HYMN LVII. Visvedevas.
1. MY thought with fine discernment hath discovered the Cow who wanders free without a herdsman,
Her who hath straightway poured me food in plenty: Indra and Agni therefore are her praisers.
2. Indra and Pusan, deft of hand and mighty, well-pleased have drained the heaven’s exhaustless udder.
As in this praise the Gods have all delighted, may I win blessing here from you, O Vasus.
3. Fain to lend vigour to the Bull, the siste.. with reverence recognize the germ within him.
The Cows come lowing hither to the Youngling, to him endued with great and wondrous beauties.
4. Fixing with thought, at sacrifice, the press-stones, I bid the well-formed Heaven and Earth come hither;
For these thy flames, which give men boons in plenty, rise up on high, the beautiful, the holy.
5. Agni, thy meath-sweet tongue that tastes fair viands, which among Gods is called the far-extended,-
Therewith make all the Holy Odes be seated here for our help, and feed them with sweet juices.
6. Let thy stream give us drink, O God, O Agni, wonderful and exhaustless like the rain-clouds.
Thus care for us, O Vasu Jatavedas, show us thy loving-kindness, reaching all men.
1. THE Ancient’s Milch-cow yields the things we long for: the Son of Daksina travels between them.
She with the splendid chariot brings refulgence. The praise of Usas hath awoke the Asvins.
2. They bear you hither by well-orderd statute: our sacred offerings rise as if to parents.
Destroy in us the counsel of the niggard come hitherward, for we have shown you favour.
3. With lightly-rolling car and well-yoked horses hear this, the press-stone’s song, ye Wonder-Workers.
Have not the sages of old time, ye Asvins, called you most prompt to come and stay misfortune?
4. Remember us, and come to us, for ever men, as their wont is, invocate the Asvins.
Friends as it were have offered you these juices, sweet, blent with milk at the first break of morning.
5. Even through many regions, O ye Asvins high praise is yours among mankind, ye Mighty-
Come, helpers, on the paths which Gods have travelled: here your libations of sweet meath are ready.
6. Ancient your home, auspicious is your friendship: Heroes, your wealth is with the house of Jahnu.
Forming again with you auspicious friendship, let us rejoice with draughts of meath together.
7. O Asvins, Very Mighty ones, with Vayu and with his steeds, one-minded, ever-youthful,
Nasatyas, joying in the third day’s Soma, drink it, not hostile, Very Bounteous Givers.
8. Asvins, to you are brought abundant viands in rivalry with sacred songs, unceasing.
Sprung from high Law your car, urged on by press-stones, goes round the earth and heaven in one brief moment.
9. Asvins, your Soma sheds delicious sweetness: drink ye thereof and come unto our dwelling.
Your car, assuming many a shape, most often goes to the Soma-presser’s place of meeting.
HYMN LIX. Mitra.
1. MITRA, when speaking, stirreth men to labour: Mitra sustaineth both the earth and heaven.
Mitra beholdeth men with eyes that close not. To Mitra bring, with holy oil, oblation.
2. Foremost be he who brings thee food, O Mitra, who strives to keep thy sacred Law, Aditya.
He whom thou helpest ne’er is slain or conquered, on him, from near or far, falls no affliction.
3. joying in sacred food and free from sickness, with knees bent lowly on the earth’s broad surface,
Following closely the Aditya’s statute, may we remain in Mitra’s gracious favour.
4. Auspicious and adorable, this Mitra was born with fair dominion, King, Disposer.
May we enjoy the grace of him the Holy, yea, rest in his propitious loving-kindness.
5. The great Aditya, to be served with wor. ship, who stirreth men, is gracious to the singer.
To Mitra, him most highly to be lauded, offer in fire oblation that he loveth.
6. The gainful grace of Mitra,. God, supporter of the race of man,
Gives splendour of most.glorious fame.
7. Mitra whose glory spreads afar, he who in might surpasses heaven,
Surpasses earth in his renown.
8. All the Five Races have repaired to Mitra, ever strong to aid,
For he sustaineth all the Gods.
9. Mitra to Gods, to living men, to him who strews the holy grass,
Gives food fulfilling sacred Law.
HYMN LX. Rbhus.
1. HERE is your ghostly kinship, here, O Men: they came desirous to these holy rites with store of wealth,
With wondrous arts, whereby, with schemes to meet each need, Ye gained, Sudhanvan’s Sons! your share in sacrifice.
2. The mighty powers wherewith. ye formed the chalices, the thought by which ye drew the cow from out the hide,
The intellect wherewith ye wrought the two Bay Steeds,-through these, O Rbhus, ye attained divinity.
