1. STONE-DARTING Indra. Wondrous One, what wealth is richly given from thee,
That bounty, Treasure-Finder! bring filling both thy hands, to us.
2. Bring what thou deemest worth the wish, O Indra, that which is in heaven.
So may we know thee as thou art, boundless in thy munificence.
3. Thy lofty spirit, far-renowned as fain to give and prompt to win,-
With this thou rendest e’en the firm, Stone-Darter! so to gain thee strength.
4. Singers with many songs have made Indra propitious to their fame,
Him who is King of human kind, most liberal of your wealthy ones.
5. To him, to Indra must be sung the poet’s word, the hymn of praise.
To him, accepter of the prayer, the Atris raise their songs on high, the Atris beautify their songs.
HYMN XL. Indra. Surya. Atri.
1. COME thou to what the stones have pressed, drink Soma, O thou Soma’s Lord,
Indra best Vrtra-slayer Strong One, with the Strong.
2. Strong is the stone, the draught is strong, strong is this Soma that is pressed,
Indra, best Vrtra-slayer, Strong One with the Strong.
3. As strong I call on thee the Strong, O Thunder-armed, with various aids,
Indra, best Vrtra-slayer, Strong One with the Strong.
4. Impetuous, Thunderer, Strong, quelling the mighty, King, potent, Vrtra-slayer, Soma-drinker,
May he come hither with his yoked Bay Horses; may Indra gladden him at the noon libation.
5. O Surya, when the Asura’s descendant Svarbhanu, pierced thee through and through with darkness,
All creatures looked like one who is bewildered, who knoweth not the place where he is standing.
6. What time thou smotest down Svarbhanu’s magic that spread itself beneath the sky, O Indra,
By his fourth sacred prayer Atri disoovered Surya concealed in gloom that stayed his function.
7. Let not the oppressor with this dread, through anger swallow me up, for I am thine, O Atri.
Mitra art thou, the sender of true blessings: thou and King Varuna be both my helpers.
8. The Brahman Atri, as he set the press-stones, serving the Gods with praise and adoration,
Established in the heaven the eye of Surya, and caused Svarbhanu’s magic arts to vanish.
9 The Atris found the Sun again, him whom Svarbhanu of the brood
Of Asuras had pierced with gloom. This none besides had power to do.
HYMN XLI. Visvedevas
1. WHO, Mitra-Varuna, is your pious servant to give you gifts from earth or mighty heaven?
Preserve us in the seat of holy Order, and give the offerer power that winneth cattle.
2. May Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, and Ayu, Indra Rbhuksan, and the Maruts, love us,
And they who of one mind with bounteous Rudra accept the hymn and laud with adorations.
3. You will I call to feed the car-horse, Asvins, with the wind’s flight swiftest of those who travel:
Or also to the Asura of heaven, Worshipful, bring a hymn as ’twere libation.
4. The heavenly Victor, he whose priest is Kanva, Trta with Dyaus accordant, Vata, Agni,
All-feeding Pusan, Bhaga sought the oblation, as they whose steeds are fleetest seek the contest.
5. Bring ye your riches forward borne on horses: let thought be framed for help and gain of treasure.
Blest he the priest of Ausija through courses, the courses which are yours the fleet, O Maruts.
6. Bring hither him who yokes the car, your Vayu, who praises with his songs, the God and Singer;
And, praying and devout, noble and prudent, may the Gods’ Spouses in their thoughts retain us.
7. I speed to you with powers that should be honoured, with songs distinguishing Heaven’s mighty Daughters,
Morning and Night, the Two, as ’twere all-knowing: these bring the sacrifice unto the mortal.
8. You I extol, the nourishers of heroes bringing you gifts, Vastospati and Tvastar-
Rich Dhisana accords through our obeisance – andTrees and Plants, for the swift gain of riches.
9. Ours be the Parvatas, even they, for offspring, free-moving, who are Heroes like the Vasus.
May holy Aptya, Friend of man, exalted, strengthen our word for ever and be near us.
