The Pitrupaksha Shradh period from September 29 2023 to October 14 2023 is the period when traditional Hindus offer their respect to their departed near and dear ones and perform the Shradh ceremony. It is said that during this fortnight the souls of our departed ancestors visit us and when we offer Shradh they are […] Read more
CHAPTER VI The Four Ashramas. Nations have characteristics, just as have individuals, and among the characteristics of the Hindu nation in old days were order and balance. The Sanatana Dharma stamped these characteristics on the people, and thus shaped a very dignified type of man, evenly developed and well balanced. So much are these the […] Read more
CHAPTER V. Worship. The performance of the five daily sacrifices by man as an inter-dependent part of a universe, does not, however, completely satisfy the longings of the truly religious man. He longs to come into conscious relations with the Lord of the Universe, with Ishvara, with the great Life of which his own is […] Read more
CHAPTER IV. The Five Daily Sacrifices. WE have seen that there exists a law of Yajna, of Sacrifice, and that man’s glory is to voluntarily work with it. We have now to see how the Sanatana Dharma trained its followers to this end. We may pass over, for the present, the numerous sacrifices of various […] Read more
CHAPTER III. Shaucham. SOHAUCHAM , or Shaucha, consists of the rules laid down for keeping bodily purity, and thus ensuring physical health and strength. Disease is a sign that some law of nature has been disregarded, and the Rishis—knowing that the laws of nature are the laws of God, the expression of His being, and […] Read more