The man that bathes at the confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna, obtains the merit of ten horse-sacrifices, and also rescues his race. One should next, O king, go to Sugandha, celebrated over the world. By this, cleansed of every sin, he becometh adored in the abode of Brahma. Then, O lord of men, the pilgrim should repair to Rudravarta. Bathing there, one ascendeth to heaven. Bathing at the confluence of the Ganga and the Saraswati, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and also ascendeth to heaven. Proceeding next to Bhadrakarneswara and worshipping the gods duly, one, without sinking into distress, becometh adored in heaven. Then, O lord of men, the pilgrim should proceed to the tirtha called Kuvjamraka. By this he obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine, and heaven also. Then, O king, the pilgrim should go to the Arundhativata. Proceeding thither with concentrated soul and practising the Brahmacharya vows, one that batheth in Samudraka and fasteth for three nights, obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and of giving away a thousand kine, and also rescueth his race. One should next proceed to Brahmavarta, with concentrated soul and practising the Brahmacharya vows. By this, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice, and goeth to the region of Soma.
The man that proceedeth to the Yamuna-prabhava, (the source of the Yamuna) and batheth there, obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and is worshipped in heaven. Arriving at Darvisankramana, that tirtha which is worshipped of the three worlds, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and goeth to heaven. Repairing next to Sindhu-prabhava (the source of the Indus) which is worshipped by Siddhas and Gandharvas, and staying there for five nights, one obtaineth the merit of giving away gold in abundance. Proceeding next to the inaccessible tirtha called Vedi, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and ascendeth to heaven. Then, O Bharata, should one proceed to Rishikulya and Vasishtha. By visiting the latter, all orders attain to Brahmanhood.
Repairing to Rishikulya and bathing there, and living a month upon herbs, and worshipping the gods and Pitris, one is cleansed of all his sins, and obtaineth the region of the Rishis. Proceeding next to Bhrigutunga a person acquireth the merit of the horse-sacrifice. Repairing then to Vipramoksha, one is freed from every sin. Proceeding then to the tirtha of Krittika and Magha, one, O Bharata, obtaineth the merit superior to that of the Agnishtoma and Atiratha sacrifices. The man who, repairing to the excellent tirtha called Vidya, batheth there in the evening, obtaineth proficiency in every kind of knowledge. One should next reside for one night at Mahasrama capable of destroying every sin, taking a single meal. By this, one obtains many auspicious regions, and delivers ten preceding and ten succeeding generations of his race. Dwelling next for a month of Mahalaya, and fasting there for three nights, one’s soul is cleansed of all sins and one acquires the merit of giving away gold in abundance. Proceeding next to Vetasika worshipped by the Grandsire, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and the state of Usanas. Going next to the tirtha called Sundarika, worshipped by the Siddhas, one obtaineth personal beauty as witnessed by the ancients.
Proceeding next to Brahmani with subdued senses and observing the Brahmacharya vow, a person ascendeth to the region of Brahma on a lotus-hued car. One should repair next to the sacred Naimisha, worshipped by the Siddhas. There dwelleth for aye Brahma with the gods. By only purposing to go to Naimisha, half one’s sins are destroyed; by entering it, one is cleansed of all his sins. The pilgrim of subdued senses should stay at Naimisha for a month; for, O Bharata, all the tirthas of the earth are at Naimisha. Bathing there, with restrained senses and regulated fare, one obtains, O Bharata, the merit of the cow-sacrifice, and also sanctifies, O best of the Bharatas, his race for seven generations both upwards and downwards. He who renounceth his life at Naimisha by fasting, enjoyeth happiness in the heavenly regions. Even this is the opinion of the wise. O foremost of kings, Naimisha is ever sacred and holy. Proceeding next to Gangodbheda and fasting there for three nights, a man obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and becometh like unto Brahma himself. Journeying to the Saraswati, one should offer oblations unto the gods and the Pitris. By this, one certainly enjoyeth bliss in the regions called Saraswata.
Then should one wend to Vahuda, with subdued soul and observing the Brahmacharya vow. Residing there for one night, one becometh adored in heaven, and obtaineth also, O Kaurava, the merit of the Devasatra sacrifice. Then should one repair to the holy Kshiravati, frequented by holier men. By worshipping the gods and the Pitris there, one obtains the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. Proceeding next to Vimalasoka, with subdued soul and observing the Brahmacharya vow, and residing there for one night, one is adored in heaven. One should next proceed to the excellent Gopratra in the Sarayu, whence Rama, O king, with all his attendants and animals, renouncing his body, ascended to heaven in consequence of the efficacy of the tirtha alone. Bathing in that tirtha, O Bharata, one’s soul, through Rama’s grace, and by virtue of his own deeds, being cleansed of all sins, one becometh adored in heaven. O Bharata! Proceeding next, O son of the Kuru race, to the Rama-tirtha on the Gomati, and bathing there, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice, and sanctifieth also his own race. There, O bull of the Bharata race, is another tirtha called Satasahasrika.
Bathing there, with restrained senses and regulated diet, a person reapeth, O bull of Bharata race, the merit of giving away a thousand kine. Then should one, O king, go to the unrivalled tirtha called Bhartristhana. By this, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice. Bathing next in the tirtha called Koti, and worshipping Kartikeya, a man reapeth, O king, the merit of giving away a thousand kine, and acquireth great energy. Proceeding next to Varanasi, and worshipping the god having the bull for his mark, after a bath in the Kapilahrada, one obtaineth the merit of the Rajasuya sacrifice. Repairing then, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, to the tirtha called Avimukta, and beholding there the god of gods, the pilgrim, from such sight alone, is immediately cleansed of even the sin of slaying a Brahmana. By renouncing one’s life there, one obtaineth deliverance. Arriving next, O king, at the rare tirtha called Markandeya celebrated over the world and situated at the confluence of the Ganges, a person obtaineth the merit of Agnishtoma sacrifice, and delivereth his race. Sojourning next to Gaya, with subdued senses and observing the Brahmacharya vow, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and also rescueth his race.
There in that tirtha is the Akshaya-vata, celebrated over the three worlds. Whatever is offered there to the Pitris is said to become inexhaustible. Bathing there at the Mahanadi, and offering oblations to the gods and the Pitris, a man acquireth eternal regions, and also rescueth his race. Proceeding then to Brahma-sara that is adorned by the woods of Dharma, and passing one night there, a man attaineth to the region of Brahma. In that lake, Brahma had raised a sacrificial pillar. By walking round this pillar, a person acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. One should next, O mighty monarch, go to Denuka celebrated over the world. Staying there for one night and giving away sesame and kine, one’s soul being cleansed from every sin, one ascendeth, without doubt to the region of Soma. There, O king, on the mountains, the cow called Kapila used to range with her calf. There is little doubt, of this, O Bharata, the hoof-marks, of that cow and her calf are seen there to this day. By bathing in those hoof-prints, O foremost of monarchs, whatever sin a man may have incurred is, O Bharata, washed away.