By the practice of Pranayama, the purification of the Nadis, the brightening of the gastric fire, hearing distinctly of spiritual sounds and good health result. When the nervous centres have... Read more
Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and Shat-Chakras Ida and Pingala There are the two nerve-currents one on either side of the spinal column. The left one is called Ida and the right is known as Pingala... Read more
Seat of Prana The seat of Prana is heart. Though the Antahkarana is one, yet it assumes four forms, viz., (i) Manas, (ii) Buddhi, (iii) Chitta and (iv) Ahamkara according to the different fu... Read more
He who has grasped this Prana, has grasped the very core of cosmic life and activity. He who has conquered and controlled this very essence, has not only subjected his own body and mind but... Read more
INTRODUCTION Today, for quick travel, the material world presents us the Railway, Steamers, Aeroplanes and so forth, but the Yogins claim that by Yogic culture the weight of the body can be... Read more