110. Behind the plain and obvious meanings of the words employed both in the question and the answer, there is a deeper signification of a spiritual kind. I think Nilakantha has rightly unde... Read more
86. Picking up for support (1) ears of corn and (2) individual grains, left on the field by husbandmen after they have gathered and carried away the sheaves, are called the Sila and the Unch... Read more
56. Vedamayi nou. Lit, a boat made of the Vedas. 57. Vishada is the original. It means discontent, but here it means more a mixture of discontent, perplexity and confusion than mere disconte... Read more
36. Yupas (stakes) mean here, feelings, etc, which keep men bound to the world. Rudras are those who makes others cry. Vandin means to say that the soul is not essential free from the fetter... Read more
11. The ascetic properties are Anima, Laghima, etc. 12. The bow of Vishnu, as that of Siva is called Pinaka. 13. The words of the text are Adhana, Pashubandha, Ishti Mantra, Yajana and Tapa-... Read more
Thereupon the Brahmanas, together with his brothers began to cheer him up. Then Dhaumya spake unto the king these words fraught with mighty meaning,–‘O king, thou art learned and... Read more
SECTION CCCXII Vaisampayana continued,–“Then agreeable to the words of the Yaksha the Pandavas rose up; and in a moment their hunger and thirst left them. Thereupon Yudhishthira... Read more
How could things thus antagonistic to one another exist together?’ Yudhishthira answered,–‘When a wife and virtue agree with each other, then all the three thou hast mentio... Read more
The Yaksha asked,–‘What is the best of all laudable things? What is the most valuable of all his possessions? What is the best of all gains? And what is the best of all kinds of... Read more
Vaisampayana continued, ‘Hearing these accursed words couched in harsh syllabus,[109] Yudhishthira, O king, approaching the Yaksha who had spoken then, stood there. And that bull among... Read more