28. Daanam atmajnaanam Such a yogi ever disseminates the knowledge of the Supreme Self in word and deed. He is the true ‘Guru’ to spiritual seekers. 29. Yo avipastho jnaahetuscha He is the i... Read more
8. Jagrad dvitiya-karah The waking state of consciousness in an individual is only the secondary level radiated by the effulgence of the Supreme Light of Consciousness of Siva, the primary l... Read more
21. Suddhavidyodayaacchakresatva-siddhih On the dawning of the pure integrated knowledge (consciousness) pertaining to the principle underlying all kinds of manifestation, the Yogi acquires... Read more
Saambhavopaaya 1. Chaitanyam Aatmaa The individual spirit which is no other than the innermost self of man is essentially of the nature of Pure Consciousness or the Reality. 2. Jnaanam bandh... Read more
The Siva-sutras are in the nature of aphorisms corresponding to Brahma-sutras. They are believed to have been revealed to Vasugupta who compiled them. Vasugupta is also the author of Spandak... Read more