Fifth House
Sun. Sun is exalted in this sign. Lord of 9th house (trikona house) in another trikona house is very beneficial and benefic. It will confer on the native good intelligence, one will learned, well respected, bold and with fortune. Long journey, learnings, wisdom, prudence, fortunate with strangers, foreigners, wife’s relations and voyages. Interest in science, inventions, law, philosophy or political economy. Wealthy and comforts of life, property and conveyance. Gain through secrets. In early age one may be deprived from comforts of parents.
Moon. Average financial position. Unfortunate children or death of same. Danger through excessive pleasure, speculations, children and their affairs. Medium span of life.
Mars. Lucky and man of power and authority. May be a magistrate or some army officer. Danger from fire, of rash temperament.
Mercury. An intelligent and learned person. Pleasure through wife, relations with children will be cordial and comforts from them. Native’s children will suffer from sickness but rise to honours. Gain through speculation, pleasures, young people, sports and stage. A good writer and a God fearing man.
Jupiter. Gain through father, a learned, intelligent and generous native. God fearing and blessed with children and gain through them. Helpful to people, knowledge of a few languages, comforts from children in old age. Delight in pleasure, amusement, sports, speculations and children with tendency to success through these. Interested in art, literature and poetry. If afflicted reverse results.
Venus. Very benefic, happiness and pleasure in life through children, friends and beneficial circumstances. Average financial status, may face some financial difficulty and debt in life. Illness through pursuits of or over indulgence in pleasure of sports. Troubles through enemies and danger of poison. Troubles through women.
Saturn. Saturn is posited in debilitated sign in 5th house. It devoids any profit from children, cheat, disrespected, average intelligence, back bitter, adulterous, devoid from parent’s affliction. Gain by speculation, investment and pleasure. Pleasurable journeys, pleasure through children, reading, study and travels.
Rahu. Frees the native from many troubles, calamities and danger. Long lived and fortunate children. Fond of recreation, pleasure and sports. Gain through employment.
Ketu. It may deny issue subject to other checks, disobedient and crossed children. Excessive or irregular pleasures produce much harm.
Sixth House
Sun. Victory over enemies, sickness, travelling, study of hygiene, medicine, healing etc. Difficulty through work in foreign lands, or in connection with exporting. Change of profession in middle of life, diseased and troubled life. Danger of thefts during journey, and loss to maternal relations.
Moon. Gain through maternal relations, dangerous sickness, death by pets, small animals and servants, loss of money earned and through one in whose custody it may be. Short life (subject to other checks), many enemies and opponents, residence in mountaineous region, unsuccessful hopes, worried and troubles on these counts.
Mars. Troubles through enemies and loss of property through them and one may be forced to leave the country, sickness among children, pleasure through hygienic methods, difficulty, troubles and loss through employees. Limitations on account of sickness. Troubled married life, travel in foreign land and fond of wealth but generally unaccomplished hopes.
Mercury. Lean and weak constitution. Educated but happy, loss, gain from education. Wife may be in service and source of financial help. Happy and gain through children in old age. Modest worldly position, gain and honour through service and employment. The native may marry below his status, mentally or socially has sickly wife and evily disposed employees.
Jupiter. A man of strong determination, a good healer, gain through humanitarianism, food, clothing and employees. Loss of possessions through sickness or servants. May build his own house. Loss of respect in middle age. Many enemies and loss through them. Loss of money on account of being a surety of someone. Friends may acts as enemies. Danger of some punishment in middle age.
Venus. Many enemies and relations with women and will therefore suffer at their hands. Severe illness, success in service and with employees, poultry, medicine or social services. Friends among working people and those in Army, Navy or Air Force. Faithful servants and interest in social welfare. Disrespected due to connections with other women.
Saturn. Untrustworthy, adulterous, unreligious, skin disease, poor, dishonest, earn money through illegal ways loss through animals, fall from height and fracture in leg and may become lame. Gain through inferiors, sickness or injury during journey, difficulties through brothers and interest in study and methods of healing or social economy.
Rahu. Favours the health and strengthens the body. Faithful and honest employees, gain through service and fortunate through father.
Ketu. Law suits and litigation, danger of illness through bite of reptiles, insects or animals. Suffers due to physical afflictions, changeable residence. Loss through deception from servants.
Seventh House
Sun. Learned, respected and popular. Legal ways of livelihood. Marriage to a stranger opposed by relations. Public enemies through religious, scientific or sea-fearing people. Inventor of new items, gain from business or trade. Knowledge and well versed in law of the land. Fond of opposite sex and bickering in married life.