Then Nidagha asked Lord Ribhu to enlighten him as to the rules (to be observed) in the practice of Yoga. Accordingly He (the Lord) said thus:
1. “The body is composed of the five elements. It is filled with five Mandalas (spheres). That which is hard is Prithvi (earth), one of them; that which is liquid is Apas;
2. That which is bright is Tejas (fire); motion is the property of Vayu; that which pervades everywhere is Akasa. All these should be known by an aspirant after Yoga.
3. Through the blowing of Vayu-Mandala in this body, (there are caused) 21,600 breaths every day and night.
4. If there is a diminution in the Prithvi-Mandala, there arise folds in the body; if there is diminution in the essence of Apas, there arises gradually greyness of hair;
5. If there is diminution in the essence of Tejas, there is loss of hunger and lustre; if there is diminution in the essence of Vayu, there is incessant tremor;
6. If there is diminution in the essence of Akasa, one dies. The Jivita (viz., Prana) which possesses these elements having no place to rest (in the body) owing to the diminution of the elements, rises up like birds flying up in the air.
7. It is for this reason that is called Udyana (lit., flying up). With reference to this, there is said to be a Bandha (binding, also meaning a posture called Udyana-Bandha, by which this flight can be arrested). This Udyana-Bandha is to (or does away with)
death, as a lion to an elephant.
8. Its experience is in the body, as also the Bandha. Its binding (in the body) is hurtful. If there is agitation of Agni (fire) within the belly, then there will be caused much of pain.
9. Therefore this (Udyana-Bandha) should not be practised by one who is hungry or who has urgency to make water or void excrement. He should take many times in small quantities proper and moderate food.
10. He should practise Mantra-Yoga. Laya-Yoga and Hatha-Yoga, through mild, middling and transcendental methods (or periods) respectively. Laya, Mantra and Hatha-Yogas have each (the same) eight subservients.
11-12(a). They are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
12(b)-13(a). (Of these), Yama is of ten kinds. They are non-injury, truth, non-coveting, continence, compassion, straightforwardness, patience, courage, moderate eating and purity (bodily and mental).
13(b)-14. Niyama is of ten kinds. They are Tapas (religious austerities), contentment, belief in the existence of God or Vedas, charity, worship of Ishvara (or God), listening to the expositions of religious doctrines, modesty, a (good) intellect, Japa (muttering of prayers) and Vrata (religious observances).
15-16. They are eleven postures beginning with Chakra. Chakra, Padma, Kurma, Mayura, Kukkuta, Vira, Svastika, Bhadra, Simha, Mukta and Gomukha are the postures enumerated by the knowers of Yoga.
17. Placing the left ankle on the right thigh and the right ankle on the left thigh and keeping the body erect (while sitting) is the posture “Chakra”.
18. Pranayama should be practised again and again in the following order, viz., inspiration, restraint of breath and expiration. The Pranayama is done through the Nadis (nerves). Hence it is called the Nadis themselves.
19. The body of every sentient being is ninety-six digits long. In the middle of the body, two digits above the anus and two digits below the sexual organ, is the centre of the body (called Muladhara or sacral plexus).
20-21. Nine digits above the genitals, there is Kanda of Nadis which revolves oval-shaped, four digits high and four digits broad. It is surrounded by fat, flesh, bone and blood.
22. In it, is situate a Nadi-Chakra (wheel of nerves) having twelve spokes. Kundali by which this body is supported is there.
23. It is covering by its face the Brahmarandhra (viz., Brahma’s hole) of Susumna. (By the side) of Susumna dwell the Nadis
Alambusa and Kuhuh.
24. In the next two (spokes) are Varuna and Yasasvini. On the spoke south of Susumna is, in regular course, Pingala.
25. On the next two spokes, are Pusha and Payasvini. On the spoke west of Susumna is the Nadi called Sarasvati.
26. On the next two spokes are Sankhini and Gandhari. To the north of Susumna dwells Ida;
27-28. In the next is Hastijihva; in the next is Visvodara. In these spokes of the wheel, the twelve Nadis carry the twelve Vayus from left to right (to the different parts of the body). The Nadis are like (i.e. woven like the warp and woof of) cloth. They are said to have different colours.
