HYMN CIV. Indra.
1. Soma hath flowed for thee, Invoked of mat Speed to our sacrifice with both thy Coursers.
To thee have streameld the songs or mighty singers, imploring, Indra, drink of our libation.
2. Drink of the juice which men have washed in waters, and fill thee full, O Lord of Tawny Horses.
O Indra, hearer of the laud, with Soma which stones have mixed for thee enhance thy rapture.
3. To make thee start, a strong true draught I offer to thee, the Bull, O thou whom Bay Steeds carry.
Here take delight, O Indra, in our voices while thou art hymned with power and all our spirit.
4. O Mighty Indra, through thine aid, thy prowess, obtaining life, zealous, and skilled in Order,
Men in the house who share the sacred banquet stand singing praise that brings them store of children.
5. Through thy directions, Lord of Tawny Coursers, thine who art firm, splendid, and blest, the people
Obtain most liberal aid for their salvation, and praise thee, Indra, through thine excellencies.
6. Lord of the Bays, come with thy two Bay Horses, come to our prayers, to drink the juice of Soma.
To thee comes sacrifice which thou acceptest: thou, skilled in holy rites, art he who giveth.
7. Him of a thousand powers, subduing foemen, Maghavan praised with hymns and pleased with Soma,-
Even him our songs approach, resistless Indra: the adorations of the singer laud him.
8. The way to bliss for Gods and man thou foundest, Indra, seven lovely floods, divine, untroubled,
Wherewith thou, rending forts, didst move the ocean, and nine-and-ninety flowing streams of water.
9. Thou from the curse didst free the mighty Waters, and as their only God didst watch and guard them.
O Indra, cherish evermore thy body with those which thou hast won in quelling Vrtra.
10. Heroic power and noble praise is Indra yea, the song worships him invoked of many.
Vrtra he quelled, and gave men room and freedom: gakra, victorious, hath conquered armies.
11. Call we on Maghayan, auspicious Indra. best Hero in this fight where spoil is gathered,
The Strong, who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the Vrtras, wins and gathers riches.
HYMN CV. Indra.
1. WHEN, Vasu, wilt thou love the laud? Now let the channel bring the stream.
The juice is ready to ferment.
2. He whose two Bay Steeds harnessed well, swerving, pursue the Bird’s tail-plumes,
With Rowing manes, like heaven and earth, he is the Lord with power to give.
3. Bereft of skill is Indra, if, like some outwearied man he fears
The sinner, when the Mighty hath prepared himself for victory.
4. Indra with these drives round, until he meets with one to worship him:
Indra is Master of the pair who snort and swerve upon their way.
5. Borne onward by the long-maned Steeds who stretch themselves as ’twere for food,
The God who wears the helm defends them with his jaws.
6. The Mighty sang with Lofty Ones: the Hero fashioned with his strength,
Like skilful Matarisvan with his power and might,
7. The bolt, which pierced at once the vitals of the Dasyu easy to be slain,
With jaw uninjured like the wondrous firmament.
8. Grind off our sins: with song will we conquer the men who sing no hymns:
Not easily art thou pleased with prayerless sacrifice.
9. When threefold flame burns high for thee, to rest on poles of sacrifice,
Thou with the living joyest in the self-bright Ship.
10. Thy glory was the speckled cup, thy glory was the flawless scoop.
Wherewith thou pourest into thy receptacle.
11. As hundreds, O Immortal God, have sung to thee, so hath Sumitra, yea, Durmitra praised thee here,
What time thou holpest Kutsa’s son, when Dasyus fell, yea, holpest Kutsa’s darling when the Dasyus died.
HYMN CVI. Asvins.
1. THIS very thing ye Twain hold as your object: ye weave your songs as skilful men weave garments.
That ye may come united have I waked you: ye spread out food like days of lovely weather.
2. Like two plough-bulls ye move along in traces, and seek like eager guests your bidder’s banquet.
Ye are like glorious envoys mid the people: like bulls, approach the place where ye are watered.
3. Like the two pinions of a bird, connected, like two choice animals, ye have sought our worship.
Bright as the fire the votary hath kindled, ye sacrifice in many a spot as roamers.
4. Ye are our kinsmen, like two sons, two fathers, strong in your splendour and like kings for conquest;
Like rays for our enjoyment, Lords to feed us, ye, like quick bearers, have obeyed our calling.
