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Astrology articles and videos by Pandit S.P.Tata
First House
Sun. When Sun is posited in Lagna it is in Taurus sign and in enemy’s camp. Such a native will be of rash temperament, fond of scents and luxuries; interested in cloth business like as ready made garments, general cloth etc. Comforts from wife and conveyance is indicated. Such a native should not enter into partnership with any body otherwise he will suffer loss unless 7th house is aspected by Jupiter. Fond of dress and self make up. These persons can be tall also. Gain through inheritance, land and property.
Moon. Moon is Taurus is strong and exalted, will indicate a wealth man, of fair complexion and sanguine temperament. Will respect elders. He will be intelligent, lucky and attain high position in life. He will be blessed with more sisters then brothers. Such a native will have influence of opposite sex on his life, fond of good food and dress, He may suffer from cough or bronchitis in life.
Mars. Mars in Taurus is strong and in enemy’s sign. Such persons are found to be very cautious about their self respect. He will be obstinate, or rash temperament, clever and unsocial. Wife will be of afflicted health. He can be subjected to poor blood circulation high blood pressure but even heart attack cannot be ruled out. Dependant on his children and troubles in hopes. His health will not be robust. Comforts from children and threats from enemies is indicated. He will be proud and will try to overpower his wife, Relations with other women and gain through them. Normally he will not stay at his home and will have more comfots outside. Danger of imprisonments and wound.
Mercury. Mercury is in friend’s camp. Such a person will be intelligent and learned. He will plan his affairs in advance and will be blessed with success. Wealthy, open minded, sexy and under the influence of opposite sex. He will have medium span of life. He will enjoy comforts of family life, wealth and children. The parents of his mother will also be quite wealthy.
Jupiter. No doubt Jupiter is in enemy’s rasi. It is lord of 8th house so malefic; but since here it is posited in Lagna, it is quite strong. It will confer rank, authority, respect, wealth and blesses with long life. Self respected and comforts from wife and progney. Quite, social, generous and will hold a good rank in society. Very kind to lower rank persons. He will waste his property and may come under debt. He will be courageous and make donations. He will have gain from foreign trade of export and import. Legacies, overpower his enemies and obstacles.
Venus. Venus is in his own house. The person will be of beautiful, stout and of well proportioned body. He will enjoy long span of life. Learned and respected by the Govt.; he will have a position of authority. Wealth and comforts from conveyance. Attracted towards opposite sex to the maximum, (one should restrict this as this may not become a source of disrepute and troubles in life). Such a native will over power his enemies. He will be popular, happy and sexy and fond of scents and luxurious life. On the whole, he will be respected and lead a comfortable life. Troubles through servants. Will have beautiful and attractive wife. If afflicted, one may not be involved in sex scandals and disputes due to woman.
Saturn. Saturn is in friend’s camp aspectecting 3rd, 7th and 10th houses. A yogakarka. One will be shy, immoral, less comforts from wife, relations with brothers will not remain cordial, education will be limited, not so witty and intelligent, reversal in profession, destroyer of ancestral property, relations with Govt.; and officers will not be harmonious. If other aspects and yogas indicate, may commit suicide. Long journeys, fortunate with strangers and foreigners.
Rahu. In case of Rahu, the native will reside in foreign land. He will enjoy respect, regard, high status in life and will be a man of authority. He will face some difficulties in middle part of his life.
Ketu. If Ketu is posited here, one will not have any permanent position and profession. He will suffer at the hands of enemies.
Sun. Sun posited in second house is in a good position. If confers
wealth and status in life, gain from agriculture, land, property and estates is indicated. He will have a forceful and effective speech. One will face litigation on account of property. Trouble through eye disease, A man of word and authority.
Moon. Moon in this position will give limited progney. Wealth and comforts will be a one’s command. One will be inclined to non-religious activities of sweet speech but not clear and worries through opponents. Money through educational affairs, short journeys and fond of music etc.
Mars. One will be in Govt.; service and will be surrounded by the opponents. He will be blessed with wealth and property but the same will be wasted. Last part of life will be troublesome. Others will be benefitted from his assets. Gain from children is not indicated. Gain by marriage and secret affairs and methods.
Mercury. No doubt one is born in poor family but he will be learned, soft spoken, intelligent, beautiful and wealthy. Eyes will be afflicted. Gain from business and trade. Gain from children, pleasure and investment.
Jupiter. Learned, intelligent, command over many languages and scholar. No accumulation of wealth. Middle part of life will be troublesome. Losses and a troubled life. Realisation of debts, gain through deceased and friends.
Venus. One will have a good complexion, stout and well proportioned body. Influenced by the opposite sex. Sweet speech. One will have hazel eyes. Losses through other women. Wealthy, learned and a native of attractive manners. One will make efforts to gain money. Gain by marriage. Intelligent out spoken and fluent in speech. He may have two marriages (subject to other checks). If Venus is afflicted one will have illicit relations with opposite sex for the sake of money.