JAPA—Repetition of a Mantra Jivanmukti—Liberation while still in body, the state of Jnana or Knowledge, Wisdom of Brahman Jivatman—Individual soul KALA—Ray, part, aspect Kapala—Skull Kamala—... Read more
Q. How is Nadi-Suddhi done? A. The cleansing of the Nadi (Nadi-Suddhi) is either Samanu or Nirmanu—that is, with or without the use of Bija. According to the first form, the Yogi in Padmasan... Read more
Kundalini Pranayama In this Pranayama, the Bhavana is more important than the ratio between Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka. Sit in Padma or Siddha Asana, facing the East or the North. After me... Read more
Dr. J. Oldfield, Senior Physician, Lady Margaret Hospital, writes: “Today there is the chemical fact in the hands of all, which none can gainsay that the products of the vegetable kingdom co... Read more
Yogic Diet A diet that is conducive to the practice of Yoga and spiritual progress can be rightly termed ‘Yogic Diet’. Diet has intimate connection with the mind. The mind is formed out of t... Read more
Pancha Dharana Prithvi Dharana There are five elements, viz., Prithvi, Apas, Agni, Vayu and Akasa. To the body of the five elements, there is the five fold Dharana. From the feet to the knee... Read more
39. A Yogi should always avoid fear, anger, laziness, too much sleep or waking and too much food or fasting. If the above rule be well strictly practised, each day, spiritual wisdom will ari... Read more
21. People do not want to remove Mala (impurity) by selfless service and Vikshepa by Yogic practices. They at once jump to awaken the Kundalini and raise Brahmakara Vritti. They will only br... Read more
Special Instructions 1. In the early morning, answer the calls of nature and sit for the practice. Practise Pranayama, in a dry well-ventilated room. Pranayama requires deep concentration an... Read more
Importance and Benefits of Pranayama “The illusory Samsaric Vasana that has arisen through the practice of many lives, never perishes except through the practice of Yoga for a long time. It... Read more