Twelfth House Sun. Sun in 12th house is exalted. It will confer respect and authority to the person. Long life. He will hold a position and authority like a minister. Lead a very comfortable... Read more
Saturn. Learned, respected and intelligent, strong Willed, selfish, covetuous, suspicious, prudent, loss of wealth, strained relations with elder brothers. Inheritance from wife’s parents. P... Read more
Jupiter. Intelligent, clever and learned but devoid of wealth. Married in a respected and reputed family but inspite of all resources, influence and capability, there will be no success and... Read more
Fifth House Sun. Sun in Virgo indicates a good family and property, early death of parents, obstinate, shortage of progney, loss of property. Troubles and turmoils due to death of elders. Mo... Read more
Saturn. Devoid of comforts from parents, greedy, will face financial difficulties in life, weak eyesight, more expenditure than income. In middle part of life and during 14th, 36th, 48th and... Read more
Join my astrology courseTaught live online Astrology articles and videos by Pandit S.P.Tata First House Sun. When Sun is posited in Lagna it is in Taurus sign and in enemy’s camp. Such a nat... Read more