You are Geetavaadanaka-priya (fond of singing and playing on instruments)!
You are Matsya (fish)!
You are Jaala (net)!
You are Jala (water)!
You are Ajeya (unconquerable)!
You are Jalavyala (water-python)!
You are Kuticharya (porpoise)!
You are Vikaala (having adverse time)!
You are Sukaala (having good time)!
You are Dushkaala (having bad time)!
You are Kaalanaasana (destroyer of Kaala or god of death)!
You are Mrtyu (death)!
You are Akshaya (Everlasting)!
You are Anta (end)!
You are Kshamaamaayaa-karotkara (one who offers and carries out forbearance and deception)!
You are Samvarta (dissolution)!
You are Vartaka (one who causes whirling)!
You are Samvartaka and Balahaka (the clouds at the time of dissolution)!
You are Ghantaakin, Ghantakin and Ghantin (having bells of different types)!
You are Chudaala (having tufts)!
You are Lavanodaadhi (the briny sea or the sea of salt)!
You are Brahma!
You are Kaalaagnivaktra (having black fire in the mouth)!
You are Dandin (having staff)!
You are Munda (having shaven head)!
You are Tridandaadhrk (one holding three staffs)!
You are Chaturyuga (of four Yugas)!
You are Chaturveda (of four Vedas)!
You are Chaturhotra (set of four sacrifices)!
You are Chatuspatha (set of four paths)!
You are Chaturaasramyaneta (leader of the people of four stages of life)!
You are Chaturvarnyakara (cause of division into four castes)!
You are Kshara-akshara (perishable and imperishable)!
You are Priya (Beloved)!
You are Dhurta (wicked)!
You are Ganaikaganya (worthy of being considered by the Ganas)! You are Ganadhipa (the overlord of Ganas)!
You are Raktamaalyaambaradhara (one who wears red garments and garlands)!
You are Girisha (lord of the mountain)!
You are Girijaapriya (fond of the daughter of the Mountain Lord)!
You are Silpeesa (chief of artisans)!
You are Silpi-srestha (the most excellent among artisans)
You are Sarvasilpapravartaka (he who makes arts and crafts function)!
You are Bhaganetraantaka (the destroyer of the eyes of Bhaga)!
You are Chanda (fierce)!
You are Poosnah Danta vinaasanaha (the destroyer of the teeth of Poosan)!
You are Svaahaa Svadhaa Vasatkaara Namaskaara (obeisance)!
You are Goodhavrata (one who performs holy rites in isolation)!
You are Goodha (well-hidden)!
You are Goodhaavratanivesita (one sought by those who perform holy rites in secret)!
You are Tirnna (one who crosses)!
You are Tarana (one who redeems)!
You are Sarvanusyuuta-charana (one who has his charanas (feet or informants or spies) spread in every place)!
You are Dhaataa (creator)!
You are Vidhaataa (dispenser of destiny)!
You are Sandhaataa (one who joins together)!
You are Nidhaataa (one who deposits)!
You are Dharanidhaara (sustainer of the earth)!
You are Tapas (penance)!
You are the Brahman (the Supreme Being)!
You are Satyam (truth)!
You are Brahmacharyam (the soul of every living being)!
You are Bhuutaakrt (the creator of living beings)!
You are Bhuuta (one who has become a being)!
You are Bhavya Bhavodbhava (the source or origin of every thing past, present and the future)!
You are Bhuurbhuvah-svar (one who has gone to the worlds Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah)!
You are Vrta (surrounded)!
You are Agni (fire)!
You are Mahesvara (great lord)!
You are Rekshana (having fiery vision)!
You are Dveekshanakaanta (lover of one with two eyes)!
You are Daanta (one who has self control)!
You are Adaanta-vinaasana (destroyer of those who have not conquered their sense organs)!
You are Brahmaavarta (one that has emerged out of the Brahman)!
You are Suraavarta (one who makes deities revolve)!
You are Kaamaavarta (one who makes the deity of desire revolve), Obeisance to you!
You are Kaamabimba-avinirhanta (one who destroys the idol of the lord of desire)!
You are Karnikaarasrajapriya (one fond of the garland of karnikaara flowers)!
You are Goneta (leader of cows)!
You are Goprachara (one who makes rays spread, or one who makes cows graze)!
You are Govrsesvaravahana (one who has, as vehicle, a cow and a leading bull)!
You are Trailokyagopta (the protector of the three worlds)!
You are Govinda!
You are Gopta (protector)!
You are Gogarga!
You are Akhandachandraabhimukha (one who is face to face with the full moon)!
You are Sumukha (having good face)!
You are Durmukha (having bad face)!
You are Amukha (having no face)!
You are Chaturmukha (four-faced)!
You are Bahumukha (many-faced)!
You are Ranesvabhimukhah sadah (Always willing to be in the battle field)!