BOOK IX CHAPTER III I Indra 1. Swift, rapidly striking, like a bull who sharpens his horns, terrific, stirring up the people. With eyes that close not, bellowing, sole hero, Indra subdued at... Read more
BOOK IX CHAPTER II I Agni 1. O Agni, strength and fame are thine: thy fires blaze forth on high, O thou refulgent God! Sage, passing bright, thou givest to the worshipper with power, the wea... Read more
BOOK IX CHAPTER I I Soma Pavamana 1. Forward have flowed the streams of power, of this the mighty one effused, Of him who waits upon the Gods. 2. The singers praise him with their song, and... Read more
BOOK VIII CHAPTER III I Agni 1.Wise Agni, in the ancient way, making his body beautiful, Hath been exalted by the sage. 2. I invocate the Child of Strength, Agni whose glow is bright and pur... Read more
BOOK VIII CHAPTER II I Indra 1. Pressers, blend Soma juice for him, each draugbt most excellent, for him The brave, the: hero, for his joy! 2. The two stroing bay steeds, voked by prayer, hi... Read more
BOOK VIII CHAPTER I I Agni 1. With all thy fires, O Agni, find pleasure in this our sacrifice, And this our speech, O son of Strength! 2. Whate’er, in this perpetual course, we sacrifi... Read more
BOOK VII CHAPTER III I Indra 1. Men with their lauds are urging thee, Indra, to drink the Soma first. The Ribhus in accord have lifted up their voice, and Rudras sung thee as the first. 2. I... Read more
BOOK VII CHAPTER II I Agni 1. Who, Agni, is thy kin, of men? who honours thee with sacrifice? On whom dependent? who art thou? 2. The kinsman, Agni! of mankind, their well-beiaved friend art... Read more
BOOK VII CHAPTER I I Indra 1. Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra the guardian of the kine, The Son of Truth, Lord of the brave, 2. Hither have his bay steeds been sent, red steeds... Read more
BOO VI CHAPTER III I Soma Pavamana 1. Pour down the rain upon us, pour a wave of waters from the sky. And plenteous store of wholesome foood! 2. Flow onward with that stream of thine, whereb... Read more