V-1: The gods, verily, said to the blessed Lord: Clearly has been explained to us the section on activities and what pertains to Tripura with all related topics. Next tell us about the attributeless Supreme.
V-2: The blessed Lord spoke to them: By means of the fourth and final Maya (avidya, jnana, vijnana and samyagjnana), has the supreme Brahman been indicated, the supreme Person, the supreme Self, whose essence is consciousness. The hearer, the thinker, the seer, the teacher, the toucher, the proclaimer, the cognizer, the supreme knower, the inner person in all persons – that Self must be cognized.
V-3: In that there are neither worlds seen nor unseen; no gods or demons; beasts or non-beasts; ascetics or non-ascetics; outcastes or non-outcastes; brahmins or non-brahmins. Alone and single, the supreme Brahman, all-quiet, shines forth. Gods, seers, manes, prevail not there. The awakened knower, the all-knower is Brahman.
V-4: In this context there are the following verses:
Hence the seeker after liberation
Must from object his mind withdraw;
For, liberation is indeed
Mind’s detachment from objects.
V-5: Two kinds of minds there are:
Pure and impure;
Impure the mind, desire-ridden,
The pure of desires freed.
V-6: Mind alone is cause of man’s
Bondage and release; bondage is
Clinging to objects; the mind
Withdrawn therefrom promotes release.
V-7: Shorn of attachment to objects,
And restricted to the heart,
Mind thus ceases to be mind –
Such is the state supreme.
V-8: Control the mind until
It quiescence reaches in the heart.
This is knowledge and meditation;
The rest is naught but words.
V-9: Brahman is not thinkable alone,
Nor unthinkable; think not;
Yet, only think; thus, surely,
Become Brahman, the same to all.
V-10: Yogin dissolves himself with self
In Being, through meditation (high);
Meditation on non-self is deemed
No meditation at all.
V-11: That Brahman has no parts
Is beyond concepts, without blemish.
Knowing ‘I am That’, by slow degrees
One Brahman does become.
V-12: Knowing It as beyond concepts,
Endless, without cause or parallel;
Immeasurable and beginningless,
The man of wisdom is released.
V-13: There is no restriction, no origin;
None in bondage: none who strives;
None seeks liberation; aye, none
Liberated – this is truth.
V-14: In wakeful state, in dreams, in sleep
Know that the Self is only one;
For one who passes beyond these states
Rebirth there is none.
V-15: One real Self alone exists
In diverse beings; as one,
Or many is It seen, like
Moon in water’s sheen.
V-16: As when a pot is moved,
The sky, pot-bound moves not –
So is the living Self unmoved,
Like sky when only pot has moved.
V-17: When repeated in different forms,
Like pot from pot distinct,
He knows not in these divisions,
And yet at all times knows.
V-18: As long as illusions of words
Encompass one, difference lasts;
When darkness is scattered,
It is unity one sees.
V-19: The lower Brahman is the Word;
The Eternal, when that wears off,
Remains; Its knower shall, for peace of mind,
On the Eternal meditate.
V-20: Two Brahman-s are to be pondered on:
The Word and Brahman Supreme;
In the Word well versed, one attains
Brahman Supreme.
V-21: The acute mind, after study of texts,
On knowledge and wisdom intent,
Must forsake all, as one who seeks grain
Forsakes the husk perforce.
V-22: Milk has but a single colour
Though drawn from diverse cows;
As milk is knowledge known,
Its sources are like cows.
V-23: Focussing the eye of knowledge
Evoke the thought: ‘I am Brahman,
The great, supreme abode without
Parts or movement, the quiescent One.’
V-24: Whoso knows thus the one supreme form of Brahman, the Fourth, abiding in all beings, dwells in the imperishable supreme abode.
V-25: I seek refuge, for the sake of life, in this fourth Power of Knowledge, the cause of the manifestation of Brahman.
V-26: In the order of Akasa, etc. Akasa is the supreme source of all these elements. All these beings, verily, are born of Akasa, and they merge in Akasa. Because of it they live, once they are born. So, know Akasa to be the seed.
V-27: That very thing, know as the seat of Akasa, of air, of fire, of water, of precious stones. Whoso knows this attains immortality.
V-28: Therefore, whoever knows this fourth (Wisdom or vidya) pertaining to the glory of Kamaraja (the Self in liberation) with its elevenfold form as the imperishable Brahman attains the fourth state – whoever knows this. This is the great Upanishad.
Om ! Gods ! With ears let us hear what is good;
Adorable ones ! With eyes let us see what is good.
With steady limbs, with bodies, praising,
Let us enjoy the life allotted by the gods.
May Indra, of wide renown, grant us well-being;
May Pusan, and all-gods, grant us well-being.
May Tarksya, of unhampered movement, grant us well-being.
May Brihaspati grant us well-being.
Om ! Peace ! Peace ! Peace !
Here ends the Tripura-Tapini Upanishad, included in the Atharva-Veda.