1. O THOU who slewest Vrtra, come, O Indra, hither to our side,
Mighty One with thy mighty aids.
2. Swift and impetuous art thou, wondrous amid the well-dressed folk:
Thou doest marvels for our help.
3. Even with the weak thou smitest down him
who is stronger, with thy strength
The mighty, with the Friends thou hast.
4. O Indra, we are close to thee; to thee we sing aloud our songs:
Help hnd defend us, even us.
5. As such, O Caster of the Stone, come with thy succours wonderful,
Blameless, and irresistible.
6. May we be friends of one like thee, O Indra, with the wealth of kine,
Comrades for lively energy.
7. For thou, O Indra, art alone the Lord of strength that comes from kine
So grant thou us abundant food.
8. They turn thee not another way, when, lauded, Lover of the Song,
Thou wilt give wealth to those who praise.
9. The Gotamas have sung their song of praise to thee that thou mayst give,
Indra, for lively energy.
10. We will declare thy hero deeds, what Disa forts thou brakest down,
Attacking them in rapturous joy.
11. The sages sing those manly deeds which, Indra, Lover of the Song,
Thou wrougbtest when the Soma flowed.
12. Indra, the Gotamas who bring thee praises have grown strong by thee.
Give them renown with hero sons.
13. For, Indra, verily thou art the general treasure even of all .
Thee, therefore, do we invocate.
14. Excellent Indra, turn to us: glad thee among us with the juice
Of Somas, Soma-drinker thou.
15. May praise from us who think Qn thee, O Indra, bring thee near to us.
Turn thy two Bay Steeds hitherward.
16. Eat of our sacrificial cake: rejoice thee in the songs we sing.
Even as a lover in his bride.
17. To India for a thousand steeds well-trained and fleet of foot we pray,
And hundred jars of Soma juice.
18. We make a hundred of thy kine, yea, and a thousand, hasten nigh:
So let thy bounty come to us.
19. We have obtained, a gift from thee, ten water-ewers wrought of gold:
Thou, Vrtra-slayer, givest much.
20. A bounteous Giver, give us much, bring much and not a trifling gift:
Much, Indra, wilt thou fain bestow.
21. O Vrtra-slayer, thou art famed in many a place as bountiful
Hero, thy bounty let us share.
22. I praise thy pair of Tawny Steeds, wise Son of him who giveth kine
Terrify not the cows with these.
23. Like two slight images of girls, unrobed, upon a new-wrought post,
So shine the Bay Steeds in their course.
24. For me the Bays are ready when I start, or start not, with the dawn, Innocuous in the ways they take.
I. I SEND my voice as herald to the Rbhus; I crave the white cow for the overspreading.
Wind-sped, the Skillful Ones in rapid motion have in an instant compassed round the heaven.
2. What time the Rbus had with care and marvels done proper service to assist their Parents,
They won the friendship of the Gods; the Sages carried away the fruit of their devotion.
3. May they who made their Parents, who were lying like posts that moulder, young again for ever,-
May Vaja, Vibhvan, Rbhu, joined with Indra , protect our sacrifice, the Soma-lovers.
4. As for a year the Rbhus kept the Milch-cow, throughout a year fashioned and formed her body,
And through a year’s space still sustained her brightness, through these their labours they were made immortal.
5. Two beakers let us make,- thus said the eldest. Lct us make three,- this was the younger’s sentence.
Four beakers let us make,- thus spoke the youngest. Tvastar approved this rede of yours, O Rbhus.
6. The men spake truth and even so they acted: this Godlike way of theirs the Rbhus followed.
And Tvastar, when he looked on the four beakers resplendent as the day, was moved with envy.
7. When for twelve days the Rbhus joyed reposing as guests of him who never may be hidden,
lley made fair fertile fields, they brought the rivers. Plants spread o’er deserts, waters filled the hollows.
8. May they who formed the swift car, bearing Heroes, and the Cow omniform and all-impelling,
Even may they form wealth for us,-the Rbhus, dexterous-handed, deft in work and gracious.
9. So in their work the Gods had satisfaction, pondering it with thought and mental insight.
The Gods’ expert artificer was Vaja, Indra’s Rbhuksan, Varuna’s was Vibhvan.
10. They whol made glad with sacrifice and praises, wrought the two Bays, his docile Steeds, for Indra,-
Rbhus, as those who wish a friend to prosper, bestow upon us gear and growth of riches.
11. This day have they set gladdening drink before you. Not without toil are Gods inclined to friendship.
Therefore do ye who are so great, O Rbhus, vouchsafe us treasures at this third libation.
1. To this our sacrifice come Rbhu, Vibhvan, Vaja, and Indra with the gift of riches,
Because this day hath Dhisana the Goddess set drink for you: the gladdening draughts have reached you.
2. Knowing your birth and rich in gathered treasure, Rbhus, rejoice together with the Rtus.
The gladdening draughts and wisdom have approached you: send ye us riches with good store of heroes.
3. For you was made this sacrifice, O Rbhus, which ye, like men, won for yourselves aforetime.
To you come all who find in you their pleasure: ye all were-even the two elder-Vajas.