5. You are like two pleasantly moving well-fed (hills) like Mitra and Varuna, the two bestowers of felicity, veracious, possessors of infinite wealth, happy, like two horses plump with fodder, abiding in the firmament, like two rams (are you) to be nourished with sacrificial food, to be cherished (with oblations).
6. You are like two mad elephants bending their forequarters and smiting the foe, like the two sons of Nitosa destroying (foes), and cherishing (friends); you are bright as two water-born (jewels), do you, who are victorious, (render) my decaying mortal body free from decay.
7. Fierce (Asvins), like two powerful (heroes), you enable this moving, perishable mortal (frame) to cross over to the objects (of its destination) as over water; extremely strong, like the Rbhus, your chariot, attained its destination swift as the wind, it pervaded (everywhere), it dispensed riches.
8. With your bellies full of the Soma, like two saucepans, preservers of wealth, destroyers of enemies. (you are) armed with hatchets, moving like two flying (birds) with forms like the moon, attaining success through the mind, like two laudable beings, (you are) approaching (the sacrifice).
9. Like giants, ye will find firm ground to stand on in depths, like feet for one who fords a shallow.
Like cars ye will attend to him who orders: ye Two enjoy our wondrous work as sharers.
10. Like toiling bees ye bring to us your honey, as bees into the hide that opens downward.
11. May we increase the laud and gain us vigour: come to our song, ye whom one chariot carries.
Filled be our kine with ripened meath like glory: Bhutamsa hath fulfilled the Asvins’ longing.
HYMN CVII. Daksina.
1. THESE men’s great bounty hath been manifested, and the whole world of life set free from darkness.
Great light hath come, vouchsafed us by the Fathers: apparent is the spacious path of Guerdon.
2. High up in heaven abide the Guerdon-givers: they who give steeds dwell with the Sun for ever.
They who give gold are blest with life eternal. they who give robes prolong their lives, O Soma.
3. Not from the niggards-for they give not fireely-comes Meed at sacrifice, Gods’ satisfaction:
Yea, many men with hands stretched out with Guerdon present their gifts because they dread dishonour.
4. These who observe mankind regard oblation as streamy Vayu and light-finding Arka.
They satisfy and give their gifts in synod, and pour in streams the seven-mothered Guerdon.
5. He who brings Guerdon comes as first invited: chief of the hamlet comes the Guerdon-bearer.
Him I account the ruler of the people who was the first to introduce the Guerdon.
6. They call him Rsi, Brahman, Sama-chanter, reciter of the laud, leader of worship.
The brightly-shining God’s three forms he knoweth who first bestowed the sacrificial Guerdon.
7. Guerdon bestows the horse, bestows the bullock, Guerdon bestows, moreover, gold that Rsisters.
Guerdon gives food which is our life and spirit. He who is wise takes Guerdon for his armour.
8. The liberal die not, never are they ruined: the liberal suffer neither harm nor trouble.
The light of heaven, the universe about us,-all this doth sacrificial Guerdon give them.
9. First have the liberal gained a fragrant dwelling, and got themselves a bride in fair apparel.
The liberal have obtained their draught of liquor, and conquered those who, unprovoked, assailed them.
10. They deck the fleet steed for the bounteous giver: the maid adorns herself and waits to meet him.
His home is like a lake with lotus blossoms, like the Gods’ palaces adorned and splendid.
11. Steeds good at draught convey the liberal giver, and lightly rolling moves the car of Guerdon.
Assist, ye Gods, the liberal man in battles: the liberal giver conquers foes in combat.
HYMN CVIII. Sarama. Panis.
1. WHAT wish of Sarama hath brought her hither? The path leads far away to distant places.
What charge hast thou for us? Where turns thy journey? How hast thou made thy way o’er Rasa’s waters.
2. I come appointed messenger of Indra, seeking your ample stores of wealth, O Panis.
This hath preserved me from the fear of crossing: thus have I made my way o’er Rasa’s waters.
3. What is that Indra like, what is his aspect whose envoy, Sarama, from afar thou comest?
Let him approach, and we will show him friendship: he shall be made the herdsman of our cattle.
4. I know him safe from harm: but he can punish who sent me hither from afar as envoy.
Him rivers flowing with deep waters bide not. Low will ye be, O Panis, slain by Indra.
