VI, 96. Plants as a panacea. 1. The many plants of hundredfold aspect, whose king is Soma, which have been begotten by Brihaspati, shall free us from calamity! 2. May they free us from (the... Read more
XIX, 35. Charm with an amulet derived from the gangida-tree, against diseases and demons. 1. While uttering Indra’s name the seers bestowed (upon men) the gangida, which the gods in th... Read more
VI, 111. Charm against mania. 1. Release for me, O Agni, this person here, who, bound and well-secured, loudly jabbers! Then shall he have due regard for thy share (of the offering), when he... Read more
VI, 100. Ants as an antidote against poison. 1. The gods have given, the sun has given, the earth has given, the three Sarasvatîs, of one mind, have given this poison-destroying (remedy)! 2.... Read more
V, 5. Charm with the plant silâki (lâkshâ, arundhatî) for the cure of wounds. 1. The night is thy mother, the cloud thy father, Aryaman thy grandfather. Silâkî, forsooth, is thy name, thou a... Read more
III, 7. Charm against kshetriya, hereditary disease. 1. Upon the head of the nimble antelope a remedy grows! He has driven the kshetriya (inherited disease) in all directions by means of the... Read more
VI, 14. Charm against the disease balâsa. 1. The internal disease that has set in, that crumbles the bones, and crumbles the joints, every balâsa do thou drive out, that which is in the limb... Read more
Buy 4 Vedas MP3 CDs Translator – Maurice Bloomfield I. CHARMS TO CURE DISEASES AND POSSESSION BY DEMONS OF DISEASE (BHAISHAGYKNI). V, 22. Charm against takman (fever) and related disea... Read more