XXIX-1: Verily all this is water. All the created beings are water. The vital breaths in the body are water. Quadrupeds are water. Edible crops are water. Ambrosia is water. Samrat [perpetually shining] is water. Virat [manifoldly shining] is water. Svarat
[self-luminous] is water. The metres are water. The luminaries are water. Vedic formulas are water. Truth is water. All deities are water. The three worlds denoted by Bhuh, Bhuvah and Suvah are water. The source of all these is the Supreme denoted by the syllable ‘Om’.
XXX-1-2: May this water cleanse my physical body that is made of earthy substances. Thus purified, may the earthy body purify me, the Soul within. May this water purify the guardian of the Vedas, my preceptor. May the purified Vedas taught by the purified teacher purify me. (Or may the Supreme purify me. May the water purified by the Supreme purify me). My defilement, repast on prohibited food and misconduct if any, and the sin accruing from the acceptance of gifts from persons disapproved by the scripture – from all these may I be absolved. May the waters purify me. Hail !
XXXI-1: May fire, Anger and Guardians of anger guard me from the sins resulting from anger. May the Day efface completely whatever sin I have committed on this day by thought, word, hands, feet, stomach and the procreative organ. Further whatever sinful
deed has been committed by me, all that and myself I offer as an oblation into the Self-luminous Truth, the source of Immortality. Hail !
XXXII-1: May the Sun, Anger and the Guardians of anger guard me from the sins resulting from anger. May the Night efface completely whatever sin I have committed during the last night by thought, word, hands, feet, stomach and the procreative organ. Further, whatever sinful deed has been committed by me all that and myself I offer as an oblation into the Supreme Light represented by the sun, the source of Immortality. Hail !
XXXIII-1: The one syllable ‘Om’ is Brahman. Agni is its Deity. Its Rishi also is Brahman. Its metre is Gayatri. Its use is for the union with Paramatman who exists as the manifold universe.
XXXIV-1: May the boon-conferring discrimination Gayatri come to us (in order to instruct us about) the imperishable Brahman who is determined by the Vedanta. May Gayatri, the mother of metres, favour us with the Supreme just mentioned.
XXXIV-2: O thou who art the source of all letters, O thou the great Deity, O thou the object of meditation at twilight, O thou Sarasvati, may thy devotee be liberated from the sin which he commits during the day by the same day and the sin which he commits during the night by the same night.
XXXV-1: O Gayatri, Thou art the essence of strength. Thou art patience, or the subduing power. Thou art physical capacity. Thou art splendour. Thou art the abode of gods and their name. Thou art the insentient universe. Thou art the full span of life or the Lord of all. Thou art every living thing. Thou art the life span of all. Thou art the vanquisher of all that is hostile to us. Thou art the Truth denoted by the Pranava. I invoke Gayatri, (into my heart). I invoke Savitri. I invoke Sarasvati. I invoke the metres, the Rishis (and the gods). I invoke the splendour (of all the gods). Of Gayatri the metre is Gayatri, the Rishi is Vishvamitra and the Deity is Savitur. Fire represents the mouth; the four-faced Brahma, the head; Vishnu, the heart; Rudra, the crown-hair; Earth, the source; the in-breath, the out-breath, the diffused breath, the up-breath and the middle breath, the breath. Gayatri is fair in hue and is of the same family as Paramatman attained by the Sankhyas – the illumined sages. The deity Gayatri (explained further as a formula) has twenty-four syllables, comprised in three feet, six sheaths or cavities and five heads. It is employed in Upanayana, or initiation into Vedic studentship.
XXXV-2: Om Earth. Om Sky. Om Heaven. Om Middle Region. Om Place of Birth. Om Mansion of the Blessed. Om Abode of Truth. Om may we meditate on the Adorable Light of that Divine Generator who quickens our understandings. Om He is water, light, flavour, ambrosia and also the three worlds. He who is denoted by Pranava is all these.
XXXVI-1: O Goddess, Thou mayest go and remain at Thy pleasure on the highest and holiest peak on the earth, or in any high place until the brahmanas remember Thee gain.
XXXVI-2: May the boon-conferring Mother of the Vedas, who has been magnified by me, who impels the created beings like wind and who has two places of birth, depart to the excellently produced world of Brahman having conferred on me, here on the earth, long life, wealth and power of Vedic learning.
XXXVII-1: The imperishable Aditya who is the giver of lustre and the creator of the universe moves in the sky like his own rays. The essence of him in the form of sweet water flows in the shape of rivers. He is the Truth. Aditya, the supreme cause of the universe, is the giver of light and water and is the source of all energy. He is denoted by the syllable Om. Gods worship Him as Tapas and Truth. (Being worshipped thus) He grants bliss to the worshippers. (Or the worshippers offer honey and sweet offerings to Him). That form of the sun is Brahman. That is the pervading cause of all. That is water, fire, flavour and ambrosia. The three Vyahritis representing the three worlds and the Pranava representing the cause of the universe denote that Brahman.
