Kumbha-Muni replied : * Prior to (every fresh) creation Parabrahm alone shines as Sat, which is the non-dual and the quiescent. As That alone is without a second, the Supreme Brahman cannot... Read more
Should the delusion of wealth be abandoned through sheer asceticism, Ajnana will only be hovering about like a ghost in a tree when it is being felled. But if the delusion of wealth be destr... Read more
Then Kumbha-Muni, addressing the King, replied : There will be true bliss only when the Jnana instilled into a disciple by the Acharya (Guru) truly fructifies in him. Are not all acts of Tap... Read more
With this, Vasishta returned to the story of Sikhidwaja. “ Being without Atma-Jnana, the King began to reel under illusion and gave way to grief, regarding the enormous wealth he had so easi... Read more
Here Rama asked Vasishta how mental diseases arise and how they are destroyed. Vasishta thus proceeded : – “ When the fixed Manas is agitated, then this body also fol lows in its wake.... Read more
How is it, O beloved one, that you now appear radiant with so much beauty, as if your youth had returned to you, as if you had become as it were the prototype of beauty, had quaffed divine n... Read more
THE STORY OF SIKHIDWAJA. Summary In this story, it is sought to show that the path to the higher goal will be rendered smooth by an A charya who is able to make his disciple progress through... Read more
THE STORY OF BHAGEERATHA. Summary. Having shown that all will be Brahman through Sushupti-Mouna. the author now proceeds to illus trate the fact that the same result can be achieved through... Read more
THE STORY OF VETALA. THE SPHYNX. Summary Having shown that the series of births which appear as so many illusory dreams will be of the nature of Brahman itself through the true (divine) visi... Read more
THE STORY OF SATA (THE HUNDRED) RUDRAS. Summary Having 1 shewn that Jndna will arise, even though a person is engaged in such actions as wars, &c., the author preceeds to state in this s... Read more