It is, of course, quite true that the battle of Plassey gave the English a firm footing on the soil of Bengal, which they utilized to the full in their final encounter with Mir Kasim. But ev... Read more
The anomaly of Clive’s position with regard to the Nawab, however, still continued. Without any formal rights or prerogatives, he exercised an effective control over the actions of Mir... Read more
The French fleet now left the Indian seas and Lally had to wait till the English fleet would be forced to leave the harborless Madras coast on the approach of the monsoon. He utilized the in... Read more
Mir Jafar reached Murshidadbad on the 25th and Clive followed him a few days later. Mir Jafar was proclaimed Subahdar of Bengal. In a few days news arrived of the capture of Siraj-ud-dALLlah... Read more
The Nawab, gallantly enough, afforded shelter to the French fugitives at his court, and refused to drive them away even when the English offered in exchange military help against a threatene... Read more
Had Siraj-ud-daulab belonged to a royal family of long standing and ruled over a kingdom which had enjoyed for years a settled form of government, even his faults might not – have prov... Read more
Indeed, the rumour was widely spread in Murshidabad that the English had espoused the cause of Ghasiti Begam. Dr. Forth, attached to the factory of baz&r, visited ‘Alivardi about a... Read more
In the second place, it has been suggested that Dupleix attempted too much, and the division of his force in the Deccan and the Carnatic” was the real cause of his failure. It is hard... Read more
It was now clear, even to the most obtuse mind, that the British position in Madras would be irrevocably lost if Dupleix were left free to complete his designs. Fortunately for the English t... Read more
But the overwhelming success brought in its train discord and disunion. La Bourdonnais had promised to restore Madras for a suitable ransom, but Dupleix was strongly against this policy. Aft... Read more