Kalaratryadi shaktyaugha vruta snigdhau danapriya
Mahavirendra varada rakinyamba svarupini .. 101
Kalaratradi shaktyaugha vruta: Who is attended by Kalaratri and eleven other Shaktis.
Snigdhau danapriya: Who loves offerings of rice mixed with ghee.
Mahavirendra varada: Who grants boons to great heroes.
Rakinyamba svarupini: Who is the Mother as Rakini.
Manipurabja nilaya vadana trayasamyuta
Vajradi kayudhopeta damaryadi bhiravruta .. 102
Manipurabja nilaya: Who resides in the Manipura centre and is known as Lakini
Vadana trayasamyuta: Who has three faces.
Vajradi kayudhopeta: Who has the thunderbolt and other weapons.
Damaryadi bhiravruta: Who is surrounded by ten Sankits beginning with Damari.
Raktavarna mamsanishtha gudanna pritamanasa
Samasta bhaktasukhada lakinyamba svarupini .. 103
Raktavarna: Who has a ruddy hue.
Mamsanishtha: Who presides over flesh in living creatures.
Gudanna pritamanasa: Who has a liking for rice cooked with jaggery.
Samasta bhaktasukhada: Who bestows happiness on all devotees
Lakinyamba svarupini: Who is the Mother with the form of Lakini.
Svadhishthanam bujagata chaturvaktra manohara
Shuladyayudha sampanna pitavarna tigarvita .. 104
Svadhisthanam bujagata: Who abides in the Svadhisthana Chakra under the name of Kakini.
Chaturvaktra manohara: Who is fascinating with Her four faces.
Shuldayayudha sampanna: Who is armed with a trident and other weapons in Her four hands.
Pitavarna: Who is yellow in hue (e.e. golden in colour).
Tigarvita: Who is very dignified.
Medonishtha madhuprita bandhinyadi samanvita
Dadhyannasakta hrudaya kakini rupadharini .. 105
Medonishtha: Who presides over fatty substances in living beings.
Madhuprita: Who loves to have offerings of honey.
Bandinyadi samanvita: Who is surrounded by Bandhini and other five Saktis.
Dadhyannasakta hrudaya: Who loves to have offerings of curd.
Kakini rupadharini: The Mother who appears in the form of Kakini.
Muladharambujarudha panchavaktrasthi samsthita
Ankushadi praharana varadadi nishevita .. 106
Muladharabujarudha: Who assumes Her place in the Muladhara Chakra, described as a lotus of four petals.
Panchavaktra: Who exhibits five faces.
Sthisamsthita: Who presides over bones in living creatures.
Ankushadi praharana: Who is armed with a goad and other weapons.
Varadadi nishevita: Who is attended on by Varada and three other Saktis.
Mudgauda nasaktachitta sakinyamba svarupini
Agya chakrabja nilaya shuklavarna shadanana .. 107
Mudgauda nasaktachitta: Who loves offerings of boiled pulse and rice.
Sakinyamba svarupini: The Mother who appears in the form of Sakini.
Agya charkabja nilaya: The Mother who resides in the agya chakra (which is described as a lotus with two petals).
Shuklavarna: Who is white in complexion.
Shadanana: Who has six faces.
Majja samstha hamsavati mukhyashakti samanvita
Haridrannaika rasika hakini rupadharini .. 108
Majja samstha: Who presides over marrow of living beings.
Hamsavati mukhyashakti: Who is attended n by Hanshavati and other Shaktis.
Samanvita: Who is attended on by Hamsavati and other Saktis.
Haridrannaika rasika: Who loves offerings of saffron – flavoured rice.
Hakini rupadharini: Who assumes the form ofHakini.
Sahasradala padmastha sarvavarnopa shobhita
Sarvayudha dhara shukla samsthita sarvatomukhi .. 109
Sahasradala padmastha: Who dwells in the Shahasrara which is described as a thousand petalled lotus.
Sarvavarnopa shobhita: Who shines with all colours.
Sarvyudha dhara: Who is armed with all weapons.
Shukla samsthita: Who presides over the vital fluid in all creatures.
Sarvatomukhi: Who has faces all round and see in all directions.
Sarvaudana pritachitta yakinyamba svarupini
Svaha svadhamatir medha shrutih smruti ranuttama ..110
Sarvaudana pritachitta: Who loves to have offerings of all kinds of food.
Yakinyamba svarupini: The Mother who appears in the form of Yakini.
Svaha: Who is the deity of Svaha, the sacred exclamation with which oblations aremade in sacrificial fire for gods.
Svadha: The Deity Svadha, the sacred exclamation uttred while making oblations to the Pitrs (manes).
Amatir: Who is Amiti (Buddhi or knowledge).
Medha: Who has become intelligence.
Shrutih: Who has become memory.
Anuttama: Who has none superior.
Punyakirttih punyalabhya punyashravana kirtana
Pulomajarchita bandha mochani barbaralaka .. 111
Punyakirttih: Who is famed for holiness.
Punyalabhya: Who can be attained only through holiness.
Punyashravana kirtana: To hear of whom and to praise whom make for holiness.
Pulomajarchita: Who is adored by Pulomaja, the consort of Indra
Bandha mochani: Who liberates the Jiva from the bondage of Samsara.