10. Trta praised him, germ of the earthly hero, with pure songs him the Offspring of the Waters.
Agn; with might neighs loudly like a charger: he of the flaming hair destroys the forests.
11. How shall we speak to the great might of Rudra? How speak to Bhaga who takes thought for riches?
May Plants, the Waters, and the Sky preserve us, and Woods and Mountains with their trees for tresses.
12. May the swift Wanderer, Lord of refreshments listen to our songs, who speeds throuih cloudy heaven:
And may the Waters, bright like castles, hear us, as they flow onward from the cloven mountain.
13. We know your ways, ye Mighty Ones receiving choice meed, ye Wonderful, we will proclaim it.
Even strong birds descend not to the mortal who strives to reach them with swift blow and weapons.
14. Celestial and terrestrial generations, and Waters will I summon to the feasting.
May days with bright dawns cause my songs to prosper, and may the conquered streams increase their waters.
15. Duly to each one hath my laud been offered. Strong be Varutri with her powers to succour.
May the great Mother Rasa here befriend us, straight-handed, with the princes, striving forward.
16. How may we serve the Liberal Ones with worship, the Maruts swift of course in invocation, the Maruts far-renowned in invocation?
Let not the Dragon of the Deep annoy us, and gladly may he welcome our addresses.
17. Thus thinking, O ye Gods, the mortal wins you to give him increase of his herds of cattle: the mortal wins him, O ye Gods, your favour.
Here he wins wholesome food to feed this body: as for mine old age, Nirrti consume it
18. O Gods, may we obtain from you this favour, strengthening food through the Cow’s praise, ye Vasus.
May she who gives good gifts, the gracious Goddes. s, come speeding nigh to us for our well-being.
19. May Ila, Mother of the herds of cattle, and Urvasi with all the streams accept us;
May Urvasi in lofty heaven accepting, as she partakes the oblation of the living,
20 Visit us while she shares Urjavya’s food.
HYMN XLII. Visvedevas.
1. Now may our sweetest song with deep devotion reach Varuna, Mitra, Aditi, and Bhaga.
May the Five Priests’ Lord, dwelling in oblations, bliss-giving Asura, hear, whose paths are open.
2. May Aditi welcome, even as a mother her dear heart-gladdening son, my song that lauds her.
The prayer they love, bliss-giving, God-appointed, I offer unto Varuna and Mitra.
3. In spirit him, the Sagest of the Sages; with sacrificial oil and meath bedew him
So then let him, God Savitar, provide us excellent, ready, and resplendent treasures.
4. With willing mind, Indra, vouchsafe us cattle, prosperity, Lord of Bays! and pious patrons;
And, with the sacred prayer by Gods appointed, give us the holy Deities’ lovingkindness.
5. God Bhaga, Savitar who deals forth riches, Indra, and they who conquer Vrtra’s treasures,
And Vaja and Rbhuksan and Purandhi, the Mighty and Immortal Ones, protect us!
6. Let us declare his deeds, the undecaying unrivalled Victor whom the Maruts follow.
None of old times, O Maghavan, nor later, none of these days hath reached thy hero prowess.
7. Praise him the Chief who gives the boon of riches, Brhaspati distributor of treasures,
Who, blessing most the man who sings and praises, comes with abundant wealth to his invoker.
8. Tended, Brhaspati, with thy protections, the princes are unharmed and girt by heroes.
Wealth that brings bliss is found among the givers of horses and of cattle and of raiment.
9. Make their wealth flee who, through our hymns enjoying their riches, yield us not an ample guerdon.
Far from the sun keep those who hate devotion, the godless, prospering in their vocation.
10. With wheelless chariots drive down him, O Maruts, who at the feasts of Gods regards the demons.
May he, though bathed in sweat, form empty wishes, who blames his sacred rite who toils to serve you.
11. Praise him whose bow is strong and sure his arrow, him who is Lord of every balm that bealeth.
Worship thou Rudra for his great good favour: adore the Asura, God, with salutations.
