The Four types of creatures, Jaraayuja etc!
The Lord of the deities!
The Creator of the mobile and immobile beings!
The Pratikartaa (one who withdraws, that is, annihilates)!
The Lord of the universe!
The Brahman!
The Source of everything!
The Storehouse of luminaries!
Expounders of the Brahman call You Rk, Saaman and Omkaara.
The excellent deities and the expounders of the Brahman who sing Saaman say frequently ‘Hari, Hari, etc’ or ‘Hara, Hara, etc.’
You are full of Yajur Mantras, Rk Mantras, Saaman and Atharva Mantras.
You are served by those who know the Brahman, the Kalpas and the Upanisads.
The brahmana, kshatriya, vaisya, sudra and other castes, and the stages of life are identical with You.
You are Asramas!
You are Vidyut Stanitam (lightning and thunder)!
You are the Year, Seasons, Month, Fortnight, and Kaala, Kastha, Nimesas, Stars and Yugas!
You are Vrsanam Kakudam (the chief of bulls)!
You are the Peak of mountains!
You are the Lion, the chief among animals!
You are Takshaka among Nagas!
You are the Milk-ocean among seas!
You are Yajus among Mantras!
You are the Thunderbolt among weapons!
You are the Truth among holy rites!
You are all the Attributes, namely, Wish, Hatred, Lust, Delusion, Calmness, Forbearance, Industry, Courage, Greed, Love, Anger, Victory and Defeat.
You are the wielder of Arrow, Bow, Iron-club (Khatvaanga), Banner and Chariot.
You cut, pierce, strike and lead!
You are considered a Thinker by us!
You are Dharma with its ten characteristics!
You are Artha (wealth)!
You are Kaama (love)!
You are Indra!
You are Samudra (ocean)!
You are Sarits (rivers)!
You are Palvalas (puddles)!
You are Sarasi (lakes)!
You are Lataavallis (creepers and winding plants)!
You are Trnausadhayah (grasses and medicinal herbs)!
You are Pasus (animals)!
You are Birds!
You are the Source of dravyas (objects), karma (actions) and gunas (attributes)!
You are Kaalapushpa-phalaprada (bestower of flowers that grow into fruits of time)!
You are Aadi (origin), Anta (end) and Madhyama (middle)!
You are Gaayatri and Omkaara!
You are Harita (green)!
You are Lohita (red)!
You are Krsna (black)!
You are Neela (blue)!
You are Peeta (yellow)!
You are Aruna (pink)!
You are Kadru (tawny)!
You are Kapila (palebrown)!
You are Babhru (deep-brown)!
You are Kapota (dove-coloured)!
You are Mechaka (dark-coloured)!
You are well-known as Suvarnaretas (one having golden semen)! You are considered Suvarna (gold in colour)!
You are Suvarna-naaman (golden named)!
You re Suvarnapriya (fond of gold)!
You are Indu (moon)!
You are Yama!
You are Varuna!
You are Dhanada (bestower of wealth, that is, Kubera)!
You are Anala (fire)!
You are Utphulla-Chitrabhaanu (full-fledged sun)!
You are Svarbhaanu (Rahu)!
You are Bhaanu (sun)!
You are Hotra (sacrifice)!
You are Hotaa (sacrificer)!
You are Homya (paraphernalia of oblation)!
You are Hutam (oblation)!
O Lord!
You are the Trisauparna mantra!
You are the Satarudriya mantra of Yajurveda!
You are the most sacred of all sacred things!
You are the most auspicious of all auspicious things!
You are the mountain that destroys sins!
You are Vrksha (tree)!
You are the Jiva (individual soul)!
You are Pralaya (dissolution)!
You are Prana (vital airs)!
You are Tamoguna, Rajoguna and Sattvaguna!
You are Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana!
You are Unmesa (opening of the eye)!
You are Nimesa (closing of the eye)!
You are Kaala (time)!
You are Kalpa!
You are Lohitanga (red-limbed)!
You are Damstrin (having curved fangs)!
You are Mahaavaktra (having huge mouth)!
You are Mahodara (one having huge belly)!
You are Suchiroman (having clean hair)!
You are Haricchmasru (having green moustache and beard)!
You are Vurdhvakesa (one with hair standing up)!
You are Chala-achala (moving and stationary)!
You are Geetaavaaditranrtyaga (interested in singing, playing on instruments and dancing)!