165) In the above beneficial houses mentioned in the Añöakavarga charts of the planets, put vertical lines and in others mere dots. If these houses that contain benefic lines happen to be auspicious, when counted form one’s natal sign i.e., Räçi, and also to be owned by a benefic, friendly planet or the planet concerned or to be the planet’s exaltation, the result must be wholly favourable, and in others it will be unfavourable. (64a)
Notes: According to previous calculations for putting benefic lines in Añöakavarga chart for each planet, we have to view the different houses containing benefic dots from the point of the planet concerned. For example, the Sun is good in transit in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th from one’s natal Moon (Räçi) 166) The effects of benefic lines from 1 to 8 contained in a Räçi, are in order (1)hardship (2) loss of wealth (3) trouble (4) moderate effects (5) acquisition of wealth and happiness (6) influx of money (7) happiness and (8) accomplishment of one’s ambitions.
167) The seven planets beginning with the Sun represent seven relations in order (1) Father (2) Mother (3) Enemy (4) Friend (5) brother (6) Wife and (7) Servant. When the Ascendant, its Lord, the Moon and Sun are well placed the native will be blessed with wealth, fame and security.
168-169) When the Naväàçä of the Lagna or 10th house is owned by the Sun, the subject earns his living by selling grass, gold, horses, elephant drivers etc., when it is owned by the Moon, then through agriculture, marine products and women; when owned by Mars, through Metals or ores, weapons and adventures; when by Mercury, through poetry, fine arts i.e. Architecture etc.; when by Jupiter, through Gods, i.e., through worshipping them, Brahmins and mines; when by Venus, through silver, cattle, gems etc.; and when by Saturn, through murderous deeds, wearisome tasks and mean activities.
170) If Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are exalted at birth and when the ascendant is strong, the native will become a great monarch. When the lagna is vargottama and when the Moon is aspected by four or more planets, the same effect will follow.
171) When Mars is exalted, the Sun and Moon in Dhanus, and Saturn in the lagna, the native becomes a landlord or king. The same effect takes place when the exalted Sun is posited in the lagna, Jupiter in the 10th house, and the Moon and Saturn in the 7th House.
172) When saturn or the Moon occupies the Lagna in exaltation, the Sun and Mercury respectively; or when Jupiter is in Karka±aka Lagna along with the Moon and Mars, one becomes a king.
173) One becomes a King, if at birth the Moon occupies the Våñabha Lagna, and the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 4th, 7th and 10th houses; or if Saturn occupies Makara Lagna and the Moon and others the 3rd, 6th, 9th (?) and 11th (?) houses.
174) When Jupiter and the Moon are together posited in Dhanus, Mars in Makara, and the exalted Sun or Venus in the Ascendant; or when the Karka Lagna is occupied by Jupiter. Meña by the Sun and the 11th house by Mercury, the Moon and Venus, the native becomes a King.
175) When the lagna happens to be in Våñabha, occupied by the Moon, the signs Siàha, Kumbha and Makara are occupied by the Sun, saturn and Mars respectively, a King is born.
176) When the lagna is Meña occupied by Mars or when the lagna is Siàha occupied by Jupiter, the native becomes a king. The same effect takes place when Mars and the Sun occupy the 5th house, Jupiter, the Moon and Venus, the 4th house, and Mercury and Lagna which is identical with Kanyä.
177) An illustrious king is ushered into the world when the lagna happens to be Makara occupied by Saturn, the Moon occupies Meña, the Sun in Siàha and venus and Jupiter in Tulä and Mithuna respectively.
178) Under the above planetary configurations, even an ordinary person’s son will become a king. On the other hand, O great Sage, under the following yogas only a king’s son can hope to be one such.
179) One becomes a king, if three or more planets possessed of strength occupy their exaltation houses or Mülatrikonas. The same event takes place, when the Sun is posited in Siàha, the Moon in the Ascendant identical with Meña, Mars in Makara, Kumbha or Våçcika and Jupiter in Dhanus.
180) O Sage, when Venus occupies the 4th house identical with its Räçi, and the Moon in the 9th house, either joined or aspected by benefics and the rest the 3rd, 1st, 6th and 11th houses, one becomes a ruler.
181) a virtuous king is born, if Mercury occupies the Lagna in strength, a benefic Jupiter possessed of strength in an auspicious house or 9th? And the rest the 9th, 2nd and the Upacaya houses (3, 6, 10 and 11th houses).
182) One becomes a king with the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter occupying the 10th, 11th and the ascendant respectively, Mars and Mercury, the 2nd house and venus and the Sun the 4th house, at one’s birth.
183) When the Moon occupies the Ascendant identical with Våñabha, Jupiter and Saturn, the 2nd and 6th respectively, and the rest the 11th house, the person concerned becomes a ruler.
184) Jupiter in the 4th house, the Sun and the Moon in the 10th house, Saturn in the lagna and the rest is in the 11th house, produce kings. Similarly, Mars and Saturn in the Lagna, the Moon, Jupiter, venus and the Sun and Mercury in the 4th, 7th , 9th 10th and 11th respectively usher kings into the world.⁷⁰
185) One attains kingship or a kingdom during the major period (Mahadaçä) of the planet posited in the Ascendant or the 10th house, or of one that is very strong; whereas that of such planets as are posited in inimical houses, in debilitation etc. is productive of great troubles.
186-187) If at birth all the planets are posited in any two contiguous quadrants (Kendras i.e. 1st and 4th; 4th and 7th; 7th and 10th or 10th and 1st), the yoga named Gadä or Mace is generated. If all the planets occupy only the 1st and the 7th houses, it will be called Çakaöa (carriage). The Yoga called Vihaga (Bird) is caused by the planets occupying the 4th and 10th houses. Çåìgäöaka is brought into effect by all the planets being posited in the 5th, 9th and 1st houses. The Hala Yoga is brought about by all the planets being posited in mutual trines beginning with any house other than the Ascendant.