3. Friendship with Indra have the Rbhus, fully gained: grandsons of Manu, they skilfully urged the work.
Sudhanvan’s Children won them everlasting life, serving with holy rites, pious with noble acts.
4. In company with Indra come ye to the juice, then gloriously shall your wishes be fulfilled.
Not to be paragoned, ye Priests, are your good deeds, nor your heroic acts, Rbhus, Sudhanvan’s Sons.
5. O Indra, with the Rbhus, Mighty Ones, pour down the Soma juice effused, well-blent, from both thy hands.
Maghalan, urged by song, in the drink-offerer’s house rejoice thee with the Heroes, with Sudhanvan’s Sons.
6. With Rbhu near, and Vaja, Indra, here exult, with Saci, praised of many, in the juice we pour.
These homes wherein we dwell have turned themselves to thee, -devotions to the Gods, as laws of men ordain.
7. Come with the mighty Rbhus, Indra, come to us, strengthening with thy help the singer’s holy praise;
At hundred eager calls come to the living man, with thousand arts attend the act of sacrifice.
1. O Usas, strong with strength, endowed witli knowledge, accept the singer’s praise, O wealthy Lady.
Thou, Goddess, ancient, young, and full of wisdom, movest, all-bounteous! as the Law ordaineth.
2. Shine forth, O Morning, thou auspicious Goddess, on thy bright car awaking pleasant voices.
Let docile horses of far-reaching splendour convey thee hitherward, the goldencoloured.
3. Thou, Morning, turning thee to every creature, standest on high as ensign of the Immortal,
To one same goal ever and ever wending now, like a wheel, O newly-born, roll hi ther.
4. Letting her reins drop downward, Morning cometh, the wealthy Dame, the Lady of the dwelling;
Bringing forth light, the Wonderful, the Blessed hath spread her from the bounds of earth and heaven.
5. Hither invoke the radiant Goddess Morning, and bring with reverence your hymn to praise her.
She, dropping sweets, hath set in heaven her brightness, and, fair to look on, hath beamed forth her splendour.
6. From heaven, with hymns, the Holy One was wakened: brightly to both worlds came the wealthy Lady.
To Morning, Agni, when she comes refulgent, thou goest forth soliciting fair riches.
7. On Law’s firm base the speeder of the Mornings, the Bull, hath entered mighty earth and heaven.
Great is the power of Varuna and Mitra, which, bright, hath spread in every place its splendour.
HYMN LXII. Indra and Others.
1. YOUR well-known prompt activities aforetime needed no impulse from your faithful servant.
Where, Indra-Varuna, is now that glory wherewith ye brought support to those who loved you?
2. This man, most diligent, seeking after riches, incessantly invokes you for your favour.
Accordant, Indra-Varuna, with Maruts, with Heaven and Earth, hear ye mine invocation.
3. O Indra-Varuna, ours be this treasure ours be wealth, Maruts, with full store of heroes.
.May the Varutris with their shelter aid us, and Bharati and Hotri with the Mornings.
4. Be pleased! with our oblations, thou loved of all Gods, Brhaspati:
Give wealth to him who brings thee gifts.
5. At sacrifices, with your hymns worship the pure Brhaspati-
I pray for power which none may bend-
6. The Bull of men, whom none deceive, the wearer of each shape at will,
Brhaspati Most Excellent.
7. Divine, resplendent Pusan, this our newest hymn of eulogy,
By us is chanted forth to thee.
8. Accept with favour this my song, be gracious to the earnest thought,
Even as a bridegroom to his bride.
9. May he who sees all living things, see, them together at a glancc,-
May lie, may Pusan be our help.
10. May we attain that excellent glory of Savitar the God:
So May he stimulate our prayers.
11. With understanding, earnestly, of Savitar the God we crave
Our portion of prosperity.
12. Men, singers worship Savitar the God with hymn and holy rites,
Urged by the impulse of their thoughts.
13. Soma who gives success goes forth, goes to the gathering place of Gods,
To seat him at the seat of Law.
14. To us and to our cattle may Soma give salutary food,
To biped and to quadruped.
15. May Soma, strengthening our power of life, and conquering our foes,
In our assembly take his seat.
16. May Mitra-Varuna, sapient Pair, bedew our pasturage with oil,
With meatb the regions of the air.
17. Far-ruling, joyful when adored, ye reign through majesty of might,
With pure laws everlastingly.
18. Lauded by Jamadagni’s song, sit in the place of holy Law:
Drink Soma, ye who strengthen Law.