XXXVIII-1: May the Supreme reach me. May the Blissful reach me. May the Supreme alone that is blissful reach me. O Lord, being one among Thy creatures I am Thy child. Suppress the dreary dream of the empirical existence that I experience. For that I offer myself as an oblation into Thee. O Lord, and the vital and mental powers. Thou hast kept in me
XXXVIII-2: One may impart Trisuparna to a Brahmana unsolicited. Those brahmanas who recite Trisuparna indeed destroy even the sin of brahminicide. They attain to the fruit of the performance of Soma sacrifice. They purify all those who sit in a row of a thousand (while at dinner) and attain union with Pranava, i.e., the Deity of this mantra.
XXXIX-1: That Brahman is attained through the power of intelligence. That Bliss is attained through the power of intelligence. The Bliss which is indeed Brahman is attained through the power of intelligence.
XXXIX-2: O God, O Thou Creator, vouchsafe to us today the prosperity consisting of progeny. Turn away from us this bad dream (of the world).
XXXIX-3: O God, O Creator, turn away from me all the sins. Bring to me that which is beneficial.
XXXIX-4: To me, who is the devotee of the Supreme Truth let the wind blow sweetly. Let the rivers run sweetly. Let the herbs be to us sweet and beneficial.
XXXIX-5: Let there be sweetness day and night. Let the particles of the earth be sweetness bearing. Let heaven, our father, be sweet to us.
XXXIX-6: Let the fruit-bearing trees be sweet to us. Let the sun be sweet and beneficial to us. Let the cows be sweetness-bearing to us.
XXXIX-7: One may impart Trisuparna to a Brahmana unsolicited. Those brahmanas who recite Trisuparna indeed destroy even the sin of feticide or hurting a Brahmana well versed in the Vedas and in their auxiliaries. They attain to the fruit of the performance of Soma sacrifice. They purify all those who sit in a row of a thousand (while at dinner) and attain union with Pranava, i.e., the Deity of this mantra.
XXXX-1: That Brahman is attained through the power of sacrifice. That Bliss is attained through the power of sacrifice. The Bliss which is indeed Brahman is attained through the power of sacrifice.
XXXX-2: The Supreme having become the four-faced Brahma among gods, the master of right words among the composers, the seer among the intelligent people, the buffalo among animals, the kite among the birds, the cutting axe among the destructive tools and soma among the sacrificers, transcends all purifying agencies accompanied by the sound (of holy chant).
XXXX-3: That which is the sun who abides in the clear sky, is the Vasu (the air that moves) in the mid-region, is the fire that dwells in the sacrificial altar and in the domestic hearth as the guest, is the fire that shines in men and in the gods, as the Soul, is the fire that is consecrated in the sacrifice, is dwelling in the sky as air, is born in water as submarine heat, is born in the rays of the sun, is the fire that is directly seen as the luminary, and is born on the mountain as the rising sun – that is the Supreme Truth, the Reality underlying all.
XXXX-4: I pile fuel in the consecrated fire with a view to acquire the Vedas necessary for Thy worship, meditating on Thee in the form of Rig-Veda. The unbroken currents of clarified butter offered into the kindled fire – rendered sacred by cordial and hearty thoughts – flow like rivers, the water of which is potable for Gods. By this I kindly the splendour of the holy fire.
XXXX-5: In that Ahavaniya Fire, amidst those currents of clarified butter offered as oblation, abides the profusely rich and splendid Supreme Being who is magnified in the Trisuparna, who dwells in the nest of the bodies of created beings, who confers bliss on creatures according to their merit, and who shares with gods sweet ambrosia in the form of oblations offered by worshippers in Fire. In His proximity are seated the seven sages who destroy sins by mere remembrance and who continuously pour oblations in the form of a current of nectar keeping in mind the various gods for whom they are meant.
XL-6: This Trisuparna may be imparted to a Brahmana unsolicited. Those brahmanas who recite Trisuparna indeed destroy even the sin of slaying a worthy Brahmana or an anointed king. They attain to the fruit of the performance of Soma sacrifice. They purify all those who sit in a row of a thousand (while at dinner) and attain union with Pranava, i.e., the Deity of this mantra.
XLI-1: May the all-penetrating goddess of intellect who is beneficial, favourably disposed to, and delighting in, us visit us, O goddess, may we who were delighting in profitless speech before thy visit, now as the result of thy delight in us, become enlightened and also capable of expressing the Supreme Truth along with our heroic sons and disciples.
XLI-2: O goddess of intellect, favoured by thee, one becomes a seer; one becomes a Brahmana or a knower of Brahman. Favoured by thee one becomes also possessed of riches. Favoured by thee one obtains manifold wealth. Being such, O goddess of intellect, delight in us and confer on us wealth.
XLII-1: May Indra grant me intelligence. May goddess Sarasvati grant me intelligence. May the two Ashvins wearing garlands of lotus flowers engender in me intelligence.
