Sloka. 29. Mesha Vrishabha, Makara, Kanya, Kataka, Meena and Thula are the exaltation signs of the seven planets respectively from the Sun onwards,
their depression signs being the 7th from their exaltation one. The highest exaltation portion of the planets counting from the Sun are the 10th, the 3rd’ the 28th, the 15th, the 5th, the 27th and the 20th degree of the several signs.
Notes: These are useful in finding the correct Uchcha balas of the several planets.
The effects of the Sun and the Moon occupying their respective highest exaltation degrees in their exaltation signs have been separately given by Garga and the result of their occupying their extreme depression portions is thus described by the same.
Sloka. 30. Lagna or the whole, Hora or half, Drekkana or 1/3rd, Swaramsa or 1/7th, Navamsa or l/9th, Dasamsa or 1/10th, Dwadasamsa or 1/l2th, Kalamsa or l/l6th, Thrimsamsa or l/30th, and Sashtyamsa or l/60th of a sign (usully called Dasavarga) produce loss, danger, long life and prosperity to men. Hora means the half of a Rasi; in an odd sign the halves belong respectively to the Sun and the Moon, and in an even one to the Moon and the Sun. The Drekkana or the third portions of a sign are owned by the iords of the sign itself, of the son’s or 5th house, and of the 9th or the house of Dharma.
There are sixteen Vargas, but only ten are given here. Even these ten Vargas are but seldom consulted. Six and sometimes seven are usually resorted to and are known as Shadvarga and Sapthavarga. respectively. Viik slokas 47 & 48.
That is; (l) Rasi, (2) Hora, (3) Drekkana, (4) Chathurthamsa (5) Sapthamsa, (6) Navamsa, (7) Dasamamsa (8) Drvadsamsa (9) Shodasanlsa, (1O) Vimsamsa (11) Siddhamsa or one twenty-fourth, (12) Bhamsa or one twentyseventh, (13) Trimsamsa, (14) Khavedamsa or one fortieth (15) Akhavedamsa or one forty-fifth and (16) Shashtyamsa or one sixtieth.
For the uses of the several Vargas, According to the Yavanas, the lords of the Horas and Drekkanas are as described in the following sloka : so that, according to this view, the ownership of the Horas is not restricted to the Sun and the Moon, but is shared by all the planets. But this view of the Yavanas is not recognised by Varahamihira, nor even by authorities like Satya, who has thus stated. But it may be mentioned here that this convention of the Yavanas has been, accepted for Prasna purposes (Horary astrology) while the other is recognized for purposes of horoscopy.