12. May the House-friends, the cunning-handed Artists, may the Steer’s Wives, the streams carved out by Vibhvan,
And may the fair Ones honour and befriend us, Sarasvati, Brhaddiva, and Raka.
13. My newest song, thought that now springs within me, I offer to the Great, the Sure Protector,
Who made for us this All, in fond love laying each varied form within his Daughter’s bosom.
14. Now, even now, may thy fair praise, O Singer, attain Idaspati who roars and thunders,
Who, rich in clouds and waters with his lightning speeds forth bedewing both the earth and heaven.
15. May this my laud attain the troop of Maruts, those who are youths in act, the Sons of Rudra.
The wish calls me to riches and well-being: praise the unwearied Ones whose steeds are dappled.
16. May this my laud reach earth and air’s mid-region, and forest trees and plants to win me riches.
May every Deity be swift to listen, and Mother Earth with no ill thought regard me.
17. Gods, may we dwell in free untroubled bliss.
18 May we obtain the Asvins’ newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy guidance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!
HYMN XLIII. Visvedevas.
1. MAY the Milch-cows who hasten to their object come harmless unto us with liquid sweetness.
The Singer, lauding, calls, for ample riches, the Seven Mighty Ones who bring enjoyment.
2. With reverence and fair praise will I bring hither, for sake of strength, exhaustless Earth and Heaven.
Father and Mother, sweetof speech, fairhanded, may they, far-famed, in every fight protect us.
3. Adhvaryus, make the sweet libations ready, and bring the beautiful bright juice to Vayu.
God, as our Priest, be thou the first to drink it: we give thee of the mead to make thee joyful.
4. Two arms-the Soma’s dexterous immo. lators-and the ten fingers set and fix the press-stone.
The stalk hath poured, fair with its spreading branches, the mead’s bright glittering juice that dwells on mountains.
5. The Soma hath been pressed for thee, its lover, to give thee power and might and high enjoyment.
Invoked, turn hither in thy car, O Indra, at need, thy two well-trained and dear Bay Horses.
6. Bring by God-traversed paths, accordant, Agni, the great Aramati, Celestial Lady,
Exalted, worshipped with our gifts and homage, who knoweth holy Law, to drink sweet Soma.
7. As on his father’s lap the son, the darling, so on the fire is set the sacred caldron,
Which holy singers deck, as if extending and heating that which holds the fatty membrane.
8. Hither, as herald to invite the Asvins, come the great lofty song, most sweet and pleasant!
Come in one car, joy-givers! to the banquet, like the bolt binding pole and nave, come hither.
9. I have declared this speech of adoration to mightiest Pusan and victorious Vayu,
Who by their bounty are the hymns’ inspirers, and of themselves give power as a possession.
10. Invoked by us bring hither, jatavedas the Maruts all under their names and figures.
Come to the sacrifice with aid all Maruts, all to the songs and praises of the singer!
11. From high heaven may Sarasvati the Holy visit our sacrifice, and from the mountain.
Eager, propitious, may the balmy Goddess hear our effectual speech, our invocation.
12. Set in his seat the God whose back is dusky, Brhaspati the lofty, the Disposer.
Him let us worship, set within the dwelling, the red, the golden-hued, the allresplendent.
13. May the Sustainer, high in heaven, come hither, the Bounteous One, invoked, with all his favours,
Dweller with Dames divine, with plants, unwearied, the Steer with triple horn, the life-bestower.
14. The tuneful eloquent priests of him who liveth have sought the Mother’s bright and loftiest station.
As living men, with offered gifts and homage they deck the most auspicious Child to clothe him.
15. Agni, great vital power is thine, the mighty: pairs waxing old in their devotion seek thee.
May every Deity be swift to listen, and Mother Earth with no ill thought regard me.
16. Gods, may we dwell in free untroubled bliss.
17. May we obtain the Asvins’ newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy guidance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!