29-30. The central portion of the cloth (here the collection of the Nadis) is called the Nabhi Chakra (navel plexus). Jvalanti, Nadarupini, Pararandhra and Susumna are called the (basic) supports of Nada (spiritual sound). These four Nadis are of ruby colour. The central portion of Brahmarandhra is again and again covered by Kundali.
31-33(a). Thus ten Vayus move in these Nadis. A wise man who has understood the course of Nadis and Vayus should, after keeping his neck and body erect with his mouth closed, contemplate immovably upon Turyaka (Atman) at the tip of his nose, in the centre of his heart and in the middle of Bindu and should see with a tranquil mind through the (mental) eyes, the nectar flowing from there.
33(b)-34. Having closed the anus and drawn up the Vayu and caused it to rise through (the repetition of) Pranava (Om), he should complete with Sri Bija. He should contemplate upon his Atman as Sri (or Parasakti) and as being bathed by nectar.
35. This is Kalavanchana (lit., time illusion). It is said to be the most important of all. Whatever is thought of by the mind is accomplished by the mind itself.
36. (Then) Agni (fire) will flame in Jala (water) and in the flame (of Agni) will arise the branches and blossoms. Then the words uttered and the actions done regarding the universe, are not in vain.
37. By checking the Bindu in the path, by making the fire flame up in the water and by causing the water to dry up, the body is made firm.
38. Having contracted simultaneously the anus and Yoni (the womb) united together, he should draw up Apana and unite with it Samana.
39. He should contemplate upon his Atman as Shiva and then as being bathed by nectar. In the central part of each spoke, the Yogin should commence to concentrate Bala (will or strength).
40. He should try to go up by the union of Prana and Apana. This most important Yoga brightens up in the body the path of Siddhis.
41. As dam across the water serves as an obstacle to the floods, so it should ever be known by the Yogins that the Chhaya of the body is to (Jiva).
42. This Bandha is said of all Nadis. Through the grace of this Bandha, the Devata (goddess) becomes visible.
43. This Bandha of four feet serves as a check to the three paths. This brightens up the path through which the Siddhas obtained (their Siddhis).
44. If with Prana is made to rise up soon Udana, this Bandha checking all Nadis goes up.
45. This is called Samputa-Yoga or Mula-Bandha. Through the Practising of this Yoga, the three Bandhas are mastered.
46. By practising day and night intermittingly or at any convenient time, the Vayu will come under his control.
47. With the control of Vayu, Agni (the gastric fire) in the body will increase daily. With the increase of Agni, food, etc., will be easily digested.
48. Should food be properly digested, there is increase of Rasa (essence of food). With the daily increase of Rasa, there is the increase of Dhatus (spiritual substances).
49. With the increase of Dhatus, there is the increase of wisdom in the body. Thus all the sins collected together during many Crores of births are burnt up.
50. In the centre of the anus and the genitals, there is the triangular Muladhara. It illumines the seat of Shiva of the form of Bindu.
51. There is located the Parasakti named Kundalini. From that seat, Vayu arises. From that seat, Agni becomes increased.
52. From that seat, Bindu originates and Nada becomes increased. From that seat, Hamsa is born. From that seat, Manas is born.
53. The six Chakras beginning with Muladhara are said to be the seat of Sakti (Goddess). From the neck to the top of the head is said to be the seat of Sambhu (Shiva).
54. To the Nadis, the body is the support (or vehicle); to Prana, the Nadis are the support; to Jiva, Prana is the dwelling place; to Hamsa, Jiva is the support;
55. To Sakti, Hamsa is the seat and the locomotive and fixed universe. Being without distraction and of a calm mind, one should practise Pranayama.
