“‘Shalya said, “O son of Gandhari, when thou, O giver of honours, describest me before thy troops to be superior to the son of Devaki, I am exceedingly gratified with thee. I accept the drivership of the celebrated son of Radha when he will fight with that foremost of the sons of Pandu, as thou desirest. I have, however, O hero, a compact to make with Vaikartana, and that is this: I will utter whatever words I may wish, in this one’s presence.'”
“Sanjaya continued, ‘Thy son then, O king, with Karna, O sire, answered the ruler of the Madras, saying, “Let it be so” in the presence of all the kshatriyas. Assured by Shalya’s acceptance of the drivership, Duryodhana, filled with joy, embraced Karna. Eulogised (by bards and panegyrists around), thy son then once more addressed Karna, saying, “Slay all the Parthas in battle, like the great Indra slaying the Danavas.” Shalya having accepted the office of holding the reins of his steeds, Karna, with a cheerful heart, once more addressed Duryodhana, saying, “The ruler of the Madras does not say very cheerfully what he says. O king, solicit him once more in sweet words.” Thus addressed, the mighty king Duryodhana, possessed of great wisdom and accomplished in everything, once more spoke unto that lord of Earth, viz., Shalya, the ruler of Madras, in a voice deep as that of the clouds and filling the whole region there with the sound of that voice: “O Shalya, Karna thinks that he should fight with Arjuna today. O tiger among men hold the reins of Karna’s steeds in battle. Having slain all the other warriors Karna desires to slay Phalguna. I solicit thee, O king, repeatedly, in the matter of holding the reins of his steeds. As Krishna, that foremost of all drivers, is the counsellor of Partha, even so do thou protect the son of Radha today from every danger.'”
“Sanjaya continued, ‘Embracing thy son then, Shalya the ruler of the Madras, joyfully answered that slayer of foes, viz., Duryodhana, saying, “If this is what is thou thinkest, O royal son of Gandhari, O thou of handsome features, I shall, for that, accomplish everything that may be agreeable to thee. O chief of the Bharatas, for whatever acts I may be fit, employing myself therein with my whole heart, I will bear the burthen of those acts of thine. Let Karna, however, and thyself pardon me all those words, agreeable or disagreeable, that I may speak unto Karna from desire of his good.'”
“‘Karna said, “O ruler of the Madras, be thou ever engaged in our good as Brahman in that of Ishana, as Keshava in that of Partha.”
“‘Shalya said, “These four kinds of conduct–self-rebuke and self-praise, speaking ill of others, and adulation of others, are never practised by those that are respectable. That, however, O learned one, which I shall say, for inspiring thy confidence is fraught with self-adulation. For all that, listen to it duly. O puissant one, like Matali himself, I am fit to act as the driver of even Indra in watchfulness, in managing the steeds, in knowledge of coming danger and of the means of avoiding it, and in competence to avoid it in practice. When thou wilt be engaged in battle with Partha, I will hold the reins of thy steeds. Let thy anxiety be dispelled, O Suta’s son.”‘”
“‘Duryodhana said, “This one, O Karna, will act as thy driver, this ruler of the Madras, who is superior to Krishna, like Matali the driver of the chief of the celestials. Indeed, as Matali taketh the management of the car unto which the steeds of Indra are attached, even so will Shalya be the driver of the steeds of thy car today. With thyself as warrior on that vehicle and the ruler of the Madras as its driver, that foremost of car will certainly vanquish the Parthas in battle.'”
“Sanjaya continued, ‘When the morning came, O monarch, Duryodhana once more addressed the ruler of the Madras endued with great activity, saying, “O ruler of the Madras, hold the reins in battle of Karna’s foremost of steeds. Protected by thee, the son of Radha will vanquish Dhananjaya.” Thus addressed, Shalya, answering, “So be it” ascended the car, O Bharata. When Shalya approached that car, Karna with a cheerful heart addressed his driver, saying, “O charioteer, quickly equip the car for me.” Having duly equipped that triumphal car, the foremost of its kind, which resembled the vapoury mansions in the sky, Shalya presented it to Karna, saying, “Blessed be thou, victory to thee.” Then Karna, that foremost of car-warriors, duly worshipping that car which had in days of old been sanctified by a priest conversant with Brahma, and circumambulating it and carefully adoring the god Surya addressed the ruler of the Madras standing near, saying, “Ascend the vehicle.”
Thereupon Shalya of mighty energy ascended that large, invincible, and foremost of cars, belonging to Karna like a lion ascending a mountain summit. Beholding Shalya stationed, Karna ascended his excellent car like the Sun riding on a mass of clouds charged with lightning. Mounted on the same car, those two heroes endued with the splendour or the Sun of fire looked resplendent like Surya and Agni sitting together on a cloud in the firmament. Eulogised then (by bards and panegyrists), those two heroes of great effulgence looked like Indra and Agni adored with hymns in a sacrifice by Ritwiks and Sadasyas. Karna stood on that car, the reins of whose steeds were held by Shalya, stretching his formidable bow, like the Sun himself within a halo of circular light. Stationed on that foremost of cars, that tiger among men, Karna, with his shafts constituting his rays, looked beautiful like the Sun on the Mandara mountains. Unto the mighty-armed son of Radha that warrior of immeasurable energy, stationed on his car for battle.
Duryodhana said these words, “O son of Adhiratha, O hero, do thou achieve that feat difficult of accomplishment which Drona and Bhishma have not achieved in the very sight of all the bowmen. I had always believed that those two mighty car-warriors, viz., Bhishma and Drona, would without doubt slay Arjuna and Bhimasena in battle. Like a second wielder of the thunderbolt, O son of Radha, do thou in great battle achieve that feat worthy of a hero which was not achieved by those two. Either seize king Yudhishthira the just or slay Dhananjaya and Bhimasena, O son of Radha, and the twin sons of Madri. Blessed be thou, let victory be thine. Set out for battle, O tiger among men. Reduce to ashes all the troops of Pandu’s son.” Then thousands of trumpets and tens of thousands of drums, sounded together, produced a noise like that of the clouds in the welkin. Accepting those words (of Duryodhana), the foremost of car-warriors stationed on his car, viz., the son of Radha, addressed Shalya, that warrior accomplished in battle, saying, “Urge the steeds, O mighty-armed one, so that I may slay Dhananjaya and Bhimasena and both the twins and king Yudhishthira. O Shalya, let Dhananjaya behold today the might of my arms, when I will be engaged in shooting shafts winged with Kanka feathers in hundreds and thousands. Today, O Shalya, I will shoot shafts with great energy for the destruction of the Pandavas and the victory of Duryodhana.”