HYMN XCV. Sarasvati.
1. THIS stream Sarasvati with fostering current comes forth, our sure defence, our fort of iron.
As on a car, the flood flows on, surpassing in majesty and might all other waters.
2. Pure in her course from mountains to the ocean, alone of streams Sarasvati hath listened.
Thinking of wealth and the great world of creatures, she poured for Nahusa her milk and fatness.
3. Friendly to man he grew among the women, a strong young Steer amid the Holy Ladies.
He gives the fleet steed to our wealthy princes, and decks their bodies for success in battle.
4. May this Sarasvati be pleased and listen at this our sacrifice, auspicious Lady,
When we with reverence, on our knees, implore her close-knit to wealth, most kind to those she loveth.
5. These offerings have ye made with adoration: say this, Sarasvati, and accept our praises;
And, placing us under thy dear protection, may we approach thee, as a tree, for shelter.
6. For thee, O Blest Sarasvati, Vasistha hath here unbarred the doors d sacred Order.
Wax, Bright One, and give strength to him who lauds thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN XCVI. Sarasvati.
1. I SING a lofty song, for she is mightiest, most divine of Streams.
Sarasvati will I exalt with hymns and lauds, and, O Vasistha, Heaven and Earth.
2. When in the fulness of their strength the Purus dwell, Beauteous One, on thy two grassy banks,
Favour us thou who hast the Maruts for thy friends: stir up the bounty of our chiefs.
3. So may Sarasvati auspicious send good luck; she, rich in spoil, is never niggardly in thought,
When praised in jamadagni’s way and lauded as Vasistha lauds.
4. We call upon Sarasvan, as unmarried men who long for wives,
As liberal men who yearn for sons.
5. Be thou our kind protector, O Sarasvan, with those waves of thine
Laden with sweets and dropping oil.
6. May we enjoy Sarasvan’s breast, all-beautiful, that swells with streams,
May we gain food and progeny.
HYMN XCVIL Brhaspati.
1. WHERE Heaven and Earth combine in men’s assembly, and ttose who love the Gods delight in worship,
Where the libations are effused for Indra, may he come first to drink and make him stronger.
2. We crave the heavenly grace of Gods to guard us-so may Brhaspati, O friends, exalt us-
That he, the Bounteous God, may find us sintess, who giveth from a distance like a father.
3. That Brahmanaspati, most High and Gracious, I glorify with offerings and with homage.
May the great song of praise divine, reach Indra who is the King of prayer the Gods’ creation.
4. May that Brhaspati who brings all blessings, most dearly loved, be seated by our altar.
Heroes and wealth we crave; may he bestow them, and bear us safe beyond the men who vex us.
5. To us these Deathless Ones, erst born, have granted this laud of ours which gives the Immortal pleasure.
Let us invoke Brhaspati, the foeless, the clear-voiced God, the Holy One of households
6. Him, this Brhaspati, his red-hued horses, drawing together, full of strength, bring hither.
Robed in red colour like the cloud, they carry the Lord of Might whose friendship gives a dwelling.
7. For he is pure, with hundred wings, refulgent, with sword of gold, impetuous, winning sunlight.
Sublime Brhaspati, easy of access granteth his friends most bountiful refreshment.
8. Both Heaven and Earth, divine, the Deity’s Parents, have made Brhaspati increase in grandeur.
Glorify him, O friends, who merits glory: may he give prayer fair way and easy passage.
9. This, Brahmanaspati, is your laudation prayer hath been made to thunderwielding Indra.
Favour our songs, wake up our thought and spirit: destroy the godless and our foemen’s malice.
10. Ye Twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Brhaspati, and thou, O Indra.
Mean though he be, give wealth to him who lauds you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
1. PRIESTS, offer to the Lord of all the people the milked-out stalk of Soma, radiant-coloured.
No wild-bull knows his drinking-place like Indra who ever seeks him who hath pressed the Soma,
2. Thou dost desire to drink, each day that passes, the pleasant food which thou hast had aforetime,
O Indra, gratified in heart and spirit, drink eagerly the Soma set before thee.
3. Thou, newly-born, for strength didst drink the Soma; the Mother told thee of thy future greatness.
O Indra, thou hast filled mid-air’s wide region, and given the Gods by battle room and freedom.
4. When thou hast urged the arrocrant to combat, proud in their strength of arm, we will subdue them.
Or, Indra, when thou fightest girt by heroes, we in the glorious fray with thee will conquer.
5. I will declare the earliest deeds of Indra, and recent acts which Maghavan hath accomplished.
When he had conquered godless wiles and magic, Soma became his own entire possession.
6. Thine is this world of flocks and herds around thee, which with the eye of Surya thou beholdest.
Thou, Indra, art alone the Lord of cattle; may we enjoy the treasure which thou givest.
