C H A P T E R V. Sacrifice. THE idea of “offering sacrifices” is very familiar in India, but a student needs to understand the principle which underlies all sacrifices, so that he may realise that everyone should sacrifice himself to the good of others, and that all sacrifice of other things are meant, […] Read more
CHAPTER 4. K a r m a. KARMA is a Sanskrit word which means action, but it is generally used to mean a certain definite connection between what is being done now and what will happen in the future. Things do not happen by accident, by chance, in a disorderly way. They happen in regular […] Read more
Chapter3. Rebirth. THE evolution spoken o£ in the last chapter is carried on by the Jiva passing from body to body, the bodies improving as his powers unfold; this is called re-birth, re-incarnation, or transmigra[1]tion. The word re-incarnation means literally taking flesh again, coming again into a physical body. The word transmigration means passing from […] Read more
C H A P T E R II. T he Many . WHEN Ishvara shines out on Prakrit! and makes it fall into shapes, the first Forms that appear are those of the Trimurtih, the three Aspects of Ishvara, manifested to cause a Brahmandam, literally an Egg of Brahma, a universe, or orderly system of […] Read more
CHAPTER I. T he One E x i s t e n c e. T H ERE is one Infinite Eternal, Changeless Existence, the All. From That all comes forth ; to That ALL returns. “One only, without a second”. That includes within Itself all that ever has been, is, and can be. As a […] Read more