Bhava Phala or the Significations of the Planets in the Twelve Houses
Here, the results of the various planets occupying the different Bhavas are sketched out and the astrologer will see how each house and its significations are affected and modified. The balancing of evidence and pronouncing of correct judgement are not such great difficulties to a judge as the balancing of the results of the occupations of the planets in the different houses and making correct predictions for an astrologer. Take Mesha.
First there are the influences of the sign. Then we have the Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa, Thrimsamsa, the stellar, and the planetary influences. All these and the influences of combinations, aspects, debilitations, exaltations, retrogression, acceleration, friendly and unfriendly houses, Moolathrikonas and other particulars will have to be taken into consideration.
Any brain, however intelligent it may be, reels back at the stupendous labour which lies before it in astrological calculations. It is surprising how educated people, themselves discontented with their heavy incomes, can make up their minds to overlook the dignity of the herculean labour and offer to the really learned astrologers small sums often even less than humble wages of a street cooly.
Such, however, is the logic of the learned and they have the audacity to find fault with the astrologers for false predictions. This is something like jeering at an Engineer for not building a tank bund properly, when he is paid ten rupees for a work, which really costs a thousand. What would be his reply readers can answer.
Ravi in 1 – produces hot body, heat diseases, bad temper, leanness, ingratitude, fond of dining at others’ places and repulsive complexion.
Ravi in 2 – deprived of corn. and coin, harsh tongue, debility, fond of quarrels, hatred, mischief, friendless.
Ravi in 3 – always happy, healthy body, handsome, nice face, full busts. Three things in a woman add to her beauty: fine teeth, handsome eyes and well formed breasts.
Ravi in 4 – unhappy, sickly body, ugly teeth, repulsive body, hateful and troublesome behaviour.
Ravi in 5 – few issues, leadership, religious observance, stout face and teeth, dutiful. to parents, agreeable conversation and faith in Brahmins and priestly class are indicated.
Ravi in 6 – importance, victory over enemies, clever among females, good conduct, righteous deeds, wealth, generous and handsome.
Ravi in 7 – neglected by husband, unhappiness, terrible to deal with, unsympathetic, phlegmatic diseases, sinful deeds and deformed body.
Ravi in 8 – relations suffering from poverty and sorrows, crooked acts of charity, suffering from excessive blood passing.
Ravi in 9 – pretending charities, fond of sinful deeds, poverty, many enemies, excessive anger, fine sources of comfort.
Ravi in 10 – crooked charities, unattractive, hatred to wards husband, dark body, fond of walking and travelling.
Ravi in 11 – gains, children and grandchildren. command over passions, great skill in arts, patience, commanding, respect from relations.
Ravi in 12 – expenditure on evil work, rough, extravagance, fond of sinful deeds, cruel, fondness for all articles, irreligious tendencies.
10.1 Results of the Moon in the twelve houses
Chandra in 1 – handsome; when the Moon is on the wane, slender body, sickness, quarrelsome and fond of crooked deeds.
Chandra in 2 – great wealth, polite, principled among females, charitable, devoted to husband, righteous, and respect to good Brahmins.
Chandra in 3 – diseases from excessive phlegm and wind, disagreeable conversation, crooked views, dependency on mean masters, non-regard, for justice, bad conduct, miserliness, ungrateful.
Chandra in 4 – happiness, valuable ornaments, steadiness, following strictly religious codes. great enjoy ment, devotion to God and preceptors.
Chandra in 5 – good children, good conduct, great activity, happiness, truth, control over passions, love for husband, handsome.
Chandra in 6 – small heart, bold, rude, fickle-minded, wounds, various kinds of diseases, emaciated body.
Chandra in 7 – skill, love to husband, generosity, prudence, pleasant speech, wealth, attraction and good conduct.
Chandra in 8 – cruel, envious eyes, ill-developed breasts and sexual organ, lack of ornaments, unclean body, anger, wonderful scandals.
Chandra in 9 – pious, good waist, fond of enjoyment, liberal, agreeable, faithful servants, good issues and happy.
Chandra in 10 – gold ornaments, good respect, not fond of sense engagements, good social position, high rank among relations, charitable, fond of meritorious deeds and truthful.
Chandra in 11 – much gain, agreeable, attractive, prudence and foresight, control over passions, easily pleased, charitable, lawful and healthy.
Chandra in 12 – spend thrift, windy diseases, active habits, humble mind, impatient, unreasonable, poverty.
In all these cases, the planet alone should not be consulted for results. Even here, there are great differences. If Mesha is Lagna and Ravi is there and if Thula is Lagna and Ravi occupies it there will be great difference in results.
In one he is exalted and in the other he has debilitation. Similarly, if Chandra occupies Vrishabha as Lagna and Vrischika as Lagna, the results will be different. The digestive organs of a healthy man and his organs, when he is seriously sick, will produce different results.