56. Even a person who is well-skilled in the practice of the three Bandhas should try always to cognise with a true heart that Principle which should be known and is the cause of all objects and their attributes.
57. Both expiration and inspiration should (be stopped and made to) rest in restraint of breath (alone). He should depend solely on Brahman which is the highest aim of all visibles.
58. (The giving out of) all external objects is said to be Rechaka (expiration). The (taking in of the) spiritual knowledge of the Shastras is said to be Puraka (inspiration) and (the keeping to oneself of) such knowledge is said to be Kumbhaka (or restraint of
59. He is an emancipated person who practises thus such a Chitta. There is no doubt about it. Through Kumbhaka, it (the mind) should be always taken up and through Kumbhaka alone it should be filled up within.
60. It is only through Kumbhaka that Kumbhaka should be firmly mastered. Within it is Parama-Shiva. That (Vayu) which is non-motionless should be shaken again through Kantha-Mudra (throat-posture).
61-62. Having checked the course of Vayu, having become perfect in the practice of expiration and restraint of breath and having planted evenly on the ground the two hands and the two feet, one should pierce the four seats through Vayu through the three Yogas. He should shake Mahameru with the (aid of) Prakotis (forces) at the mouth of Vayu.
63. The two Putas (cavities) being drawn, Vayu throbs quickly. The union of moon, sun and Agni should be known on account of nectar.
64. Through the motion of Meru, the Devatas who stay in the centre of Meru move. At first in his Brahma-Granthi, there is produced soon a hole (or passage).
65. Then having pierced Brahma-Granthi, he pierces Vishnu-Granthi; then he pierces Rudra-Granthi.
66-67(a). Then to the Yogin comes Vedha (piercing) through his liberation from the impurities of delusion, through the religious ceremonies (performed) in various births, through the grace of Gurus and Devatas and through the practice of Yoga.
67(b)-68. In the Mandala (sphere or region) of Susumna (situated between Ida and Pingala), Vayu should be made to rise up through the feature known as Mudra-Bandha. The short pronunciation (of Pranava) frees (one) from sins; its long pronunciation confers (on one) Moksha.
69-70. So also its pronunciation in Apyayana or Pluta Svara (tone). He is a knower of Veda, who through the above-mentioned three ways of pronunciation knows the end of Pranava which is beyond the power of speech, like the never ceasing flow of oil or the
long-drawn bell-sound.The short Svara goes to Bindu. The long Svara goes to Brahmarandhra; the Pluta to Dvadasanta (twelfth centre). The Mantras should be uttered on account of getting Mantra Siddhis.
71-72(a). This Pranava (OM) will remove all obstacles. It will remove all sins. Of this, are four Bhumikas (states) predicated, viz., Arambha, Ghata, Parichaya and Nishpatti.
72(b)-73(a). Arambha is that state in which one having abandoned external Karmas performed by the three organs (mind, speech and body), is always engaged in mental Karma only.
73(b)-74(a). It is said by the wise that the Ghata state is that in which Vayu having forced an opening on the western side and being full, is firmly fixed there.
74(b). Parichaya state is that in which Vayu is firmly fixed to Akasa, neither associated with Jiva nor not, while the body is immovable.
75. It is said that Nishpatti state is that in which there take place creation and dissolution through Atman or that state in which a Yogin having become a Jivanmukta performs Yoga without effort.
Whoever recites this Upanishad becomes immaculate like Agni. Like Vayu, he becomes pure. He becomes freed from the sin of drinking alcohol. He becomes freed from the sins of the theft of gold. He becomes a Jivanmukta. This is what is said by the
Rig-Veda. Like the eye pervading the Akasa (seeing without effort everything above), a wise man sees (always) the supreme seat of Vishnu. The Brahmanas who have always their spiritual eyes wide open praise and illuminate in diverse ways the spiritual seat of Vishnu. OM, thus is the Upanishad.”
Thus ends the fifth Chapter of Varaha Upanishad.
Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
Here ends the Varaha Upanishad belonging to the Krishna-Yajur-Veda.