English Translation
By Panditabushana V. SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI B.A.,
Asst. Secretary to the Government of Mysore (Retd.)
Published by B. Soobbiah & Sons 1939
Uttarakalamrita, which is here translated, discloses a treasure house of knowledge on Astrology so far unrevealed. This work is ascribed to Kalidasa of the court of Vikramasurya-itself a proper name suggesting Vikrama of the solar race. A part of the work is called (Kalidasa krita) and indeed Sri V. Suryanarayana Siddhantigaru, who has published the original work in Telugu Characters, describes this as an astrological work of the Maha Kavi Kalidasa, giving a colophon at the end of each chapter in Telugu that this Uttarakalamrita was the work of Sri Kalidasa. It is not possible to say whether any Kalidasa was the author of this work. In any case, the author of this work, important as it is in the field of astrology, ought not to be confused and mixed up or identified with the immortal poet of that name, as even the intrinsic evidence is against it.
The value of the work will be evident from the information available in it with reference to the (1) three births – past, present and future, – with detailed references concerning longevity; (2) special kinds of Rajayogas and their Bhangas (3) solar year and its delineation : effects of the Varshika Dasas of the several plants; (4) importance attached to Rahu and Ketu (5) (Nimita) or Muhurta for the inauguration post, & c., enterprise or a ceremonial – Cfr. Khanda VIII.
A new idea is developed in the commentaries on this work: that of depicting the parts played by Jupiter and Saturn as co-workers. Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka has described the owners of the 12 signs in the following manner:
The first (Pada) mentions the owners of the first eight signs while a separate (Pada) has been allotted to mention the lords of the remaining four signs. The idea contained here is to show the line of demarcation between the first eight signs and the last four signs. The first eight signs signify all aspects of the native from birth to death, i.e., material ones. The last four denote the following qualities, viz., Dharma Tapas Fame Gain and Moksha. In fact; these four signs represent Dharma, Dharma Arttha Kama and Moksha. Here Arttha and Kama should not be taken in the material sense. They play their part only so far as they help the native to attain salvation. Now the last four signs are owned by Jupiter and Saturn and these two are therefore classed as philosophical planets. The eighth sloka in the same Adhyaya is a further support of the same idea.
Jupiter is a planet who is supposed to represent the Brahmin class, while Saturn, the outcast or Chandala. A mutual Parivartana – interchange, aspect or conjunction between these two planets will mean the establishment of a cordial relation between the Brahmin and the outcast. This is a very necessary qualification for a true philosopher. In this connection, it will be apt to quote the following sloka:
Viewing from another aspect, Jupiter is a planet representing happiness while Saturn represents misery – II-5, 7. Jupiter denotes holy places, while Saturn stands for filth, etc. A cordial relation between the two will naturally prove the existence of an impartial viewing of all things in the native.
Again, Jupiter is supposed to be the Amaraguru or the preceptor of the Gods, and so, can be understood to represent Narayana, that is, Vishnu. In very Saiva temple in India the idol of Saturn – Saniswara is inevitable. Therefore, it will not be mistake if one were to conclude that Saturn represents Hara. It is a well known statement in Hindu Pholosophy that Hara the last of the Hindu Trinity, stands for Destruction, while Hari, the middle one, is for Protection. A mutual relationship between the two planets in a nativity will now mean that the native has got the capacity to understand that there is no distinction between Hari and Hara, which otherwise means that existence in, and exit from, the world are to be treated with the same amount of pleasure.
South Indians are only familiar with Kalamrita of about 30 verses, dealing with religious duties and ritual observed in Hindu-more strictly Brahmin-homes.
About 85 charts belonging to people of various ranks and ages have been introduced so as to be educative to the reader. Ramrks concerning the various aspects of life have been freely made in appropriate places.
The second Kanda is published for the first time. Rahu and Mercury are identified with Urdu and Telugu respectively.
My thanks are due to (1) the authorities of the Government Oriental Mss. Library, Madras, for enabling me to obtain the manuscript relating to the second Kanda (2) Messrs : C.S. Venkatarama Sastri, B.Sc., Chamarajapet; B.L. Narasimha Sastri, Astrologer, Bangalore City; H.R. Seshadri Iyer, M.A., Shankarpur and Vedamurti V. Padmanabhachariar of the Sri Chamarajendra Sanskrit College, Bangalore City, for their ungrudging help tendered in the preparation of this work. I may add the loving, unfailing and ungrudging service of my youngest son Chi: K.S. Krishnamurti, B.Sc., (Hons) which made this a work of pleasure for me.
Lastly, Mr. V.B. Srikantiah of Messrs: V.B. Soobbiah and Sons deserves my heartfelt thanks for the quickness and promptness with which he
enabled me to get this work printed.