7. Ye Twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Brhaspati, and thou, O Indra.
Mean though he be, give wealth to him who lauds you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
1. MEN come not nigh thy majesty who growest beyond all bound and measure with thy body.
Both thy two regions of the earth, O Visnu, we know: thou God, knowest the highest also.
2. None who is born or being born, God Visnu, hath reached the utmost limit of thy grandeur.
The vast high vault of heaven hast thou supported, and fixed earth’s eastern pinnacle securely.
3. Rich in sweet food be ye, and rich in milch-kine, with fertile pastures, fain to do men service.
Both these worlds, Visnu, hast thou stayed asunder, and firmly fixed the earth with pegs around it.
4. Ye have made spacious room for sacrificing by generating Surya, Dawn, and Agni.
O Heroes, ye have conquered in your battles even the bull-jawed Dasa’s wiles and magic.
5. Ye have destroyed, thou, Indra, and thou Visnu, Sambara’s nine-and-ninety fenced castles.
Ye Twain smote down a hundred times a thousand resistless heroes of the royal Varcin.
6. This is the lofty hymn of praise, exalting the Lords of Mighty Stride, the strong and lofty.
I laud you in the solemn synods, Visnu: pour ye food on us in our camps, O Indra.
7. O Visnu, unto thee my lips cry Vasat! Let this mine offering, Sipivista, please thee.
May these my songs of eulogy exalt thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN C. Visnu.
1 NE’ER doth the man repent, who, seeking profit, bringeth his gift to the far-striding Visnu.
He who adoreth him with all his spirit winneth himself so great a benefactor.
2. Thou, Visnu, constant in thy courses, gavest good-will to all men, and a hymn that lasteth,
That thou mightst move us to abundant comfort of very splendid wealth with store of horses.
3. Three times strode forth this God in all his grandeur over this earth bright with a hundred splendours.
Foremost be Visnu, stronger than the strongest: for glorious is his name who lives for ever.
4. Over this earth with mighty step strode Visnu, ready to give it for a home to Manu.
In him the humble people trust for safety: he, nobly born, hath made them spacious dwellings.
5. To-day I laud this name, O gipivista, I, skilled in rules, the name of thee the Noble.
Yea, I the poor and weak praise thee the Mighty who dwellest in the realm beyond this region.
6. What was there to be blamed in thee, O Visnu, when thou declaredst, I am Sipivista?
Hide not this form from us, nor keep it secret, since thou didst wear another shape in battle.
7. O Visnu, unto thee my lips cry Vasat! Let this mine offering, Sipivista, please thee.
May these my songs of eulogy exalt thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN CI. Parjanya.
1 SPEAK forth three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produceth nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the Infant.
2. Giver of growth to plants, the God who ruleth over the waters and all moving creatures,
Vouchsafe us triple shelter for our refuge, and threefold light to succour and befriend us.
3. Now he is sterile, now begetteth offspring, even as he willeth doth he change his figure.
The Father’s genial flow bedews the Mother; therewith the Sire, therewith the son is nourished.
4. In him all living creatures have their being, and the three heavens with triplyflowing waters.
Three reservoirs that sprinkle down their treasure shed their sweet streams around him with a murmur.
5. May this my song to Sovran Lord Parjanya come near unto his heart and give him pleasure.
May we obtain the showers that bring enjoyment, and God-protected plants with goodly fruitage.
6. He is the Bull of all, and their impregner lie holds the life of all things fixed and moving.
May this rite save me till my hundredth autumn. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
HYMN CII Parjanya.
1 SING forth and laud Parjanya, son of Heaven, who sends the gift of rain
May he provide our pasturage.
2. Parjanya is the God who forms in kine, in mares, in plants of earth,
And womankind, the germ of life.
3. Offer and pour into his mouth oblation rich in savoury juice:
May he for ever give us food.
1. THEY who lay quiet for a year, the Brahmans who fulfil their vows,
The Frogs have lifted up their voice, the voice Parjanya hath inspired.
2. What time on these, as on a dry skin lying in the pool’s bed, the floods of heaven descended,
The music of the Frogs comes forth in concert like the cows lowing with their calves beside them.
3. When at the coming of the Rains the water has poured upon them as they yearned and thirsted,
One seeks another as he talks and greets him with cries of pleasure as a son his father.
4. Each of these twain receives the other kindly, while they are revelling in the flow of waters,
When the Frog moistened by the rain springs forward, and Green and Spotty both combine their voices.
5. When one of these repeats the other’s language, as he who learns the lesson of the teacher,
Your every limb seems to be growing larger as ye converse with eloquence on the waters.
6. Onc is Cow-bellow and Goat-bleat the other, one Frog is Green and one of them is Spotty.
They bear one common name, and yet they vary, and, talking, modulate the voice diversely.
7. As Brahmans, sitting round the brimful vessel, talk at the Soma-rite of Atiratra,
So, Frogs, ye gather round the pool to honour this day of all the year, the first of Rain-time.
8. These Brahmans with the Soma juice, performing their year-long rite, have lifted up their voices;
And these Adhvaryus, sweating with their kettles, come forth and show themselves, and none are hidden.
