1. BY impulse of God Savitar I take thee with arms of Asvins, with the hands of Pûshan. Thou art a woman. Here I cut the necks of Râkshasas away. Barley art thou. Bar off from us our haters, bar our enemies. Thee for heaven, thee for earth, thee for the welkin. Pure be the worlds, the Fathers’ dwelling-places. Thou art the habitation of the Fathers.
2. Thou art a leader, easy, to Unnetars, of access. Know this. It will stand upon thee. Savitar, God, anoint thee with sweet butter. Thee for the plants laden with goodly fruitage! Thou with thy top hast touched the sky, hast with thy middle filled the air, and steadied with thy base the earth.
3. Those seats of thine which we desire to visit, where there are many-horned and nimble. oxen, There, of a truth, was mightily imprinted the loftiest step of widely-striding Vishnu. I close thee in, the winner of the Brâhmans, winner of Nobles and abundant riches. Strengthen the Brâhmans, strengthen thou the Nobles, strengthen our vital power, strengthen our offspring.
4. Look ye on Vishnu’s works, whereby the Friend of Indra, close-allied, Hath let his holy ways be seen.
5. The princes evermore behold that loftiest place where Vishnu is, Laid as it were an eye in heaven.
6. Thou art invested. Heavenly hosts invest thee! Riches of men invest this Sacrificer! Heaven’s son art thou. This is thine earthly station. Thine is the beast whose home is in the forest.
7. Encourager art thou. The hosts of heaven have come to yearning Gods, the best conductors. God Tvashtar, make the wealth of cattle quiet. Delightful to the taste be thine oblations.
8. Joy, wealthy ones! Brihaspati, save our riches. I bind thee with the noose of holy Order, thou offering to the Gods. Bold be the Slayer.
9. By impulse of God Savitar I bind thee, with arms of Asvins and with hands of Pûshan, thee welcome unto Agni and to Soma. Thee for the waters, thee for plants. Thy mother grant thee permission, and thy father, brother born of one dam, thy friend, thy herd-companion. I sprinkle thee welcome to Agni-Soma.
10. Drinker art thou of water. May the Waters, the Goddesses, add sweetness to the oblation prepared for Gods, even though already sweetened.Thy breath join wind, thy limbs those meet for worship, the sacrifice’s lord the boon he prays for.
11. Balmed, both of you, with butter, guard the cattle. Grant, Rich! the Sacrificer’s prayer. Approach thou. Meeting with heavenly Wind, from air’s mid-region. Be thou united with this offering’s body. O Great One, lead the sacrifice’s master on to a sacrifice of loftier order. All-hail to Gods! To Gods All-hail!
12. Become no serpent, thou, become no viper. To thee, O widely-spread, be adoration. Advance, unhindered, on thy way. To rivers of butter move along the paths of Order.
13. Bear the oblation to the Gods, ye Waters celestial and pure and well-provided. May we become providers well-provided.
14. I cleanse thy voice, thy breath, thine eye, thine ear, thy navel, and thy feet, thy sexual organ, and thy rump.
15. Let thy mind, voice, and breath increase in fulness, thine eye be fuller, and thine ear grow stronger. Whatever there is in thee sore or wounded, may that be filled for thee, cleansed and united. Blest be the days. Plant, guard! Axe, do not harm him.
16. Thou art the demons’ share. Expelled are demons. Here I tread down; here I repel the demons; here lead the demons into lowest darkness.Invest, ye two, the heaven and earth with fatness. O Vâyu, eagerly enjoy the droppings. Let Agni eagerly enjoy the butter. All-hail! Go, both of you, by Svâhâ consecrated, to Ûrdhvanabhas, offspring of the Maruts.
17. Ye Waters, wash away this stain and whatsoever taint be here, Each sinful act that I have done, and every harmless curse of mine. May Waters rid me of that guilt, and Pavamâna set me free.
18. Be they united, with the Mind thy mind, and with the Breath thy breath. Thou quiverest. Let Agni make thee ready. Waters have washed together all thy juices. Thee for the Wind’s rush, for the speed of Pûshan. From heated vapour may it reel and totter,—the disconcerted hatred of our foemen.
19. Ye drinkers-up of fatness, drink the fatness; drink up the gravy, drinkers of the gravy! Thou art the oblation of the air’s mid-region. All-hail! The regions, the fore-regions, the by-regions, the intermediate and the upper regions,—to all the regions Hail!
20. In every limb is Indra’s out-breath seated, in every limb is Indra’s in-breath settled. God Tvashtar, let thine ample forms be blended, that what wears different shapes may be one-fashioned. To please thee let thy friends, mother and father, joy over thee as to the Gods thou goest.
21. Go to the sea. All-hail! Go to the air. All-hail! Go to God Savitar. All hail! Go thou to Mitra-Varuna. All-hail! Go thou to Day and Night. All-hail! Go to the Metres. till-hail! Go to Heaven and Earth. All-hail! Go to the sacrifice. All-hail! Go to Soma. All-hail! Go to the heavenly ether. All-hail! Go to Vaisvânara Agni. All hail! Bestow upon me mind and heart. Thy smoke mount to the sky, to heaven thy lustre. Fill thou the spacious earth full with thine ashes.