3. Dost thou desire to know all by thy own experience – that this is knowledge, and that is worth knowing, etc., – then thou shalt fail to know the end of the Sastras even if thine age be over a thousand years.
4. Considering life to be very impermanent, try to know only the indestructible Sat, give up the unnecessary reading of books, and worship Truth.
5. Out of all the beautiful objects that exist in this world, most are intended either to please the tongue or give pleasures to sex: if you can relinquish the pleasures of both these,then where is the necessity of this world for you. (Meaning that these two constitute the essence of selfishness in a man’s mind; discard them, and you get rid of the selfish feeling, thereby living for virtue and the good of humanity alone.)
6. The sacred rivers after all are but waters and the idols worshipped are nothing but either stones,metals, or earth. Yogis go neither to the former nor worship the latter, because within themselves exist all sacred places and the synthesis of all idols.
7. Agni or Fire is the god of the twice-born who are given to sacrifice; the Munis call the Atman within them their god, the less intelligent portion worship the idols, but the Yogis see Brahman equally everywhere – both in the fire, within themselves, in idols, and all around.
8. As a blind man cannot see the sun although it lightens the whole world, so those blind of knowledge, or the spiritually blind, also cannot perceive the Omnipresent Eternal Peace that encompasses the whole universe.
9. Wherever the Mind (of a Tattvajnanin) goes, it sees the Paramatman there because all and everything is full with the One Brahman.
10. As the serene bright sky is observable with all its panorama of forms, names, and colours, so he who is able to realize the idea that “I am Brahman” – in spite of all forms, names, and colours – alone can see the eternal Paramatman actually.
11. The Yogi, while meditating, should contemplate that “I am the whole universe”; in this manner he shall see that Paramatman – the Abode of Supreme Bliss – with the eyes of his knowledge. As long as he shall think of the Akasa and identify himself with it, so long shall he consider the All-pervading Paramatman like Akasa itself, for the Great Subtle Production from the Portal of Moksa, the All-full Abode of Nirvana, the Eternal Paramatman dwells in the heart of all Jiva, in the form of the Ray of Knowledge – the Spiritual Soul – in man; this Paramatman should be known as the Brahmatman of the Paramatman-knowing Yogis.
12. He who has been able to identify himself with the whole universe – as the One Brahman – should carefully avoid the desire of eating every man’s food and selling all kinds of things.
[There would be no difference between a man and a dog, if he takes impure food and eats every body’s bread. Impure trade also destroys the purity of a man’s mind.
13. Where the Yogis stay for one second or even half a second, that place becomes sacred like Kuruksetra., Prayaga and Naimisaranya because the thought of Spirituality for one brief second has a greater effect than one thousand millions of sacrifices.
14. The Yogi who considers this universe as nothing but the One Brahman, at once destroys both virtue and vice; consequently for him there is neither friend nor enemy, happiness nor misery, gain nor loss, good nor bad, honour nor dishonour, praise nor blame; all these become alike to him.
15. When a patched-up cloak with a hundred holes in it, is able to keep off the summer’s heat and winter’s cold, then what is the necessity for wealth and riches for a man whose heart is devoted to the worship of Kesava (Brahman).
16. O Arjuna, the Yogi should not think about or concern himself for his maintenance; if, however, such a thought is necessary at all, then let him beg for alms simply to maintain his body, and protect himself form cold by the clothes of charity; to him diamond and stones, green vegetables and coarse rice, and all other objects in this world, are of equal value (i.e., he becomes indifferent to all).
17. O Arjuna, he who does not covet material objects, never takes birth again in this world.