33. Let the Hotar worship the wool-soft Altar-grass, the Physicians Nâsatyas, the Physicians Asvins. A mare with a foal, a milch-cow is a physician. Sarasvatî the Physician yields medicine to Indra, milk, Soma. Let them enjoy, etc.
34. Let the Hotar worship the Doors, the Regions, the resounding, expansive Doors, the Regions, with the Asvins. Indra milks the two milky worlds. The Mulch-cow Sarasvatî yields medicine for the Asvins and Indra, pure light and strength. Milk, Soma. Let them, etc.
35. Let the Hotar worship the two fair-formed Dawns. At night and by day the Asvins with Sarasvatî compose impetuous power, like healing balm, in Indra, like a falcon, Mâsara with light, thought, and grace. Milk, Soma. Let them enjoy, etc.
36. Let the Hotar worship the two divine Hotars, the Physician Asvins, and Indra. Watchfully by day and night Sarasvatî as Physician, with balms, with lead, yields strength and power. Milk, Soma. Let them enjoy, etc.
37. Let the Hotar worship the three Goddesses. The three active ones, with three sacrificial elements, lay balm and golden hue on Indra. The Asvins, Idâ, Bhâratî—Sarasvatî with Speech yields might and power to Indra. Milk, Soma. Let them enjoy, etc.
38. Let the Hotar worship Tvashtar full of good seed, the Bull active for men, Indra, the Asvins, Sarasvatî the Physician. Vigour, speed, power, a fierce wolf as physician, fame with Surâ is a medicine, Mâsara with grace. Milk, Soma. Let them enjoy, etc.
39. Let the Hotar worship Vanaspatî the Immolator, the Lord of Hundred Powers, and awful Passion, the King, the Tiger, and the Asvins, with reverence. Sarasvatî the Physician yields wrath and power to Indra. Milk, Soma. Let them enjoy, etc.
40. Let the Hotar worship Agni. Of the drops of clarified butter, Svâhâ! Of the fat, omentum, etc., severally, Svâhâ! Svâhâ! the goat for the Asvins. Svâhâ! the ram for Sarasvatî. Svâhâ! the bull for Indra. To the Lion, to his might, power. Svâhâ! Agni the salutary remedy. Svâhâ! Soma, the power. Svâhâ! Indra the Good Deliverer. Savitar, Varuna Lord of Physicians. Svâhâ! Vanaspatî, beloved, food and medicine. Svâhâ! Gods who drink clarified butter. Agni accepting the medicine. Milk, Soma. Let them enjoy, etc.
41. Let the Hotar worship the Asvins with the omentum of a he-goat. Let them enjoy the fat. Hotar, offer the sacrificial oblation. Let the Hotar worship Sarasvatî with the omentum of a ram. Let her enjoy the fat. Hotar offer the sacrificial oblation. Let the Hotar worship Indra with the omentum of a bull. Let him, etc.
42. Let the Hotar worship the Asvins, Sarasvatî, Indra the Good Deliverer. These your Somas, pressed, rejoicing with goats, rams, bulls, giving pleasure with rice-shoots, young blades of corn, parched grain, joy-givers adorned with Mâsara, bright, milky, immortal, presented, dropping honey. these let the Asvins, Sarasvatî, Indra the Good Deliverer, Vritra-slayer, accept. Let them drink, rejoice in, enjoy the Soma meath. Hotar, sacrifice.
43. Let the Hotar worship the Asvins. Let them eat of the he-goat, the sacrifice. Let them to-day eat the fat, taken from the middle, before those who hate us, before human handling. Yea, let them eat amid the fodder of fields fresh with moisture, with their expanse of barley, limbs of those tasted by Agni, belonging to the Hundred Rudras, portions covered with fat, from the sides, from the thighs, from the fore-feet from the chine. From every member of the divided victims these two make their repast. Thus let the Asvins accept. Hotar, offer the sacrificial oblation.
44. Let the Hotar worship Sarasvatî. Let her approach the ram, the sacrifice. To-day let her eat, etc., the rest of verse 43 repeated mutatis mutandis.
45. Let the Hotar worship Indra, etc., as in 44 mutatis mutandis.
46. Let the Hotar worship Vanaspatî. He has held with a very well formed and very strong rope. There where the favourite stations of the Asvins are, of the he-goat the sacrifice; of Sarasvatî, of the ram the sacrifice; of Indra, of the bull the sacrifice; there where the favourite stations of Agni are, of Soma, of Indra the Good Deliverer, of Savitar, of Varuna, the favourite places of Vanaspatî, the favourite stations of Gods who drink clarified butter, and of Agni the Hotar, there let him arrange these victims when he has praised and lauded them, and perform when he has made them very strong. Let divine Vanaspatî accept. Hotar, offer oblation.
47. Let the Hotar worship Agni Svishtakrit. Let Agni worship the favourite stations of the Asvins, of the he-goat the sacrifice; of Sarasvatî, of the ram the sacrifice; of Indra, of the bull the sacrifice; there, etc., to ‘butter’ as in 46. Let him worship the favourite stations of Agni the Hotar. Let him worship his own majesty. Let him win for himself by sacrifice food worthy of sacrifice. Let him, Knower of Beings, perform the sacred rites. Let him accept the sacrificial food. Hotar, offer oblation.
48. The Grass divine, for the right Gods, Sarasvatî, the Asvins Twain, Give Indra splendour, with the Grass, sight of his eyes and mighty strength! For gain of wealth let them enjoy. Thou, Hotar, offer sacrifice.
49. The Doors, the Doors divine, the Two Asvins, Leeches, Sarasvatî— May they give breath to Indra in his nostrils, and heroic strength. For gain of wealth, etc., as in verse 48.
50. May Dawn and Night, the Goddesses, both Asvins, and Sarasvatî Lay, with both Dawns, strength, voice within Indra the Good Deliverer’s mouth. For gain of wealth, etc.
51. Both nursing Goddesses, the Pair of Asvins, and Sarasvatî Have with both nurses given strength to Indra, fame, and power to hear. For gain of wealth, etc.
52. Bringers of strengthening sacrifice, both Goddesses, well-yielding cows, Sarasvatî, both Asvins, the Physicians, these are Indra’s guards. Forth from their breasts by sacrifice they give him brilliant light and power. For gain of wealth, etc.
53. Both Gods, the Hotars of the Gods, the Asvins the Physicians and Sarasvatî with Vashat-calls, with the two Hotars have bestowed on Indra brilliant light and power, and planted wisdom in his heart. For gain of wealth, etc.