Barbaralaka:. Who is wavy – haired.
Vimarsharupini vidya viyadadi jagatprasuh
Sarvavyadhi prashamani sarvamrutyu nivarini .. 112
Vimarsharupini: Who is of the nature of Vimarsha, the mirror of objectivity which makes Shiva self – aware as Prakasha (the pure Luminosity), the subject.
Vidya: Who is Vidya, the knowledge that gives spiritual enlightenment.
Viyadadi jagatprasuh: Who is the origin of the whole consom beginning with the element of Akasha (space).
Sarvamrutyu nivarini: Who wards off all forms of death.
Agraganya chintyarupa kalikalmasha nashini
Katyayani kalahantri kamalaksha nishevita .. 113
Agraganya: Who is to be recknoned as the First in every-thing.
Chintyarupa: Who transcends all thought.
Kalikalmasha nashini: Who destroys the sins of the degenerate age of Kali.
Katyayani: Who is Katyayani, the sumutotal of the effulgence of all the Deities.
Kalahantri: Who puts an end to Time, the destroyer of all.
Kamalaksha nishevita: Who is worshipped even by the lutus – eyed Vishnu.
Tambula puritamukhi dadimi kusumaprabha
Mrugakshi mohini mukhya mrudani mitrarupini .. 114
Tambula puritamukhi: Whose mouth is full of chewing betel.
Dadimi kusumaprabha: Who shines like a pomegranate flower.
Mrugakshi: Whose eyes are like those of a doe.
Mohini: Who is bewitching beauty.
Mukhya: Who is known as Mukhya – prana, the first – born of creation. (known as Hiranyagarbha or the four – faced Brahma).
Mrudani: Who is the Consort of Mruda, the Divine dispenser of Happiness (i.e. Shiva in His sattvika aspect).
Mitrarupini: Who is effulgent like the Sun.
Nityatrupta bhaktanidhih niyantri nikhileshvari
Maitryadi vasana labhya mahapralaya sakshini .. 115
Nityatrupta: Who is eternally contentd and happy.
Bhaktanidhih: Who is a treasure to Her devotees.
Niyantri: Who is the guide and controller of all.
Nikhileshvari: Who is Ruler of the worlds.
Maitryadi vasana labhya: Who is attained through loving kindness and other such dispositions.
Mahapralaya sakshini: Who witnesses the dissolution of the whole cosmos.
Parashaktih paranishtha pragyana ghanarupini
Madhvi panalasa matta matruka varnarupini .. 116
Parashaktih: Who is Para – sakti, the Supreme Power.
Paranishtha: Who is the Supreme End and establishment in Faith.
Pragyana ghanarupini: Who is Pure consciousness condensed.
Madhvi panalasa: Who is introverted and inactive like one intoxicated with wine.
Matta: Who is the ego consciousness of Shiva.
Maturka varna rupini: To whom all the alphabets are related as Her form.
Mahakailasa nilaya mrunala mrudu dorlata
Mahaniya dayamurtih mahasamrajya shalini .. 117
Mahakailasa nilaya: Whose abode is the Maha – kailasha ( the Bindu in the Sahasrara).
Mrunala mrudu dorlata: Whose arms are smooth and slender like a pair of lotus stalks.
Mahaniya: Who is adorable.
Dayamurtih: Who is compassion itself.
Mahasamrajya shalini: To whom belongs the vast empire of the whole universe.
Atmavidya mahavidya shrividya kamasevita
Shrishoda shakshari vidya trikuta kamakotika .. 118
Atmavidya: Who is Atma – vidya, the doctrine of the Self.
Mahavidya: Who is Maha – vidya, the great doctrine (also a deity).
Shrividya: Who is Srhi – vidya (the fifteen lettered Mantra of the Devi).
Kamasevita: Who is meditated upon by Kamadeva, the god of love.
Shrishoda shakshari vidya: Who is the Shodashakshari – vidya, the sixteen lettered Mantra of the Devi.
Trikuta: Who forms the three Kutas or groups of letters of Shri – vidya.
Kamakotika: Of whom Kameshvara (Parama – Shiva) is a mode.
Katakshakinkari bhuta kamalakoti sevita
Shirahsthita chandranibha bhalasthendra dhanuhprabha .. 119
Katakshakinkari bhuta kamalakoti sevita: Who can at a mere glance make crores of Lakshmis (goddesses of wealth and beauty) wait upon Her.
Shirahsthita: Who dwells in the Shasrara in the head.
Chandranibha: Who shines as the Moon in the pericap of the Sahasrara lotus.
Bhalasthendra: Who dwells as the Bindu in the syllable Harim meditated in the forehead.
Dhanuhprabha: Who shines in the colours of the rainbow.
Hrudayastha raviprakhya trikonantara dipika
Dakshayani daityahantri daksha-yagya vinashini .. 120
Hrudayastha: Who abides in the heart of the devotees for meditation.
Raviprakhya: Who blazes in the heart like the Sun.
Trikonantara dipika: Who resides in the centre of the Muladhara known as the Trikona.
Dakshayani: Who manifested as the daughter of Daksha.
Daityahantri: Who destroys demons who embody the forces of evil.
Daksha-yagya vinashini: Who destroyed the sacrifice of Daksha.