HYMN XV. Agni.
1. To him, the far-renowned, the wise Ordainer, ancient and glorious, a song I offer.
Enthroned in oil, the Asura, bliss-giver, is Agni, firm support of noble, riches.
2. By holy Law they kept supporting Order, by help of sacrifice, in loftiest heaven,-
They who attained with born men to the unborn, men seated on that stay, heaven’s firm sustainer.
3. Averting woe, they labour hard to bring him, the ancient, plenteous food as power resistless.
May he, born newly, conquer his assailants: round him they stand as round an angry lion.
4. When, like a mother, spreading forth to nourish, to cherish and regard each man that liveth,-
Consuming all the strength that thou hast gotten, thou wanderest round, thyself,
in varied fashion.
5. May strength preserve the compass of thy vigour, God! that broad stream of thine that beareth riches.
Thou, like a thief who keeps his refuge secret, hast holpen Atri to great wealth, by teaching.
1. GREAT power is in the beam of light, sing praise to, Agni, to the God
Whom men have set in foremost place like Mitra with their eulogies.
2. He by the splendour of his arms is Priest of every able man.
Agni conveys oblation straight, and deals, as Bhaga deals, his boons.
3. All rests upon the laud and love of him the rich, high-flaming God,
On whom, loud-roaring, men have laid great strength as on a faithful friend.
4. So, Agni, be the Friend of these with liberal gift of hero strength.
Yea, Heaven and Earth have not surpassed this Youthful One in glorious fame.
5. O Agni, quickly come to us, and, glorified, bring precious wealth.
So we and these our princes will assemble for the good of all. Be near in fight to prosper us.
1. GOD, may a mortal call the Strong hither, with solemn rites, to aid,
A man call Agni to protect when sacrifice is well prepared.
2. Near him thou seemest mightier still in native glory, set to hold
Apart yon flame-hued vault of heaven, lovely beyond the thought of man.
3. Yea, this is by the light of him whom powerful siong hath bound to act,
Whose bearns of splendour flash on high as though they sprang from heavenly seed.
4. Wealth loads the Wonder-Worker’s car through his, the very wise One’s power.
Then, meet to be invoked among all tribes, is Agni ghorified.
5. Now, too, the princes shall obtain excellent riches by our lips.
Protect us for our welfare: lend thy succour, O thou Son of Strength. Be near in fight to prosper us.
1. AT dawn let: Agni, much-beloved guest of the house, be glorified;
Immortal who delights in all oblations brought by mortal men.
2. For Dvita who receives through wealth of native strength maimed offerings,
Thy praiser even gains at once the Soma-drops, Immortal Gods!
3. Nobles, with song I call that car of yours that shines with lengthened life,
For, God who givest steeds! that car hither and thither goes unharmed.
4. They who have varied ways of thought, who guard, the lauds within their lips,
And strew the grass before the light, have decked themselves with high renown.
5. Immortal Agni, give the chiefs, heroes who institute the rite,
Heroes’ illustrious, lofty fame, who at the synod met for praise presented me with fifty steeds.
1. ONE state begets another state: husk is made visible from husk:
Within his Mother’s side he speaks.
2. Discerning, have they offered gifts: they guard the strength that never wastes.
To a strong fort have they pressed in.
3. Svaitreya’s people, all his men, have gloriously increased in might.
A gold chain Brhaduktha wears, as, through this Soma, seeking spoil.
4. I bring, as ’twere, the longed-for milk, the dear milk of the Sister-Pair.
Like to a caldron filled with food is he, unconquered, conquering all.
5. Beam of light, come to us in sportive fashion, finding thyself close to the wind that fans thee.
These flames of his are wasting flames, like arrows keen-pointed, sharpened, on his breast.
HYMN XX. Agni.
1. AGNI, best winner of the spoil, cause us to praise before the Gods
As our associate meet for lauds, wealth which thou verily deemest wealth.
2. Agni, the great who ward not off the anger of thy power and might
Stir up the wrath and hatred due to one who holds an alien creed.
3. Thee, Agni, would we choose as Priest, the perfecter of strength and skill;
We who bring sacred food invoke with song thee Chief at holy rites.
4. Here as is needful for thine aid we toil, O Conqueror, day by day,
For wealth, for Law. May we rejoice, Most Wise One! at the feast, with kine, rejoice, with heroes, at the feast.
1. WE stablish thee as Manus used, as Manus used we kindle thee.
Like Manus, for the pious man , Angiras, Agni, worship Gods.
2. For well, O Agni, art thou pleased when thou art kindled mid mankind.
Straight go the ladles unto thee, thou highborn God whose food is oil.
3. Thee have all Gods of one accord established as their messenger.
Serving at sacrifices men adore thee as a God, O Sage.
4. Let mortal man adore your God, Agni, with worship due to Gods.
Shine forth enkindled, Radiant One. Sit in the chamber of the Law, sit in the chamber of the food.
1. LIKE Atri, Visvasaman! sing to him of purifying light,
Who must be praised in holy rites, the Priest most welcome in the house.
2. Set Jatavedas in his place, Agni the God and Minister.
Let sacrifice proceed to-day duly, comprising all the Gods.
3 All mortals come to thee for aid, the God of most observant mind.
Of thine excelling favour we bethink us as we long for it.
4. Mark with attention this our speech, O Agni, thou victorious One.
Thee, Strong-jawed! as the homestead’s Lord, the Atris with their lauds exalt, the Atris beautify with songs.
1. By thy fair splendour’s mighty power, O Agni, bring victorious wealth,
Wealth that o’ercometh all mankind, and, near us, conquereth in fight.
2. Victorious Agni, bring to us the wealth that vanquisheth in war;
For thou art wonderful and true, giver of strength in herds of kine.
3. For all the folk with one accord, whose sacred grass is trimmed and strewn,
Invite thee to their worship-halls, as a dear Priest, for choicest wealth.
4. For he, the God of all men, hath gotten him might that quelleth foes.
O Agni, in these homes shine forth, bright God! for our prosperity, shine, Purifier! splendidly.
1. O AGNI, be our nearest Friend, be thou a kind deliverer and a gracious Friend.
2. Excellent Agni, come thou nigh to us, and give us wealth most splendidly renowned.
3. So hear us, listen to this call of ours, and keep us far from every sinful man.
4. To thee then, O Most Bright, O Radiant God, we come with prayer for happiness for our friends.