3. Suryabheda Sit on Padmasana or Siddhasana. Close the eyes. Keep the left nostril closed with your right ring and little fingers. Slowly inhale without making any sound as long as you can... Read more
Five Pranas NAME COLOUR LOCATION REGION FUNCTION SUB-PRANAS Prana Yellow Anahata Chakra Chest Respiration 1. Naga does eructation and hiccup. Apana Orange red Muladhara Chakra Anus Discharge... Read more
INSTRUCTIONS When you do the practice in your meditation room, sit in your favourite Asana (posture), Siddhasana or Padmasana. At other times you can do in a standing or sitting posture. Tra... Read more
Stage II: Now allow the centre of the abdomen free by contracting the left and right side of the abdomen. You will have all the muscles in the centre in a vertical line. This is called Madhy... Read more
1. Dhauti Purification is of two kinds: Antar-Dhauti (internal cleaning) and Bahir-Dhauti (external cleaning). Antar-Dhauti can be made in three ways. Take a fine piece of muslin cloth, 3 in... Read more
Chapter Three YOGA SADHANA How To Awaken The Kundalini One should become perfectly desireless and should be full of Vairagya before attempting to awaken Kundalini. It can be awakened only wh... Read more
Kundalini, the serpent power or mystic fire, is the primordial energy or Sakti that lies dormant or sleeping in the Muladhara Chakra, the centre of the body. It is called the serpentine or a... Read more
1. Cerebrum: It is the anterior, oval-shaped larger part of the brain. It is situated in the upper portion of the cranial cavity. This contains the important centres of hearing, speech, sigh... Read more
Svadhishthana Chakra Svadhishthana Chakra is located within the Sushumna Nadi at the root of the reproductory organ. This corresponds to Bhuvar Loka. This has control over the lower abdomen,... Read more
Other Nadis Gandhari, Hastajihva, Kuhu, Sarasvati, Pusha, Sankhini, Payasvini, Varuni, Alambusha, Vishvodhara, Yasasvini, etc., are some other important Nadis. These have their origin in Kan... Read more