Jupiter. Jupiter is no doubt is his own house but it will not confer good results being in a dushthansa house. So the person will be disrespected although he may be a religious and kind hearted man. Many enemies, will lead an average life, troubles and worries in middle age. Shortage of wealth and under debt. Friends and relations will act as enemies. Worried on account of debt. If well aspected reverse are the results.
Venus. Loss of wealth in pleasurable pursuits. Loss of rank and service, No comforts from conveyance, adulterous, litigation and troubles. Death of wife. Life Full of worries and troubles. Faithful servants, interest in social welfare. May built own house.
Saturn. A good position for Saturn. It will confer on the native fame, respect and wealth. Famous, intelligent and victory over enemies. Well versed in many engineering branches particularly or Mechanical and Agriculture Successful in solving the difficult most problems. Rheumatic pain in legs and neck. Happy last life, long, well versed and famous mechanical engineer. Sickly wife, marriage below social status. Dangerous sickness, loss of money through those in whose keeping it may be.
Rahu or Ketu. A good and capable scientist. Skilled in many arts. He can also be a good surgeon. Many journeys. Victory over enemies, will face litigations and disputes in middle of life and will be disrespected by the people. An afflicted health. Under debt.
Seventh House
Sun. Intelligent, a good mathematician, gain through women. Not so sexy, Downfall and troubles from rulers. Disrespected. In last part of life may be under worries and disputes with the Govt. Gain by marriage, contracts and from women.
Moon. Respected and famous. Gain from business, gain of enormous money through some contract in middle age. Happy married life. Blessed with property. Fond of opposite sex.
Mars. Wealthy, famous respected and brave. Courageous and land owner. Victory in disputes and arguments. A good orator. Two marriages. No comforts from first wife. Discord with children. Loss by theft. Gain through law suits and good marriage.
Mercury. Many enemies, loss and disputes in middle age. Two marriages. No happiness even from second wife. Loss of wealth through law suits. A troubled and worried life generally through women.
Jupiter. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn sign and will not be beneficial. Learned but no gain from that. Under debt, clever and indwelling, worried, loss of wealth through quarrels and law suits, changeable profession, a troubled life. Disease of hearts, disrespected. Loss through business. No comforts from wife and will be very popular with the people. Public enemies, marriage with a stranger whose relations will oppose.
Venus. No happiness and success in early life. Clever and intelligent. Relations with opposite sex. Loss in business, a quarrelsome and wicked wife, a troubled life, rheumatic pain. Comforts and relief after milldle age. Success in law suits. Property by marriage, land and women.
Saturn. Two marriages, unhappy children, Disturbed married life, wife will be of harsh temperament, quarrelsome, reverses in business and service, litigations and debts. Life will be full of difficulties and miseries. If well aspected gain, through law suits and profit and comforts in life.
Rahu or Ketu. Many relations with women and loss through them. Loss in life by having confidence in people. Rash temperament and worried. Loss of property. Danger to respect and ill fame. Disputes and litigations in life.
Eighth House
Sun. Sun in Aquarius in 8th house is not auspicious. Short life, rheumatic pain, under debt, quarrelsome and poor. Will face financial difficulties and may become bankrupt. Danger to respect. Man enemies, loss of ancestral property. Troubles and worries through Govt. If well aspected then gain by legacy, goods of dead and money of partner.
Moon. Danger from enemies and thieves, short life, may be a patient of T.B. or bronchitis. Troubles from wife. Lean body. Lazy and spendthrift. Will cause loss and dispute to maternal relations, occult experience. Mediumistic.
Mars. Adulterous and licentious. Troubles and worries after middle age. Indigestion and weak stomach. Disputes with people. Rheumatic pains and may die on this account. Loss or injury to nay part of body due to fall from high place or conveyance. Relations with other women. Two marriages and loss of wealth. Loss through speculations and children. Gain through estate, law suits, legacies, inheritance, insurance etc. of deceased persons.
Mercury. Long life, poor and wicked friends, Subordinate to others. No happiness inspite of the fact that one is well skilled but no gain from such skill. May be afflicted to cough, flu and asthma. False accusation. Unsatisfactory end and troubles over inheritance.
Jupiter. Short life, early life will be comfortable. Success and wealth in middle life. Relation with other women. Wealthy, blessed with property. Less comforts from parents. Downfall for a short period and may become ill famed. Worried and in trouble due to some secret disease. Under debt. Disfavour and worries from officers and Govt; Financial reward for faithful service. Gain by long journeys and psychic.
Venus. Will enjoy a fairly long life. Good tempered and habits. Worries from wife, fond of travelling, death at some religious place. Loss of a limb due to fall or accident from conveyance. Repayment of elder’s debt. Gifts or legacies from friends. Gain through legacies or estate.
Saturn. Long life, licentious, adulterous, respected, many enemies, loss of health and wealth. May become victum of syphlis, bile and venereal diseases. Money by marriage, death of partner.
Rahu or Ketu. Undesireable company, will talk ill about his elders. Spendthrift and licentious. Earning of wealth due to hard labour. Many enemies. Loss of wealth and will become bankrupt. Disputes and litigations in life.