10. If Saturn and the Moon in conjunction with a malefic occupy any one of the signs Aries, Kataka, Capricorn, Scorpio identical with the 9th house, the person concerned will be lame.
If Mars should aspect with his 7th glance the Moon and Saturn posited in the Ascendant, the native will be a bit void of intelligence. If Mars be betwixt the Sun and the Moon, the same result should be declared.
11. If the Moon occupy the Ascendant and Saturn endowed with power (i.e., owning strong Vargas) be posited in the 10th house and be aspected by Mercury with the 7th house glance, the person concerned will be highly intelligent.
If Mars and the Moon be posited in the Ascendant and aspected by Mercury with a full glance, the native will be lacking in intelligence. If the Moon and the lord of the Ascendant be aspected by Mars with a full glance, the same result should be declared.
12-13. If Mercury be in the Ascendant and the Sun and Saturn be posited (1) in their inimical house and be aspected by Mars (2) in a single house (identical with the 6th or in the same hemisphere, oriental or occidental – or – visible or invisible and be devoid of benefic aspect, the native will have lost his intelligence.
If the Sun owns the 6th and be conjoined with a malefic and be in the 4th, the person will suffer from heart disease.
If Saturn or Jupiter own the 6th and be in conjunction with a malefic in the 4th, the native will suffer from bilious complaints and trembling or be troubled by the wicked.
If Mars, Saturn and Jupiter be posited in the 4th house, the person will have heart-disease and will invariably suffer from troublesome wounds in the body.
When Mars, occupies the 4th, the Sun, Mercury and Rahu are in the 5th and Saturn is posited in the 8th in any nativity, the person concerned will suffer much misery.
14. If Mars posited in his own house aspects the Ascendant, the person born will be a coward; the same result should be declared when Saturn in the case of a night-birth is in the 10th house.
If Mars occupy the Ascendant, the person concerned will cause discord among his relations.
If Mars be in the 7th without occupying any of his Vargas, the native will be of a good physique; he will further take great interest in war-fare and will be of a very rude and fiery temperament.
15-16. If Mars and Mercury aspect each other by the 7th glance, the person born will be tall.
If the Moon be aspected by Saturn, the Sun and Mars, the native will be sluggish in disposition.
If the waning Moon be conjoined with Mars, the native will do sinful deeds and he will be hot-tempered.
If Mercury posited in the Ascendant should aspect Jupiter by his 7th glance or if Mars and Mercury occupy the 9th house, the person concerned will be intent on producing mirth and ridicule.
If Mars and Mercury be posited in a Rashi owned by Saturn or be aspected by Saturn, the person concerned will be clever in pleasing the sovereign and learned men.
If the Moon posited in a Dusthana aspect Venus, the native will be a wondering nature.
If Mars, Mercury and the Moon be aspected by a strong planet, the person will become inspired with the power of speech.
17. If Venus and Mercury occupy the 7th, 8th and 10th house, the person born will be an adulterer. Venus, and Mars when posited in the 7th, 8th and 10th houses, or the 10th and 4th houses, produce the same result. Venus occupying the 10th house reckoned from the Moon or the 4th house counted from Saturn, causes the same result. A similar effect should be declared when, Venus occupying his sign, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are posited in the 7th and 10th houses.
18. 18. If Saturn should occupy a house which is prior to that occupied by the Moon or Venus, or if the Moon and Venus posited in the Ascendant aspect Saturn, the person born will become subject to ill-fame or disgrace.
If Saturn in conjunction with the Sun be posited in the 4th Kendra, or if Saturn be aspected by Venus and the Moon, or if Saturn be aspected by Venus and the Moon, or if the Sun be eclipsed (if there be Solar eclipse), the native will be put to disgrace by being deprived of his generating organ.
19. If at a birth, Venus be posited in a sign owned by Mars, the person concerned will never be able to give satisfaction to his partner (in the matter of sexual enjoyment). If the lord of the Ascendant occupying his own Rashi should aspect Venus posited in the 7th house, then too, the native will not be able to satisfy his partner. The Moon in conjunction with Saturn when occupying the 10th or the 4th place reckoned from Mars produces the same result.
20. If Venus happening to own the 6th house from the Ascendant be conjoined with Mars, the person concerned will be lustful; and this will be all the more when he is aspected by a malefic.
If Venus be posited in his own Rashi or in Gemini, the native will be infatuated by love.
If Saturn occupy Dhanus or Taurus, identical with the Ascendant, the person concerned will not have much sexual desire.