Forests The forests of India have always proved a valuable source of revenue. But the development of a science of forestry, especially in Germany and France, showed the great influence which... Read more
hen followed another terrible famine in 1876, which lasted for nearly two years, and extended over a wide area in Madras, Mysore, Hyderabad, Bombay, and the United Provinces. On all these oc... Read more
The result of these measures was that although gold was not yet made legal tender it became the standard of value and the exchange value of rupees ceased to coincide with the actual price of... Read more
The revenue under the head of customs was derived from an ad valorem duty on various articles exported from or imported into India. The rate of this duty varied from time to time. The most i... Read more
The constitution, however, did not work well. The relation between the executive and the large number of justices of the peace was not clearly defined and there was constant conflict between... Read more
1)The sub-division, not the district, should be the maximum area served by one Committee or local board, with primary boards, under it, serving very small areas, so that each member of it mi... Read more
In 1886 Lord Dufferin appointed a ” Public Services Commission” to investigate the problem with Sir Charles Atchison, then Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab, as its President. Th... Read more
Recruitment for the Public Services THE assumption of the direct administration of India by the Crown led to great changes both in the spirit and details of internal administration. The admi... Read more