If you don’t know your Rasi, click here to know online now.
You can also check how to see transit from your chart from the example given here
Note: In Gochara the transit from Rasi or natal moon, i.e. the house where moon is placed in your birth chart, is considered most important but its transit vis-à-vis Lagna and other planets is also important. A full summary of a planets transit from all give a much better picture.
Sun’s transit results from Sun
House# | Results |
1. Good complexion and success in undertaking.
2. Increase in wealth.
3. Trouble from enemies.
4. Appreciation from friends and relatives.
5. Illness and mental worry.
6. Illness.
7. Good health.
8. Strength and good complexion.
9. Happiness and good journey.
10. Increase in wealth and mental peace.
11. Work yields desired results.
12. Overambition.