5. These are the kine which, Sarama, thou seekest, flying, O Blest One, to the ends of heaven.
Who will loose these for thee without a battle? Yea, and sharp-pointed are our warlike weapons.
6. Even if your wicked bodies, O ye Panis, were arrow-proof, your words are weak for wounding;
And were the path to you as yet unmastered, Brhaspati in neither case will spare you.
7. Paved with the rock is this our treasure-chamber; filled full of precious things, of kine, and horses.
These Panis who are watchful keepers guard it. In vain hast thou approached this lonely station.
8. Rsis will come inspirited with Soma, Angirases unwearied, and Navagvas.
This stall of cattle will they part among them: then will the Panis wish these words unspoken.
9. Even thus, O Sarama, hast thou come hither, forced by celestial might to make the journey.
Turn thee not back, for thou shalt be our sister: O Blest One, we will give thee of the cattle.
10. Brotherhood, sisterhood, I know not either: the dread Angirases and Indra know them.
They seemed to long for kine when I departed. Hence, into distance, be ye gone, O Panis.
11. Hence, far away, ye Panis! Let the cattle lowing come forth as holy Law commandeth,
Kine which Brhaspati, and Soma, Rsis, sages, and pressing-stones have found when hidden.
HYMN CIX. Visvedevas.
1. THESE first, the boundless Sea, and Matarisvan, fierce-glowing Fire, the Strong, the Bliss-bestower.
And heavenly Floods, first-born by holy Order, exclaimed against the outrage on a Brahman.
2. King Soma first of all, without reluctance, made restitution of the Brahman’s consort.
Mitra and Varuna were the inviters: Agni as Hota; took her hand and led her.
3. The man, her pledge, must by her hand be taken when they have cried, She is a Brahman’s consort.
She stayed not for a herald to conduct her: thus is the kingdom of a ruler guarded.
4. Thus spake of her those Gods of old, Seven Rsis who sate them down to their austere devotion:
Dire is a Brahman’s wife led home by others: in the supremest heaven she plants confusion.
5. The Brahmacari goes engaged in duty: he is a member of the Gods’ own body.
Through him Brhaspati obtained his consort, as the Gods gained the ladle brought by Soma.
6. So then the Gods restored her, so men gave the woman back again.
The Kings who kept their promises restored the Brahman’s wedded wife,
7. Having restored the Brahman’s wife, and freed them, with Gods’ aid, from sin,
They shared the fulness of the earth, and won themselves extended sway.
HYMN CX. Apris.
1. THOU in the house of man this day enkindled worshippest Gods as God, O Jatavedas.
Observant, bright as Mitra, bring them hither: thou art a sapient and foreknowing envoy.
2. Tanunapat, fair-tongued, with sweet meath balming the paths and waysof Order, make them pleasant.
Convey our sacrifice to heaven, exalting with holy thoughts ourhymns of praise and worship.
3. Invoked, deserving prayer and adoration, O Agni, come accordant with the Vasus.
Thou art, O Youthful Lord, the Gods’ Invoker, so, best of Sacrificers, bring them quickly.
4. By rule the Sacred Grass is scattered eastward, a robe to clothe this earth when dawns are breaking.
Widely it spreads around and far-extended, fair for the Gods and bringing peace and freedom.
5. Let the expansive Doors be widely opened, like wives who deck their beauty for their husbands.
Lofty, celestial, all-impelling Portals, admit the Gods and give them easy entrance.
6. Pouring sweet dews let holy Night and Morning, each close to each, he seated at their station,
Lofty, celestial Dames with gold to deck them. assuming all their fair and radiant beauty.
7. Come the two first celestial sweet-voiced Hotars, arranging sacrifice for man to worship
As singers who inspire us in assemblies, showing the eastward light with their direction.
8. Let Bharati come quickly to our worship, and Ila showing like a human being.
So let Sarasvati and both her fellows, deft Goddesses, on this fair grass be seated.
9. Hotar more skilled in sacrifice, bring hither with speed to-day God Tvastar, thou who knowest.
Even him who formed these two, the Earth and Heaven the Parents, with their forms, and every creature.
10. Send to our offerings which thyself thou balmest the Companies of Gods in ordered season.
Agni, Vanaspati the Immolator sweeten our offered gift with meath and butter.
11. Agni, as soon as he was born, made ready the sacrifice, and was the Gods’ preceder.
May the Gods cat our offering consecrated according to this true Priest’s voice and guidance.