, and of horses.
For thy new love and favour are we present: let us invoke thee, Indra, as our welfare.
1. FOR life I set thee free by this oblation from the unknown decline and from Consumption;
Or, if the grasping demon have possessed him, free him from her, O Indra, thou and Agni.
2. Be his days ended, be he now departed, be he brought very near to death already,
Out of Destruction’s lap again I bring him, save him for life to last a hundred autumns.
3. With hundred-eyed oblation, hundred-autumned, bringing a hundred lives, have I restored him,
That Indra for a hundred years may lead him safe to the farther shore of all misfortune.
4. Live, waxing in thy strength, a hundred autumns, live through a hundred springs, a hundred winters.
Through hundred-lived oblation Indra, Agni, Brhaspati, Savitar yield him for a hundred!
5. So have I found and rescued thee thou hast returned with youth renewed.
Whole in thy members! I have found thy sight and all thy life for thee.
1. MAY Agni, yielding to our prayer, the Raksas-slayer, drive away
The malady of evil name that hath beset thy labouring womb.
2. Agni, concurring in the prayer, drive off the eater of the flesh,
The malady of evil name that hath attacked thy babe and womb.
3. That which destroys the sinking germ, the settled, moving embryo,
That which will kill the babe at birth,even this will we drive far away.
4. That which divides thy legs that it may lie between the married pair,
That penetrates and licks thy side,-even this will we exterminate.
5. What rests by thee in borrowed form of brother, lover, or of lord,
And would destroy thy Progeny,-even this will we exterminate.
6. That which through sleep or darkness hath deceived thee and lies down by thee,
And will destroy thy progeny,–even this will we exterminate.
1. FROM both thy nostrils, from thine eyes, from both thine ears and from thy chin,
Forth from thy head and brain and tongue I drive thy malady away.
2. From the neck-tendons and the neck, from the breast-bones and from the spine,
From shoulders, upper, lower arms, I drive thy malady away.
3. From viscera and all within, forth from the rectum, from the heart,
From kidneys, liver, and from spleen, I drive thy malady away.
4. From thighs, from knee-caps, and from heels, and from the forepart of the feet,
From hips from stomach, and from groin I drive thy malady away.
5. From what is voided from within, and from thy hair, and from they nails,
From all thyself from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.
6. From every member, every hair, disease that comes in every joint,
From all thyself, from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.
HYMN CLXIV. Dream-charm.
1. AVAUNT, thou Master of the mind Depart, and vanish far away.
Look on Destruction far from hence. The live man’s mind is manifold.
2. A happy boon do men elect, a mighty blessing they obtain.
Bliss with Vaivasvata they see. The live man’s mind seeks many a place.
3. If by address, by blame, by imprecation we have committed sin, awake or sleeping,
All hateful acts of ours, all evil doings may Agni bear away to distant places.
4. When, Indra, Brahmanaspati, our deeds are wrongful and unjust,
May provident Angirasa prevent our foes from troubling, us.
5. We have prevailed this day and won: we are made free from sin and guilt.
Ill thoughts, that visit us awake or sleeping, seize the man we hate, yea, seize the man who hateth us.