“Sanjaya continued, ‘Having heard these words of the high-souled Keshava, Yudhishthira, with great joy, worshipped in return that hero of Dasharha’s race. “Good luck,... Read more
At the sound of the heroic Madhava’s conch as also at that of Arjuna’s, all the Kauravas, O best of kings, became filled with fright. Those foremost of men, causing the forests,... Read more
Bows decked with ornaments of gold, and shafts equipped with beautiful wings of pure gold, and bright unsheathed rapiers of excellent temper, and lances, and scimitars bright as gold, and um... Read more
The twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) of great fame, and Satyaki, having pursued with great speed the king of the Gandharvas who was possessed of lightness of hands in the use of weapons, re-appea... Read more
Bhima then, uttering loud roars and causing the welkin to tremble with those awful and tremendous shouts, began to slap his armpits, jump, and dance, frightening the Dhartarashtras by those... Read more
Then Vasudeva, addressing Partha, said, “Cut off with thy arrow the head of this enemy of thine, viz., Vrisha, before he succeeds in getting upon his car.” Applauding those words... Read more
Then Dhananjaya, filled with rage, inspiring with mantras another celestial weapons that looked like fire and that resembled the poison of the snake and that was as hard as the essence of ad... Read more
That foremost of shafts, well shot by Arjuna, penetrated through Karna’s armour, and as if suspending his life breaths, drank his blood and entered the earth, its wings also having bee... Read more
Bent upon winning the victory, O king, he quickly said unto his rival, “Thou art slain, O Phalguna!” Sped from Karna’s arms, that shaft of awful whizz, resembling fire or t... Read more
Deeply struck with those winged arrows of fierce energy shot with great force from Partha’s bow, Karna, with mangled limbs and body bathed in blood, looked resplendent like Rudra at th... Read more