46. Homage to him who is in leaves and to him who is in the falling of leaves. Homage to him with the threatening voice and to him who slays, homage to him who troubles and to him who afflicts. Homage to you arrow-makers and to you bow-makers, homage to you sprinklers, to the hearts of the Gods. Homage to the discerners, homage to the destroyers; homage to the indestructible.
47. Pursuer, Lord of Soma juice, thou cleaver, coloured blue and red, Cleave not, destroy not one of these our children, nor of these our beasts, let nothing that is ours be sick.
48. To the strong Rudra bring we these our songs of praise, to him the Lord of Heroes, with the braided hair, That it be well with all our cattle and our men, that in this village all be healthy and well-fed.
49. Rudra, with that auspicious form of thine which healeth every day, Auspicious, healer of disease, be kind to us that we may live.
50. May Rudra’s missile turn aside and spare us, the great wrath of the impetuous One avoid us. Turn, Bounteous God, thy strong bow from our princes, and be thou gracious to our seed and offspring.
51. I Most bounteous, most auspicious, be auspicious, well inclined to us. On some remotest tree lay down thy weapon. and clad in robe of skin approach, bearing thy bow come hitherward.
52 O Wound averter, purple-hued, to thee be homage, holy Lord! May
all those thousand darts of thine strike dead another one than us.
53. Thousands of thousands are the shafts, the missiles ready in thy hands: Thou holy Lord, who hast the power, turn thou their points away from us.
54. Innumerable thousands are the Rudras on the face of earth: Of all these Rudras we unbend the bows a thousand leagues away.
55. Bhavas there are above us in this mighty billowy sea of air, Of all of these do we unbend, etc.
56. Rudras are dwelling in the sky, whose necks are blue, whose throats are white: Of these do we unbend the bows a thousand leagues away from us.
57. Sarvas haunt realms beneath the earth—their necks are blue, their throats are white: Of these, etc.
58. These, green like young grass, in the trees, with azure necks and purple hue, Of those, etc.
59. Those, ministering spirits’ lords, with no hair-tufts, with braided locks, Of these, etc.
60. Those, the protectors of the paths, bringers of food, who fight for life. Of these, etc.
61. Those who with arrows in their hand, and armed with words, frequent the fords, Of these, etc.
62. Those who, inhabiting the food, vex men while drinking from their cups, etc.
63. Rudras so many and still more, lodged in the quarters of the sky, etc.
64. Homage to Rudras, those whose home is sky, whose arrows floods of rain. To them ten eastward, southward ten, ten to the south, ten to the north, ten to the region uppermost! To them be homage! May they spare and guard us. Within their jaws we lay the man who hates us and whom we abhor.
65. Homage to Rudras, those whose home is air, whose arrows is the rain. To them, etc.
66. Homage to Rudras, those whose home is earth, whose arrows is men’s food. To them be homage, etc.