The native has a fine nose (exalted Jupiter). As there is Venus on one side and Ketu on the other side of Jupiter, the birth place was very near a holy and watery place. Between Jupiter and... Read more
In this chart the Sun is in exaltation in Aries, with Venus placed in the next house Taurus, and Jupiter in exaltation in Cancer. The native’s father was a master of arts. Both of them... Read more
This native will have training in the working of machinery. He will have considerable obstructions during the course of his studies. He ‘will have good morals but of a very changeable... Read more
In this chart Mercury contacts Venus at first. The native will, therefore have high education, As Saturn contacts Rahu first and then Jupiter, the native will be employed in a capital invest... Read more
In this case Jupiter is just mid-way between Rahu and Ketu. The native will, therefore, be the first born. As Saturn is conjunct Mars and the Sun in Capricorn, the Sun contacts Venus-his ene... Read more
The planets which indicate brothers and sisters ie. Venus, Mars and Mercury are all in Scorpio. The next house is occupied by Saturn and Moon. As Venus contacts Saturn first and later Rahu i... Read more
As Saturn contacts Rahu at first in his rounds, the native will have considerable difficulties in his profession up to 26-27 years of age. Between 28-30 he will get a decent job and rise to... Read more
This native will be intelligent, wedded to his profession, and full of discrimination from his boyhood. He will be helpful to others. The father would be employed in Government concern and w... Read more
In this case Saturn contacts Rahu in the 4th house to the one occupied by him and then Jupiter in the 8th house. So until he is 26 years old the native will be wandering aimlessly. He will s... Read more
In this chart Saturn has no planets in the previous house to the one he occupies. Mars in Libra is in the 11th house to Saturn. One brother who receives help from the native will rise high i... Read more
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