4. Now for the mortal worshipper, O Heroes, for him who served you, was the gift of riches.
Drink, Vajas, Rbhus! unto you is offered, to gladden you, the third and great libation.
5. Come to us, Heroes, Vajas and Rbhuksans, glorified for the sake of mighty treasure.
These draughts approach you as the day is closing, as cows, whose calves are newly-born, their stable.
6. Come to this sacrifice of ours, ye Children of Strength, invoked with humble adoration.
Drink of this meath, Wealth-givers, joined with Indra with whom ye are in full accord, ye Princes.
7. Close knit with Varuna drink the Soma, Indra; close-knit, ilymn-lover! with the Maruts drink it:
Close-knit with drinkers first, who drink in season; close-knit with heavenly Dames who give us treasures.
8. Rejoice in full accord with the Adityas, in concord with the Parvatas, O Rbhus;
In full accord with Savitar, Divine One; in full accord with floods that pour forth riches.
9. Rbhus, who helped their Parents and the Asvins, who formed the Milch-cow and the pair of horses,
Made armour, set the heaven and earth asunder,-far- reaching Heroes, they have made good offspring.
10. Ye who have wealth in cattle and in booty, in heroes, in rich sustenance and treasure,
Such, O ye Rbhus, first to drink, rejoicing, give unto us and those who laud our present.
11. Ye were not far: we have not left you thirsting, blameless in this our sacrifice, O Rbhus.
Rejoice you with the Maruts and with Indra, with the Kings, Gods! that ye may give us riches.
1. Come hither, O ye Sons of Strength, ye Rbhus; stay not afar, ye Children of Sudhanvan.
At this libation is your gift of treasure. Let gladdening draughts approach you after Indra’s.
2. Hither is come the Rbhus’ gift of riches; here was the drinking of the well-pressed Soma,
Since by dexterity and skill as craftsmen ye made the single chalice to be fourfold
3. Ye made fourfold the chalice that wag single: ye spake these words and said, O Friend, assist us;
Then, Vajas! gained the path of life eternal, deft-handed Rbhus, to the Gods’ assembly.
4. Out of what substance was that chalice fashioned which ye made fourfold by your art and wisdom?
Now for the gladdening draught press out the liquor, and drink, O Rbhus, of die meath of Soma.
5. Ye with your cunning made your Parents youthful; the cup, for Gods to drink, ye formed with cunning;
With cunning, Rbhus, rich in treasure, fashioned the two swift Tawny Steeds who carry Indra.
6. Whoso pours out for you, when days are closing, the sharp libation for your joy, O Vajas,
For him, O mighty Rbhus, ye, rejoicing, have fashioned wealth with plenteous store of heroes.
7. Lord of Bay Steeds, at dawn thejuice thou drankest: thine, only thine, is the noonday libation.
Now drink thou with the wealth-bestowing Rbhus, whom for their skill thou madest friends, O Indra.
8. Ye, whom your artist skill hath raised to Godhead have set you down above in heaven like falcons.
So give us riches, Children of Sudhanvan, O Sons of Strength; ye have become immortal.
9. The third libation, that bestoweth treasure, which ye have won by skill, ye dexterous-handed,-
This drink hath been effused for you, O Rbhus . drink it with high delight, with joy like Indra’s.
1. THia car that was not made for horses or for reins, three-wheeled, worthy of lauds, rolls round the firmament.
That is the great announcement of your Deity, that, O ye Rbhus, ye sustain the earth and heaven.
2. Ye Sapient Ones who made the lightly-rolling car out of your mind, by thought, the car that never errs,
You, being such, to drink of this drinkoffering, you, O ye Vajas, and ye Rbhus, we invoke.
3. O Vajas, Rbhus, reaching far, among the Gods this was your exaltation gloriously declared,
In that your aged Parents, worn with length of days, ye wrought again to youth so that they moved at will.
4. The chalice that wag single ye have made fourfold, and by your wisdom brought the Cow forth from the hide.
So quickly, mid the Gods, ye gained immortal life. Vajas and Rbhus, your great work must be extolled.
5. Wealth from the Rbhus is most glorious in renown, that which the Heroes, famed for vigour, have produced.
In synods must be sung the car which Vibhvan wrought: that which ye favour, Gods! is famed among mankind.
6. Strong is the steed, the man a sage in eloquence, the bowman is a hero hard to beat in fight,
Great store of wealth and manly power hath he obtained whom Vaja, Vibhvan, Rbhus have looked kindly on.
7. To you hath been assigned the fairest ornament, the hymn of praise: Vajas and Rbhus, joy therein;
For ye have lore and wisdom and poetic skill: as such, with this our prayer we call on you to come.
8. According to the wishes of our hearts may ye, who have full knowledge of all the delights of men,
Fashion for us, O Rbhus, power and splendid wealth, rich in high courage, excellent, and vital strength.
9. Bestowing on us here riches and offspring, here fashion fame for us befitting heroes.
Vouchsafe us wealth of splendid sort, O Rbhus, that we may make us more renowned than others.