XLII-2: Hail ! May that intelligence favour me – that which is possessed by Apsaras (celestial women) that which is the mental power in Gandharvas (celestial minstrels) that intelligence expressed as the divine Vedic lore and that intelligence which spreads like fragrance.
XLIII-1: May that goddess of intelligence come to me with a joyful face and favour me – That goddess of intelligence who is pervasive like fragrance, who is capable of examining all objects, who possesses golden letters in the shape of the syllables of the Vedas (of who is wholesome and charming), who is continuously present, who is fit to be resorted to by the seekers of the values of life again and again, who possesses flavour and strength and who nourishes me with milk and other wealth.
XLIV-1: May Agni render in me intelligence, continuity of progeny and splendour born of Vedic study. May Indra render in me intelligence, continuity of progeny and virility. May Surya render in me intelligence, continuity of progeny and prowess that strikes
fear in the hearts of enemies.
XLV-1: May death depart from us. May Immortality come to us. May Vaivasvata Yama grant us safety. May the sins of us be destroyed like the seared leaves of a tree. May the strength-giving wealth come to us.
XLVI-1: O Death, go back by thy own path which is other than that of the gods. I entreat thee who art capable of seeing me and listening to me; Do not destroy our progeny. Do not strike down our heroes.
XLVII-1: We heartily supplicate to the Lord of creatures who is the protector of the universe and who is active within us as life-breath and outside us as the blowing wind. May He guard us from death and protect us from sin. May we live brilliantly upto our old age.
XLVIII-1: O Thou Supreme Being, release me from the fear of Yama and accusation of people and the necessity of being in the yonder world. O Agni, may the two divine physicians, the Ashvins, chase away from us death by virtue of the powers of religious work.
XLIX-1: Like servants gods follow Hari who is the Lord of the universe, who leads all thoughts as the foremost leader and who absorbs into Himself the universe at the time of dissolution (or who destroys the sins of devotees). May this path to liberation taught in the Vedas having the same form as Brahman open itself to me. Deprive not me of that. Strive to secure it for me.
L-1: Kindling the consecrated fire with chips of wood (in order to offer oblations during worship) may I attain both the worlds. Having attained the prosperity of this world and the next I shall cross over death.
LI-1: O fierce Death, do not cut off my life. Do not injure (my interest). Do not cripple my strength. Do not subject me to deprivation. Do not hurt my progeny and life. I shall serve thee with oblations; for, thou art vigilant over the deeds of men.
LII-1: O Rudra, injure not our elders, our children, our adults capable of procreation, the foetus we have laid in the mother’s womb and our father and mother. Do not hurt our dear selves.
LIII-1: O Rudra do not hurt us in respect of our children, our grand-children, other men belonging to us, our cattle and our horses. Do not hurt in anger our heroes. We shall serve thee with oblations and reverence.
LIV-1: O Prajapati, all that is born is not different from Thee. Thou art before them and after also (when they are reabsorbed into Thee). The created beings cannot surpass Thee. With whatever desire we offer oblations to Thee may that be fulfilled. May we
become lords of riches.
LV-1: May Indra come to our succour – Indra who is the giver of welfare on earth and bliss in the next world, who is the lord of people, who is the slayer of Vritra, who is the subduer of enemies and giver of rain, who is peaceable and giver of safety.
LVI-1: We worship the three-eyed Lord who is fragrant and who increasingly nourishes the devotees. Worshipping Him may we easily slip off from death just as the ripe cucumber easily separates itself from the binding stalk. May we be never separated from Immortality.
LVII-1: O Death, those thousand and ten thousand and ten thousand snares which thou hast laid for slaying man, all of them we remove by the power of our deeds of worship.
LVIII-1: Hail ! May this be an oblation made to Mrityu, the maker of death.
LIX-1: O Agni, thou art the remover of the offences we have committed against gods. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences we have committed against men. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences we have committed against departed ancestors. Hail ! Thou
art the remover of the offences we have committed to ourselves. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences committed by others connected with us. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences committed by our relatives. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences
committed during day and night. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences committed in the state of dream and waking. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences we have committed in the state of deep sleep and waking. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences committed consciously and unconsciously. Hail ! Thou art the remover of the offences committed by contact with those who are sinners. Hail !
LX-1: O Gods, O Vasus, that serious god-offending sin which we have committed by our tongues, by our understanding, and by our actions, place that in those who come near and act in an evil way towards us. Hail !
LXI-1: Salutations to the gods. Desire performed the act. Desire did the act. Desire is doing the act, not I. Desire is the agent, not I. Desire causes the doer to act, not I. O Desire, fascinating in form, let this oblation be offered to thee. Hail !
LXII-1: Salutations to the gods. Anger performed the act. Anger did the act. Anger is doing the act, not I. Anger is the agent, not I. Anger causes the doer to act, not I. O Anger, let this oblation be offered to thee. Hail !