9 .They keep the twelve month’s God-appointed order, and never do the men neglect the season.
Soon as the Rain-time in the year returneth, these who were heated kettles gain their freedom.
10. Cow-bellow and Goat-bleat have granted riches, and Green and Spotty have vouchsafed us treasure.
The Frogs who give us cows in hundreds lengthen our lives in this most fertilizing season.
HYMN CIV. Indra-Soma.
1. INDRA and Soma, burn, destroy the demon foe, send downward, O ye Bulls, those who add gloom to gloom.
Annihilate the fools, slay them and burn them up: chase them away from us, pierce the voracious ones.
2. Indra and Soma, let sin round the wicked boil like as a caldron set amid the flames of fire.
Against the foe of prayer, devourer of raw flesh, the vile fiend fierce of eye, keep ye perpetual hate.
3. Indra and Soma, plunge the wicked in the depth, yea, cast them into darkness that hath no support,
So that not one of them may ever thence return: so may your wrathful might prevail and conquer them.
4. Indra and Soma, hurl your deadly crushing bolt down on the wicked fiend from heaven and from the earth.
Yea, forge out of the mountains your celestial dart wherewith ye burn to death the waxing demon race.
5. Indra and Soma, cast ye downward out of heaven your deadly darts of stone burning with fiery flame,
Eternal, scorching darts; plunge the voracious ones within the depth, and let them sink without a sound.
6. Indra and Soma, let this hymn control you both, even as the girth encompasses two vigorous steeds-
The song of praise which I with wisdom offer you: do ye, as Lords of men, animate these my prayers.
7. In your impetuous manner think ye both thereon: destroy these evil beings, slay the treacherous fiends.
Indra and Soma, let the wicked have no bliss who evermore assails us with malignity.
8. Whoso accuses me with words of falsehood when I pursue my way with guileless spirit,
May he, the speaker of untruth, be, Indra, like water which the hollowed hand compresses.
9. Those who destroy, as is their wont, the simple, and with their evil natures barm the righteous,
May Soma give them over to the serpent, or to the lap of Nirrti consign them.
10. The fiend, O Agni, who designs to injure the essence of our food, kine, steeds, or bodies,
May he, the adversary, thief, and robber, sink to destruction, both himself and offipring.
11. May he be swept away, himself and children: may all the three earths press him down beneath them.
May his fair glory, O ye Gods, be blighted, who in the day or night would fain destroy us.
12. The prudent finds it easy to distinguish the true and false: their words oppose each other.
Of these two that which is the true and honest, Soma protects, and brings the false to nothing.
13. Never doth Soma aid and guide the wicked or him who falsely claims the Warrior’s title.
He slays the fiend and him who speaks untruly: both lie entangled in the noose of Indra.
14. As if I worshipped deities of falsehood, or thought vain thoughts about the Gods, O Agni.
Why art thou angry with us, Jatavedas? Destruction fall on those who lie against thee!
15. So may I die this day if I have harassed any man’s life or if I be a demon.
Yea, may he lose all his ten sons together who with false tongue hath called me Yatudhana.
16. May Indra slay him with a mi weapon, and let the vilest ofghty
all creatures perish,
The fiend who says that he is pure, who calls me a demon though devoid of demon nature.
17. She too who wanders like an owl at night-time, hiding her body in her guile and malice,
May she fall downward into endless caverns. May press-stones with loud ring destroy the demons.
18. Spread out, ye Maruts, search among the people: seize ye and grind the Raksasas to pieces,
Who fly abroad, transformed to birds, at night-time, or sully and pollute our holy worship.
19. Hurl down from heaven thy bolt of stone, O Indra: sharpen it, Maghavan, made keen by Soma.
Forward, behind, and from above and under, smite down the demons with thy rocky weapon.
20. They fly, the demon dogs, and, bent on mischief, fain would they harm indomitable Indra.
Sakra makes sharp his weapon for the wicked: now, let him cast his bolt at fiendish wizards.
21. Indra hath ever been the fiends’ destroyer who spoil oblations of the Gods’ invokers:
Yea, Sakra, like an axe that spilts the timber, attacks and smashes them like earthen vessels.
22. Destroy the fiend shaped like an owl or owlet, destroy him in the form of dog or cuckoo.
Destroy him shaped as eagle or as vulture as with a stone, O Indra, crush the demon.
23. Let not the fiend of witchcraft-workers reach us: may Dawn drive off the couples of Kimidins.
Earth keep us safe from earthly woe and trouble: from grief that comes from heaven mid-air preserve us.
24. Slay the male demon, Indra! slay the female, joying and triumphing in arts of magic.
Let the fools’ gods with bent necks fall and perish, and see no more the Sun when he arises.
25. Look each one hither, look around Indra and Soma, watch ye well.
Cast forth your weapon at the fiends against the sorcerers hurt your bolt.